Backing Up, Compressing and Restoring

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Backing Up, Compressing and

Need for Backups

 Accidental erasure of data

 Corruption of data due to power failure or hard disk
 Virus attack on files
 Upgrade of system to provide for larger storage
Quality of a Good Backup

 Reliability
 Speed
 Availability
 Ease of use and documentation
Backup Strategies
 Full Backup
 Complete backup of all required files
 Performed in regular intervals
 Incremental Backup
 Backing up files that has been modified after last full
 To ensure that state of files stored in backup are
consistent with original files
Concept of backup Levels

 To keep track of all the backups

 Indicates the type of backup being performed
 Level 0
 Performed immediately after OS is installed
 Level 1, 2, 3 etc
 Mainly incremental backups
Sample Plan 1
Sample Plan 2
Files to be Backed Up

 Prioritize and select files to be backed up

 Categorize files into user files and system files
 Backup /etc, /home directories
Files not to be Backed Up

 Software installed and configured

 /tmp
 /proc
 /var
Factors to Select a Backup Medium

 Portability
 Support for unattended or automated backups
 User Interface for the backup utility
 Support for remote backups
 Media types supported
 Cost of the backup utility
The tar command

 To store, backup, transport and archive files

 Creates an archive called tar file, or tar ball
 .tar extension
 Tar file is a single file that contains multiple files
 Tar file stores:
 Multiple files
 File access permissions
 User and group owners
 Size in bytes
 Time of last modification
The tar command contd...

 Name comes from Tape Archiver

 Creates new tar file
 Add new members to the tar file
 Extract member files
 View members of a tar file
The tar command contd...

 Used to store files to conveniently transfer over the

 Many utilities that we can download from the
Internet are in tar format
 Commonly used to perform full and incremental
 Preserves file information and directory structure
 By default do not compress files
The tar command contd...

 Syntax
 Tar [options] [filenames] [directory names]
 Options
 First option must be either A, c d, r, t, u or x
 Last option is names of files and directories to be
Creating a new archive

 tar –cvf trail.tar /root/test/*

 Creates tar file with name trial.tar
 Contains all files from /root/test/ directory
 Leading / will be removed from files names for added
 Options:
 -c to create
 -v for verbose
 -f to specify name of tar file or location where archive is to
be created
Restoring Files

 tar –xvf trail.tar

 -x to extract
 Path names denote relative path names
 Creates a directory named root in current directory
Listing the Files in an Archive

 tar –tf trail.tar

 Files not extracted or modified
 Just lists the files in the archive
Comparing Files in an Archive with Disk

 tar –dvf trail.tar

 -d for difference
 Single line output for each file in archive stating what
the difference is
 Reports differences in:
 File size, mode, owner, modification and date
Compare the files stored in arheive and actual disk files
Adding Files to an Archive

 tar –rvf trail.tar /root/test/imp

 -r for append
 To append new files to the archive
 Will append a new copy if file is already present in
Updating Files in an Archive

 tar –uvf trail.tar /root/test/m.c /root/test/a.out

 -u for update
 Both files /root/test/m.c /root/test/a.out are compared
with respective files in archive and if different will be
appended to the end of the archive
 While restoring, the files are sequentially extracted and
hence latest version will be extracted last and
overwrites any existing copies
Deleting Files from an Archive

 tar --delete –f trail.tar /root/test/tmp

Concatenating Tar Archives

 tar –Af trial.tar script.tar

 Adds all content of script.tar to trial.tar
Compressing Files

 tar –zcvf trial.tar.gz /root/test/*

 z for compressing and decompressing
 Uses the gzip and gunzip utilities
 To view contents of compressed tar file:
 tar –ztvf trial.tar.gz
Storing Files on External Devices

 tar –cvpf /dev/nst0 /home /root

 Creates full backup of /home and /root and stores it on
the tape
Device must be mounted before using it
Operations Available in tar command

 -A appends tar files

 -c creates new archive
 -d compares archive members with files in system
 -t lists archive members
 -r appends files to end of archive
 -u adds files to the end of archive
 -x extract members from archive
 --delete delete members from archive
Making Incremental Backups

 Use –u option with tar command

 Also –g option of tar command
 tar –cf level1.tar –g level0.tar /home
The cpio Utility

 To copy files to or from a tar archive

 To store an archive on any type of backup media
 Used to store and retrieve large amounts of data
Advantages of cpio over tar

 Used to compress data efficiently

 Can take backups that span several tapes
 Skips bad sectors and continues to take backups
 tar crashes and corrupts the tape in case it finds bad
 Can backup remote systems
 cpio archive contains files and information about
these files
Modes of cpio command

Mode Meaning Option

Copies files into an archive. Takes a list of names
Copy-out from standard input and writes archive to -o
standard output.
Copy-in Extracts or creates a list of files from an archive. -i
Reads the archive from standard input
Copies files from one directory to another. ie, it
combines the copy-out and copy-in steps without
Copy-pass using an archive. Reads the list of files from -p
standard input. Directory to which the files must
be copied should be given as argument to the
The dump and restore Utilities

 To back up files from a file system

 Not for archiving
 Can back up files to be stored on any medium
 If size of files to be backed up is large, dump utility
automatically spans multiple volumes
 Supports backup levels
 Remote backup possible with –f option
 File system type must be ext2 only
The dump and restore Utilities

 Inverse function of dump utility

 To restore files into the file system from a backup
created by dump
 Can restore a full backup and then restore
incremental backups
 To restore data over a network use the –f option
Syntax for dump and restore

 dump <-backup_level> [options] filesystem

 restore <operation> [option] [file/s]

 <-backup_level> specifies level of backup needed

 Type of backup can be specified using <options>

 Example:
 dump -0 –f full_dump /home
Compressing Files

 To limit hard disk space

 To reduce space utilized by files
 Utilities may use algorithms
The compress utility

 To compact a disk file to a file of smaller size

 Compacts and replaces the file with a .z extension
 Reduces text file to about 50 to 60% of the original size
 File can be restored to original size using uncompress
The compress utility

 Compress utility attaches a magic number to the files

that are compressed
 Uncompress searches for this magic number and the .z
 Ignores files having .z extension, but no magic number
 Magic number is not visible
The compress utility

 Does not change original attributes of the file

 Does not compress symbolic links
 If a regular file ahs multiple hard links, -f option
needed to compress it

 Zcat utility
 To view contents of file without decompressing it
 zcat searches for magic number , not for .z extension
Syntax for compress, uncompress and

 compress [options] [file names]

 uncompress [options] [filename]
 zcat –V [file names]
Options available with compress
and uncompress

Option Meaning

--r Displays output to standard output. The uncompress –c is

equivalent to zcat utility.
-c Compress/decompress directories recursively.
-V Print versions of the utility
The gzip uitlity

 To compress files
 Preferred over compress utility
 Reduces size of a text file to 60 to 70% of original size
 Creates a file with extension .gz
 The gunzip utility used to decompress files
 To decompress can use, gunzip, gzip –z or zcat
Syntax for gzip, gunzip and zcat

 gzip [options] [file names]

 gunzip [options] [filenames]
 zcat [options] [file names]
Options with gzip and gunzip
Option Meaning
-c Displays output to standard output
-d Decompresses files; gzip –d is same as gunzip
-h Displays help
Does not save original file name and time stamp while
-n compressing
-N Ensures that original time stamp and name are not modified
-r Compresses/decompresses directories recursively
-l Lists the size of original file, size after compression and ratio
of compression
-q Runs in quiet mode; all warnings suppressed
-f Forces compression even if there are multiple hard links
Specifies level at which compression should happen (1 to 9).
=<#> Default is 6

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