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IPE 341-Metal Forming Processes - Sheet Metal Working

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IPE 341: Manufacturing Processes-II

Dr. M. Muhshin Aziz Khan

Department of IPE
Course Contents
IPE 341(3.0 credits)

Bulk deformation processes: Forging;

open, close, coining, Extrusion; Hot and Nonconventional joining processes:
cold extrusion process; Rolling; LASER, Electron Beam, Submerged Arc
Sheet metal working: Shearing and
forming, Bending, Bulging, Explosive Plastic products manufacturing
forming ; processes: Injection molding,
compression molding, blow molding,
Non-traditional machining process: vacuum forming and hand lay-up.
Electro-discharge, electrochemical,
LASER beam, electron beam, and
abrasive jet machining;
Reference Books
 Fundamentals of Modern
Manufacturing Materials, Processes,  Manufacturing Processes
and Systems U.K. Singh and Manish Dwivedi
Mikell P. Groover Second Edition
Fourth Edition New Age International P. Limited
John Willy & Sons, Inc.

 DeGarmo’s Materials and Processes in

Manufacturing  Manufacturing Processes
Tenth Edition H.N. Gupta, R.C. Gupta and Arun
John Willy & Sons, Inc. Mittal
Second Edition
 Introduction to Basic manufacturing New Age International P. Limited
Processes and Workshop Technology
Singh are available at the following link:
New Age International P. Limited
IPE 341: Manufacturing Processes-II

Metal Forming Processes:

Sheet Metal Working

Dr. M. Muhshin Aziz Khan

Department of IPE
Learning Objectives
 On completion of the lectures on ‘Sheet Metal Working’, you should
be able to

 Describe shearing, punching,  Analyze the mechanics

blanking, and shaving involved in bending and apply

operations and distinguish knowledge to solve the related

them from one another; real-life problems.

 Analyze the mechanics

involved in various sheet metal

forming operations, and apply

knowledge to solve the

Sheet Metal Working
 A group of manufacturing processes in
which force is applied to a piece of  Categories of Sheet Metal Forming
sheet-metal to modify its geometry. Processes
 Sheet metal working is performed on  Sheet-metal forming processes can
relatively thin sheets of metal. be divided into two major groups:
 Typical sheet-metal thicknesses  Cutting processes – sheet-metal is
are in the range of 0.4 mm – 6 mm. cut by subjecting it to shear
 Starting sheet or plate stock used stresses between punch and die or
is made by flat rolling. blades of a shear, e.g., shearing,
punching, blanking, notching, etc.
 Applied force produces the stresses
in the sheet-metal beyond its yield  Plastic deformation processes –
strength. sheet-metal undergoes partial or
complete plastic deformation, e.g.,
 Sheet-metal parts are usually made
Sheet Metal Working
 Cutting Operations  Holes are sheared in the form of a
 It is accomplished by a sharing blank (a.k.a. slug) using a punch
action of two sharp cutting edges. and a die.
 Shearing  Sheared blank/slug is scrap and the
remainder is the workpart.
 A cutting operation used to cut
the sheet, plate or strip into the
smaller sections.
 Material is sheared along a
straight line between two sharp
cutting edges.
 Blanking
 Depending of the types of blade
 A cutting operation used to cut the
used, it can be classified as
material along a close outline
straight or rotary.
(a.k.a. blank or slug)
 Punching
 Blank/slug is usually the workpart
 A cutting operation used make and the remainder is scrap.
Sheet Metal Working
 Cutting Operations  Features:
 Cutting off  The cut edges are not
 A shearing operation in which necessarily straight,
blanks are separated from a sheet-  To avoid the scrap, the blanks
metal strip. are nested on the strip.
 The opposite sides of the
blank/part are cut in sequence.  Parting
 A punching operation in which a
punch with two cutting edges that
match the opposite sides of the
blank is used to make a blank from
sheet-metal strip.
 Performed if the part outline/shape
is such that blanks can not be
Sheet Metal Working
 Cutting Operations
 Notching  Shaving
 A punching operation used to  A shearing operation in which a
remove a portion of the metal from thin strip of metal is removed along
the edge of the sheet-metal. the edges to improve the quality
 Punch and die set up are similar to and accuracy of blanked parts.
punching operation.  Operation is performed with a very
small clearance.

 Slitting
 A shearing operation used to cut a  Semi-notching
 A punching operation used to
Sheet Metal Working
 Example: Production of washer
 Steps involved in fabricating a
washer are as follows:
 Shearing  Punching
 Starting stock for a washer is first  Finally a round hole is made into
made by shearing from a big metal the blank by punching.
 Punch size is same as actual hole
 Blanking size.
 A blank is then produced from the
starting stock by blanking.
 Die size is same as
component/blank size
 Shaving
 To improve the quality and
accuracy, blur produced at the top
Sheet Metal Working
 Shearing Mechanism  This phase is also known as plastic
 Shearing occurs in three phases: phase.
 Phase I  As the blade moves downward, it
presses work material farther.
 This phase is also known as the
elastic phase.  the stress in the material

 The work material is compressed  exceeds the yield strength of the

across and slightly deformed material,
between the blades.  but is still lower than the UTS
 The stress in the material is lower
than the yield strength.  Material undergoes plastic
 Phase II deformation between the cutting
edges of the blades.
Sheet Metal Working
Shearing Mechanism  The material starts to part
 Phase III from the workpiece.
 In this phase,  The cracks in the material start
at the edges of the blades
 The strain in the work material
reaches the fracture limit  on both the upper and lower
sides of the work material.
 The stress in the material
becomes equal to the
shearing strength of the
Sheet Metal Working
  Shearing Force Thickness of the material
 The force required shearing depends  In practice, this calculated shearing
on types of the cutter edge. force needs to be increased by 20%
 straight parallel cutters, to 40% depending on the:

 straight inclined cutters, and  obtuseness of the angle of the

cutter edge,
 rotary cutters.
 enlarged clearance between
 Shearing with Straight Parallel Cutters
 The shearing force F with straight
 variations in the thickness of the
parallel cutters can be calculated as:
material, and
 other unpredictable factors.
width of the material
 The real force of the shearing
Sheet Metal Working
  Shearing Force

 Shearing with Straight Parallel Cutters  For shearing with a work holder, turn
 For shearing without a work holder, angle of the work piece,
turn angle of the work piece,

 The crosscut force, Ft at the cutters:  The crosscut force, Ft at the cutters:
Sheet Metal Working
  Shearing Force

 The force required shearing depends  The shearing force can be calculated
on types of the cutter edge. approximately as:
 straight parallel cutters, 
 straight inclined cutters, and
 rotary cutters. Where
 Shearing with Straight Inclined Cutters - For most materials
 Straight inclined cutters are used for - Ratio for material
cutting material of relatively small The relative amount of penetration
thickness compared to the width of of the upper blade into the material.
= Angle of inclination of the upper
 Using inclined cutters cutter
 reduces the shearing force and = 70 – 120; Without material holder;
 increases the range of movement > 120; Use material holder
necessary to separate the material.
Sheet Metal Working
 Shearing Force
Sheet Metal Working
 Blanking and Punching Mechanism  This phase is also known as plastic
 Punching and blanking occur in three phase.
phases:  As the punch moves downward, work
 Phase I material is pushed farther into the
die opening.
 This phase is also known as the
elastic phase.  Stress concentration occurs in the
material close to the cutting edges;
 The work material is slightly
compressed between the punch and
die.  Plastic deformation in the material
between the cutting edges of the
 The stress and deformation in the
punch and die.
material do not exceed the elastic
limit.  At the end of this phase,

 Phase II  the stress in the work material

close to the cutting edges reaches
a value corresponding to the
material shear strength,
Dies: Die Design
 Blanking and Punching  also at the die edge on the
Mechanism lower side of the material.
 Phase III
 In this phase,
 The strain in the work material  The cracks propagate along the
reaches the fracture limit, and slip planes until complete
 micro-cracks appear which separation of the part from the
turn into macro-cracks, sheet occurs.
followed by separation of the  A slight burr is generally left
parts of the workpiece.  at the bottom of the hole, and
 The cracks in the material start  at the top of the slug.
 at the cutting edge of the
punch on the upper side of the
work material,
Sheet Metal Working
  Punching or Blanking Force, F Where
 The amount of force required for L = Total length sheared (Perimeter
making either a hole (punching) or a of the hole)
blank (blanking). T = Thickness of the material
 Force required for punching or = Max. tangential stress
blanking depends on
UTS = Ultimate tensile stress.
 Material type and its strength,
 Stock thickness,
 In practice, the force calculated need
 Length of cut, and to be increased up to 30% due to
 Cutting edge profile  unequal thickness of the material,
 friction between the punch and the
 For a Punch and Die with Parallel Cut workpiece, and
Edges, the punching/blanking force  poorly sharpened edges.
can be estimated using the following
 The force requirement for the press,
Sheet Metal Working
  Blanking or Punching Force, F

 For a Punch and Die with Bevel-cut

Edges:  If a shear angle is used on a punch
and die in shearing operations,
 Blanking or punch force reduces, &
 Can be estimated as:

 k = 0.4 – 0.6 for H = T

 k = 0.2 – 0.4 for H = 2T
 In blanking operations,  The height of the bevel shear and the
 Bevel shear angles are used on shear angle depend on the thickness
dies to ensure that the slug of material:
workpiece remains flat.
 In punching operation,
 Bevel shear angles are used on  Increasing the shear angle
Sheet Metal Working
 Blanking and Punching  an excessive burr results.
 Clearance between punch and die
 Space (per side) between punch
and die.
 If the clearance is too small,  A proper clearance
then the fracture lines tend to  is necessary for optimum
pass each other, causing
finish of the sheared edge, and
 a double burnishing and
 is a function of the type,
 larger cutting forces. thickness, and temper of the
 If the clearance is too large, material
 the metal becomes pinched
between the cutting edges and
Sheet Metal Working
  Blanking and Punching

 Clearance between punch and die

 Clearance can be calculated from the  Punch and Die Sizes
following formula:  For making a round blank of
diameter, Db
Where  Die Diameter = Blank Diameter,
 = clearance Db

 = clearance allowance  Punch Diameter = Db – 2c

 = Stock thickness  For making a round hole of
diameter, Dh
 Punch Diameter = Hole Diameter,
 Die Diameter = Dh + 2c
Sheet Metal Working
 Blanking and Punching
 Clearance between punch and die
Sheet Metal Working
 Do it by yourself!? (a) Compute the maximum thickness of
 A round disk of 150-mm diameter is to be plate in which a hole 2.5 inches in
blanked from a strip of 3.2-mm, half-hard diameter can be punched.
cold-rolled steel whose shear strength (b) If the plate is 0.25 inch thick,
310 MPa. Determine determine the diameter of the
(a) the appropriate punch and die smallest hole that can be punched.
diameters, and
(b) blanking force.  A compound die is used to blank and
punch a large washer out of 6061ST
aluminum alloy sheet stock 3.2 mm thick.
 As in Fig. 1-11c, a hole is to be punched
The outside diameter of the washer is
out of a plate having a shearing strength
25.0 mm, and the inside diameter is 12.0
of 40 ksi. The compressive stress in the
mm. Determine the punch and die sizes
punch is limited to 50 ksi.
(a) the blanking operation, and
(b) the punching operation
Sheet Metal Forming Operation
 Bending
 A plastic deformation process by
which a straight length is  During bending operation,
transformed into a curved length  Outer fibers of the materials are
about a linear axis in tension,
 The linear axis lies in  Inner fibers are in compression.
 the neutral plane and  The location which is neither
 a direction normal to the stretched nor compressed is
lengthwise direction of the known as the neutral axis.
 Bending causes little or no
change in the surface area.
Sheet Metal Forming Operation
 Bending  The neutral axis is generally
 The yield strength of metals in located between one-third and
compression is somewhat higher one-half of the way from the
than the yield strength in tension. inner surface

 The metal on the outer side

yields first, and
 The neutral axis is displaced  The strain in the bent material
from the midpoint of the increases with decreasing the
material. radius of curvature.
Sheet Metal Forming Operation
 Bending Operations  the sheet thickness and
 Bending operations are performed  the material being bent.
using punch and die tooling.
 Most common bending methods are  Different bend angles can be
Air bending, V-bending and Edge obtained using the same set of tools.
 The most common way for bending
 Air Bending sheet metal because of its
 Also known as free bending flexibility.
 A bend angle is formed by driving the
punch into the sheet metal to a
specific position within the die
 The angle that can be achieved
by the position of the punch is
determined by
Sheet Metal Forming Operation
 Bending Methods
 V – Bending
 Usually used for low-production
operations  The bend angle ranging from very
 Process is often performed on a obtuse to very acute can be
press brake. made.
 A wedge (V) shaped punch forces
the metal sheet or strip into a
wedge (V) shaped die cavity
 As the punch descends, the
contact forces at the die corner
produce a sufficiently large
bending moment about the punch
corner to cause the necessary
Sheet Metal Forming Operation
 Edge Bending
 A flat punch forces the sheet metal
against the vertical surface of the  Since the tool moves over the sheet
die. metal surface,
 The sheet metal is subjected to  Process has a higher risk of
cantilever loading. producing scratches or otherwise
 The longest end of the sheet is first damaging the sheet.
clamped, and then the punch moves  The risk increases if sharp angles
up and down bending the sheet over are being produced.
the edge of the die.
 A pressure pad is used to apply a
force to hold the base of the part
against the die.
 The radius of the bottom die
determines the final bending
Sheet Metal Forming Operation
  Bend Allowance  = Bend radius
 The length of the neutral axis in the  = Sheet thickness
 It is used to determine the length  = Bend angle in radian
of the blank for a part to be bent.
 = Factor to estimate stretching
 The position of the neutral axis,
= 0.33 for R < 2T
depends on
= 0.5 for R > 2T
 the bend radius, and
 For ideal case, neutral axis is at the
 the bend angle.
center of the sheet thickness, = 0.5.
 Bend allowance can be estimated
using the following formula:

 = Length of bend allowance
Sheet Metal Forming Operation
  Springback  Characteristics of spring back:
 Elastic recovery of the bent part  Harder metals cause more degrees of
when the load is removed. springback than softer metals,
 After springback  A smaller bend radius causes more
 The final bend angle becomes degrees of springback,
smaller than the angle to which the  More degrees of bend cause more
part was bent, and degrees of springback, and
 The final bend radius becomes  A Thicker metal causes more
larger than before springback degrees of springback.
 Reason for spring back:  Springback can be calculated as
 When bending pressure is removed,
elastic energy remains in bent part,
causing it to recover partially toward
its original shape.
Sheet Metal Forming Operation
  Bending Force Where
 The force required to perform  depends on bending type
bending depends on = 1.33, for edge bending
 the geometry of the punch-and- = 0.33, for V- bending
die,  = Tensile Strength
 the strength of the material,
 = Width of the part or length of
 thickness of the sheet metal, the bend.
 length of the bend  = Thickness
 Maximum bending force can be
estimated as follows
Sheet Metal Forming Operation
 Drawing Material flows inward as it is
 A family of forming processes where forced to change its shape, and

 material flows plastically over a Allows the material thickness to

curved axis, and remain relatively constant.

 the flat sheet is formed into a  Deep Drawing

three-dimensional part with a depth  A drawing operation used to make
more than several times the solid-bottom cylindrical or
thickness of the metal. rectangular containers from sheet-
 These processes are used to make a metal.
wide range of shapes, from small  The depth of the part made is
cups to large automobile and greater than its diameter.
aerospace panels.
 In drawing,
Sheet Metal Forming Operation
 Steps involved in a deep drawing  As drawing is constant volume
process process, as a compensation,
 A round sheet metal blank is decrease in circumference can cause
 placed over a circular die opening,  Increase in thickness of the
and flanged part, or
 held in position with a blank holder.  formation of wrinkle (as material is
 A punch moves downwards and
draws (pushes) material into the die
cavity forming a cylindrical part.
 Material under the punch remains
largely unaffected and simply forms
the bottom of the part.
 The remaining material of the blank
is pulled inward over the radius of (1) (2) (3)

the die to form the wall of the part.

Sheet Metal Forming Operation
 Deep Drawing
 A sheet metal forming operation used
to make cup-shaped, box-shaped, or
other complex-curved, hollow-shaped
 A flat piece of sheet metal (blank)
 first placed over a die cavity and
 then The center portion of the
sheet is pressed into the die
opening with a punch to draw the
metal into the desired shape.
 Process requires a double
Sheet Metal Forming Operation
 Important Variables in Deep Drawing  The sides of the die and punch are

 A blank of diameter, Db is drawn into separated by a clearance c, which is

the die by means of a punch of about 10% greater than the sheet

diameter, Dp. thickness.

 The punch and die have corner radii  The downward holding force, Fh is

Rp and Rd, respectively. applied by the blank holder and the

punch moving towards the sheet
material applies a downward force F,
to deform the metal.

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