Group 2: Jackline Cletus Mcharo Halima Yusuff Hussein Michonjo James Evelyn Shaibu Makenjura Mosses Ben Device Mshobozi

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Group 2



Discuss the ambient factors for product quality, and

show how you can establish brand standards and
procedures for attending customers with special needs
 Product quality my be regarded as the overall or specific aggregate value of
satisfaction of the function and characteristic of product.

 There is no standard measure though rules are in place to ensure minimum quality
standard are complied by with manufactures.

 Product quality is very important for the company.

 Maintenance of high quality product secures a high level of demand and patronage
by end users while poor quality
Product quality cont………….
 Product quality may be viewed in three different perspectives:

 Customers – product quality to a buyer will refer to its appeal, functionality,

durability, and reliability of a product.

 Manufactures – product quality will be viewed as engineering, the type of raw

materials used and packaging practices used in the product of a specific good.

 Product – this is more of an objective test of a product’s durability and

Characteristics for quality product
 Fitness for use

 Freedom from deficiencies or defects

 Conformance to standard

 Value or worthiness for money

 Reliable and dependable

 Quality of design

 Proper storage

 Quality conformance to needs and regulations

 safety
Components of quality product
Always quality product has its components, the following are the components
that a quality product has

 Quality planning

 quality control

 Quality assurance

 Quality improvement
Ambient factors for quality product
Ambient factors for quality product are those factors that describe an aspect of the
environment that completely surrounds product. Are those environment conditions that
product through at the time.
The are several factors for quality product, like the following;

Quality and product positioning

Cost of producing products

product design and quality cost
Product development process
1.Quality and product positioning

 Is the strength of product positioning or its relative benefit has a major effect on
the rate of the quality product.

 The stronger benefit advantage and affordable product position lead to the higher
value creation and the faster rate of the product entry .

 Risk of not having quality and product position may confuse customers and may
decorate product image
2. Cost of producing products

 Poor production quality costs both in terms of return on investment and indirect
in the form of lost customers

 Cost of poor quality product estimation typically excludes positive revenue

effect of quality as an opportunity cost of lost sales because of poor quality as
well as the future revenue effects when higher quality product and services
increase customer satisfaction
 Quality costs that improvement is highly dependent upon the proactive
investment and autonomous learning by doing than reactive investment and
3. Product design and quality cost

 Product design is the process of identifying a market opportunity, clearly

defining the problem, developing a proper solution for that problem and
validating the solution with real users.

 Product design and quality cost of the product designed is the factors that
describe the quality of the product to be sold.

 Its when the design of the product design with high quality cost the product will
be quality product and will attract many customers to buy.
4. Product development process

 Product development process is the combination of different process which is

multi dimensional with strong links and dependence between organizational
functions as marketing, operations and services.

 Product development is normally accomplished as a project with multi

functional project team.

 From this is the one that determine your product manufactures system, and
marketing system. When manufactures system and marketing system is high
means the quality of the product will satisfy your customers
5. Innovation

 Innovation is an important for the survival of a product otherwise technology

can make an industry obsolete or difficult.

 If the technology used in innovative product are un known both for the
production facilities and development team it can create disturbances in the
quality of the product.

 Any product need to be innovated according to the customers needs and want.
Because adding value to the product it increase quality of the product to the
To establish brand standards

 brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one
seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.

 Brand standards are a set of guidelines for the colors; photography and graphic
elements; logo specs; fonts and messaging that comprise your brand

 Brand standards holds your brand together and help to create and protect your
firm’s brand identity.
Steps to build brand standards
 Analyze the company and the market. 

 A full SWOT analysis that includes the entire firm a look at the company's
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, is a proven way to help
managers understand their situation so they can better determine their goals and
the steps required to achieve them.

 From SWOT analysis also will help managers to design and produce product
with the quality and they will satisfy their customers.
Steps cont……
 Determine key business goals. 

 The brand identity should help fulfill the goals.  

 When need to establish brand standard you must determine you business goal,
the goal of your business are the one that will help to establish your brand

 They should appear on channels and sites where potential customers are likely to
see them.
Steps cont……
 Identify its customers. 

 Conducting surveys, convening focus groups, and holding one-on-

one interviews can help a company identify its consumer group.

 To identify your customers group will help you to know who are the one need
your product and how purchasing power they have
Steps cont……..
 Determine the personality and message it wants to communicate.

 A company needs to create a consistent perception, rather than trying to

combine every conceivable positive trait: utility, affordability, quality,
nostalgia, modernity, luxury, flash, taste, and class.

 All elements of a brand, such as copy, imagery, cultural allusions, and color
schemes, should align and deliver a coherent message.
Reason for brand standard

 We need to establish brand standard for different reason, as the following are the
four reason for why we need to establish brand standard
 Consistency

 Your brand should have that same consistency, which a brand standards manual
helps ensure. The document gives you instructions on how your brand should
appear across all media, so your logo looks the same on paper and online.
Reason for brand cont…….
 Longevity

 Brands are built to last, but they can quickly devalue with improper use. Every
time your logo is stretched, in the wrong color, with the wrong type, altered or
squished, you lose brand equity. A brand standards manual helps your company
hold the value in its brand for many, many years.
Reason for brand cont……..
 Collaboration

 Unless you are a company of one with an in-house print/web/marketing shop,

it’s likely that more than one person will use your branding materials.

 From printers and advertising agencies, to social media marketers and the
intern down the hall, your logo and brand is used by a small army of
individuals. A brand standards manual gives everyone access to the same
Reason for brand cont………

 knowledge

 Brands are much more than logos and office buildings. Brands are emotions,
ideas, and unconscious assumptions based upon how your company
communicates to the world.

 If your company goes through a rebranding or creation of a new logo, there are
dozens to hundreds of decisions made that directly impact your business.
Special needs customer
 Customer

 Is person who need a goods or services from a services provider.

 Customer can be an individual or a company that need goods or services

from another company or person.

 Customers are important because they drive revenues, without them business
have nothing to offer.
Special needs customer cont.……
 Special need customer

 Are those customers who need a goods or services from a services provider but
my have special value to the product or services that my require an extra

 Sometimes we can feel uncertain or uncomfortable with a special needs

customers, but don’t let this stop you from treating the same, or even a higher
level of care and respect as all your other customers.
Special needs customer cont.……
 Some of Special needs customers can include;

1. Specially order customer for example diabetic and multicultural

2. Pregnant women

3. Physical challenged/disability customer for example the lame, blind or deaf

4. Unaccompanied children for example children under 1 – 12 years

5. Elder customers above the age of 80 years

How to attending customers with
special needs
 Customer with special needs may require extra attention and help.

 It is necessary for a company to ensure that they receive top class services as
well, along with access to all the facilities that everyone else receive.

 The following are the procedures to attend customers with special needs.

1. Be courteous

 When approaching a customer be polite, introduce yourself and ask how you
can help. Wait until your offer is accepted before trying to assist someone.
2. show humanity or sympathy

 Treat customers as you would love to be treated, put your self in their place but
also don’t consider what they really want

3. Acknowledge the person

 It lets the customer know we hard them and what they said is important

4. Be patient

 Understanding the extra time taken by the customers to do or to say some things. It
helps to know what the customer wants and helps you figure out how you should
provide service to them(exeed customer expectation).
5. Be flexible

 Being flexible to all situations since each customer has different needs and wants,
being flexible means being able to effectively face dynamics of every customer

6. Be aware of assistance animals

 Assistance animals are allowed in all public space for customer with a special

7. Face the person

 if a customer is hard of hearing, make sure you’re facing them so that they can read
your lips if they need to. Don’t cover your mouth or speak when your back is
8. Respect personal space

 Don’t push a person’s wheelchair if they haven't asked you to.

 If a customer who is blind or has reduced mobility ask for assistance, offer your arm
or shoulder for them to take hold of , rather than holding theirs.

9. Consider height
 Try to make sure every one can reach your counters.
In conclusion
 Product quality is very important for the company. Maintenance of high quality
product secures a high level of demand. It needless to say that it is essential for
every company to ensure better quality products to their customers who pay for
them and expect to receive the best quality products. If this satisfaction not met,
competing products may be opted for.

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