General Gunnery: LCDR Thurein Aung Ref BR 1043 A

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General Gunnery

Ref; BR 1043 A Lcdr Thurein Aung


 For the destruction or distraction of targets.

 In the shortest possible time and with minimum

expenditure of ammunition.
 To achieve this, the weapon system is required to be
accurately directed on to the target.
Weapon Direction
 covers the distribution and direction of Gun / missile fire of a
 process of indicating a target to a weapon system.
 In present day warfare, the appearance of more than one
target is very common.
 different types like aircraft, missiles, surface ships and fast
patrol boats.
 the problem of knowing the presence of various targets,
selecting the most dangerous target and engaging it with
suitable weapons.
Phases of Weapon Direction
divided into following phases –
 “Information”
 “Intention”
 “execution”
Phases of Weapon Direction
divided into following phases –
 “Information”
 “Intention”
 “execution”
This phase is concerned with the collection and interpretation
of target and weapon information, namely:
Target data
 “A Priori”. For example:
Known performance of enemy aircraft
Intelligence reports of enemy forces or movement.
Favored methods of attack. 
Target data
 Observed. For example:
Initial detection
Present position
Type and numbers
Instant of missile release
Destruction of target 
 Derived. For example:
Further movements and actions of a target.
Weapon data
 Known or observed. For example:
• Total number of weapons available.
• Arcs of fire
• Performance
• Instants of acquiring target, opening and checking fire
 Derived. For example
The instant when target information must start if a
weapon is to develop the desired fire power before the
target accomplishes its mission.
concerned with the use of the available information, in
deciding which targets shall be engaged, in what order and for
how long and by which weapons.
 Target evaluation. directly related to the threat presented to our
own ships by each target.
 Weapon Evaluation. ability of each available weapon, in terms of
its chances of destroying each target, or of reducing their threats.
 Target Designation. designation of targets to engage.
 Weapon Selection. selection of weapons to engage designated
concerned with the putting into effect of the fire distribution
 Target Indication
 Target acquisition
 Fire control solution
 Time of Flight
 Period of engagement
Methods of Weapon Direction
 Blind
 Visual
 Local
Advantages and Disadvantages
Method Advantages Disadvantages
Blind (a) Long range detection of targets (a) Radar may be Jammed
(b) Evaluation of threat possible (b) Low flying aircraft may go
(c) Equally effective by day and night (c) Land mass / sea state affect picture
(d) Provides means for selection of (d) EW or ECM Restriction
correct weapon to engage targets
Advantages and Disadvantages
Method Advantages Disadvantages

Visual (a) Positive identification of targets (a) Detection limited by prevailing visibility.
(b) Accurate identification of targets. (b) Target size and speed makes detection
(c) Easy identification of friends by (c) Cannot evaluate threat as accurately as
units in confused situation. blind.
(d) No EW or ECM restrictions -

(e) Detection of low flying aircraft -

and FPBs
(f) Easy identification of helicopters -
Local (a) Target selection in a confused (a) Limited detection capability.
situation may be easy.
(b) Detection of low flying a/c and b) Visual pointing is the only means of
FPBs directing weapon on target.
(c) Identification of friendly units. -
Duties of GDO (B)
 Directs armament for blind gun direction.
 Designates blind targets, select weapons.
 Advises captain on course to steer during blind gun
 Responsible for safe guarding friendly ships during blind
gun direction.
 Promulgates special radar search sectors during blind
gun direction. Organizes extra vigilance in the special radar
search sectors.
 Passes emergency sighting reports on co-ordination control
Duties of GDO (V) 
 Orders directing position.
 Advises captain on course to steer during visual gun direction.
 Directs armament for visual gun direction.
 Designates visual targets, selects weapon.
 In charge of lookouts and jointly responsible with LGDO’s for safe
guarding friendly ships.
 Promulgates special watch zones during visual gun direction,
organizes extra visual vigilance in special watch zone.
 Passes emergency sighting reports on AA gun co-ordination
control net.
 Supplies Action Information Organization (AIO) with visual air
Duties of Local GDO

 Scans sector of responsibility from zenith to horizon.

 Designates and indicates targets for emergency
engagement, shifts targets.
 Responsible for safe guarding friendly ships and aircraft
from own gunfire when visual firing is in progress.
Target Identification

four methods by which targets can be detected:

 Radar
 Electronic Warfare Equipment
 Sonar
 Visual
Target Identification
normally the main method by which targets are detected.  
 Detection ranges.
 Human Participation will cause it to be vulnerable.
 Susceptible to deception and jamming.
 Emission control may deny use of radars.
 enemy will indicate presence and in some cases whether
it is a missile capable unit or not.
 Fast Patrol Boats are especially vulnerable to detection by
this medium.
Target Identification

Electronic Support Measures (ESM)

 Enemy transmissions may be voluntary and not be reliable.
 Though it has range superiority, it may not be very accurate.
 Use of ESM may restrict use of radar and radio
 highly reliant on the dependability of the personnel.
 limitations with respect to weather, environment and speed
of airborne targets.
Methods of Target Identification
Coded Challenge and Reply
 This includes electronic (SIF/ IFF), Visual (lights or flags)
and aural (communications).
 all are open to compromise.
 Ranges of visual challenging may be too short and
Analysis of Electronic Emissions
 identify enemy type, class or unit.
 susceptible to deception and frustration due to enemy
using emission control.
Methods of Target Identification
Interpretation of Radar Echoes
 A study of the size, strength, position and formation of
echoes may provide a clue.
 open to deception and used in support of other methods.
 most reliable method of identification.
 aircrafts to exploit the full range of its weapons.
 especially helpful in a confused situation.
Methods of Target Identification
 based on knowledge of the position, expected movement
and behaviour of own forces
 any detection that does not conform to this knowledge.
 Information received from other units via data link.
Degree of Threat
Deciding the greatest threat is the most difficult aspect of target
Time Available
 The time available before the target enters within the maximum effective
range of the weapon system to be used will determine whether a satisfactory
indication and subsequent acquisition/ engagement will be possible.
 Care must be taken especially when the intended target is capable of
jamming the fire control radar.
Release of Weapon
 before the target is engaged, the selected target releases its weapon,
presents a greater threat.
Degree of Threat
Target Course
 The target course relative to own ship or other units whom own ship
 A directly approaching target will present a greater threat than one that
is approaching with a crossing parameter.
Target Engagement by Other Ships
 Target which attacks own ship is to be engaged when it is within the MER
of available weapon system even if other ships in company are already
engaging the same target.
 Sector of Responsibility
 A ship’s main consideration must be all targets, which are within the
ship’s sector of responsibility.
 Close range weapons are normally required to provide all round defense
for own ship, not allocated specific sectors of responsibility. 
Degree of Threat
Number of Targets
 important for individual ship to establish how long it takes for a weapon
system to shift from one target to another
 whether or not there will be sufficient time to shift fire.
Gun and Guided - Weapon Arcs
 weapon arcs remain open
 if necessary an alteration of course must be done to maintain this
situation. Keep in mind other requirements (e.g., firing of chaff, flying
operations, anti-submarine warfare e.t.c).
 During wartime, the requirement for safety must not be ignored.
 the safety of consorts and friendly / neutral ships, aircraft, helicopters
must be borne in mind at all times.
Degree of Threat
Multiple Air Attack
 In case of multiple air attack, the degree of threat, depending on whether
the attack is by missile or manned aircraft, constantly keeps changing.
 GDO’s must constantly monitor the situation and must be capable of
resolving target selection problems quickly and safely. 
Command and Control Orders

 for efficient control of weapon systems

 to improve the fighting efficiency of the ship

 As brief as possible.
 Easy to understand.
 Relatively simple to carry out.





Types of Order and Reports
Grouped into two:
Command Orders. To bring weapon systems to required state
of preparedness and to initiate, interrupt or terminate an
engagement. Consists of
 Preliminary command orders
 Action command orders

Control Orders and Reports. Orders or reports made on

receipt of command orders.

To ensure appropriate preparation made to deal with
 threat
 expected attack
 Intended action
 not desirable to have men closed up and equipment switched on
throughout the period of operation.
 to be decided based on the nature and type of threat.
 to ensure maximum defence against the prevailing threat or to be
ready in all respects for offensive action.
First Degree of Readiness.
 to make full use of operational capabilities of the ship in order to
gain tactical advantage.
 all weapon and sensors manned and available for immediate
action. Fire available instantaneously.
Second Degree of Readiness.
 temporary relaxation from the first degree.
 full use of operational capabilities of the ship at all times but also
provide time to the crew for meals and relaxation.
 all weapons and sensors manned and available for immediate
action. Fire available instantaneously.
Third Degree of Readiness.
 best use of operational capability of the ship that can be
maintained for a prolonged period.
 suitable portion of armament is at immediate notice and rest is at
short notice.
 Early warning radars and other detecting equipment fully manned
to get sufficient warning of attack. Two-watch system is assumed.
Fourth Degree of Readiness.
 suitable portion of armament are at immediate notice and the rest
at prolonged notice.
 Sufficient warning radars and other detecting equipment manned
and effectively operated. Three-watch system is assumed.
 Basically used during wartime cruising with three watch system.

Fifth Degree of Readiness.

 last and lowest degree of readiness.
 assumed in peacetime cruising.
 Armament is not manned.
State of Preparedness
 personnel and the equipment of all, or part of, the armament can
be ordered to assume the ‘stand to’ or ‘relaxed’ state.
Stand to
 weapon systems are to be ready in all respects for immediate
 except for those personnel who are required to remain closed up,
e.g., communication No., lookouts, etc.,
 all other personnel may relax at quarters or in authorized shelters
Policy Orders
Initial Policy Order.
 indicates what type of attack is expected to develop e.g., the
immediate threat is expected from air borne target.
 On receipt of policy, change over switches on various quarters is
to be put to the appropriate position.

Amplifying Policy Orders.

 required to amplify the initial policy order.
 should only include those orders and information, which are
essential for preparation for engagement.  
Action Command Orders
The purpose of action command order is: -
 To confirm or if necessary, change the type of engagement or
target given in the policy.
 To initiate as engagement using deliberate or alarm procedure.
 To interrupt an engagement, e.g., by ordering Check-Check-
 To terminate an engagement, e.g., Stop Loading – Stop
Loading – Stop Loading or Cease firing.
Orders to Initiate an Engagement

 Salvo / Broadside. Load and guns to be made ready in all

respects to fire immediately.
 Engage. Permissive order to commence firing when fire control
solution is obtained and target is within maximum effective range of
the gun.
 Open fire. Firing is to be commencing at once, using the best fire
control data. It combines the orders, “Stand to” and “Engage”.
 Illuminate. Permissive order to commence star shell firing in
accordance with the laid down drill.
Orders to Interrupt/ Terminate
Stop Loading.
(i) Passed to non-automatically loaded guns.
(ii) Do not reload which are empty.
(iii) Loaded guns are to be cleared immediately and left empty.
(iv) Tracking of target is to be continued.
(v) State of guns to be reported to the command. 
(i) Stop firing but continue tracking the target.
(ii) Loaded guns are to be brought to half cock.
(iii) Empty guns are to remain empty.
(iv) Loaded guns are not to be cleared, unless specifically ordered.
(v) State of guns to be reported to the command.
Orders to Interrupt/ Terminate
Cease Firing.
The order is normally given after stop loading or Check-Check-
Check. However, if it is given during firing, it means: -
i. Stop firing.
ii. Stop tracking.
iii. Loaded guns are to be brought to half cock.
iv. Empty guns are to remain empty.
v. State of guns to be reported to the command.
vi. Loaded guns are not to be cleared unless specifically ordered
by the command.
Orders to Interrupt/ Terminate
Clear Guns.
Guns to be trained and laid at safe bearing and elevation and then
fire locally or as ordered. Before clearing guns permission is to be

 Stop Illuminating.
(i) Stop firing star shell.
(ii) Do not reload.
(iii) Loaded guns are to be cleared immediately and left empty. 
(iv) Tracking of the target is to be continued.
(v) State of guns to be reported to the command.
Control Orders
Order Meaning
Shoot This given by system officer at the appropriate time after
the command order engage / alarm / open fire has been
given. The order shoot is the only executive control order
for all forms of fire to commence.

Independent This order means firing trigger / switch is to be kept

pressed / closed through out the engagement so that the
gun will continue to fire as soon as they are brought to
ready state. Firing control units are to be switch to
Control Orders
Order Meaning

Star shell group This is the order given by the star shell controller for the
commence firing of star shell to commence.

Star shell shoot Given by system officer at appropriate time after the
order “Star shell group commence” has been received.

Star shell go on This is an executive order for future star shells to be fired.
Control Reports

The two procedures that may be followed in bringing fires on to the
targets are: -
Deliberate Procedure
 whenever there is sufficient time to pass preparatory orders
 initiate an engagement in an unhurried and cautious manner.
Control Reports
Alarm Procedure.
 whenever the reaction time is less.
 with high-speed airborne targets, particularly missiles
 successful engagement will depend on rapid acquisition and the
commencement of firing in the shortest possible time.
 Training of weapon system crew to react instantly to the order
“Alarm” is of much importance.
 accuracy and speed are achieved without the former being
degraded by the latter.

 With the modern methods of blind detection of possible targets, importance
of visual air and surface lookouts may has diminished.
 many ships have experienced occasions show that visual means have
numerous known advantages of the more sophisticated types of detection
equipment such as radar.
 consider lookouts as being an effective element of the ship’s detecting
 place considerable reliance in their visual detecting capabilities.
Selection of Lookouts

 carefully be selected and trained and made to realize that

their task is important.
 factors governing selection of lookouts are:
 Have good eye sight
 Have a sense of responsibility and power of
 If possible, should be an enthusiastic volunteer.
 Should be alert at all times.
Keeping Interest Alive
 contact / target is always not available and the lookout tends to loose his
 To instruct a person to keep alert and be vigilant at all times will not be
Giving frequent instructions on recognition and reporting
Being subjected to enemy aircraft and surface ship recognition
Undergo sighting exercises with aircraft under direction form the
OOW should check the alertness of lookout frequently.
Being shown the limitations of radar in jamming conditions,
adverse weather conditions, the near land mass and explaining to
Qualification of Lookout
Good Eyesight
 The standard of vision should be 6/6 both eyes but 6/9 may have to be
 Vision usually deteriorates with age and lookouts, be selected from the
youngest ranks whenever possible.
 Men with good vision during daylight are not necessarily suitable for
lookout duties by night.
 difficult to continuously supervise lookouts and extremely difficult to
assess whether or not they are performing their duty efficiently.
 Unless a man can be trusted to carry out his duty conscientiously
without constant supervision, he should not be selected for lookout duties.
Qualification of Lookout
 Prompt and intelligent reports by a lookout are essential.
 particularly important when the engagement of a target, capable of high
speed, may depend on the manner in which the initial sighting by the
lookout is reported.
 They should know the correct reporting procedure.
Comparison between Visual Lookout and Radar
When operating satisfactorily in ideal conditions and surroundings, the
standard of detection by radar can be extremely high.
the radar is an electrical / electronic device and its performance may be
affected by the following: -
 The maintenance, testing and tuning.
 The operators must be available to set up the display correctly and
subsequently identify and report echoes as they appear.
 Equipment failure consists of numerous electrical / electronic
 Jamming may reduce the effectiveness of radar.
 Land Masses. When operating in confined waters or near land, it
may make target detection difficult or impossible.
Comparison between Visual Lookout and Radar
 Weather. The detecting capabilities of radar may be affected
by heavy rain clouds and the prevailing sea state.
 Low Flying Aircraft. Aircraft flying below the radar beam may not
be detected.
 Identification. Positive identification of the detected object is
not possible.
 Confused Situation. When the situation is confused, the identification
of friendly forces may not always be possible.
 Control of Helicopters. Because of the radar limitations, control of
the helicopters may not be possible.
Comparison between Visual Lookout and Radar
In spite of many advantages of radar, it is of paramount importance that
all visual lookouts should know and appreciate the many possible limitations.

 Unlike radar detection, visual detection depends on the ability of one

man - the lookout and the effectiveness of visual detection will only be
limited by: -
(aa) The eyesight, and the ability of the man as a lookout.
(ab) The visibility range.
(ac) Binocular magnification.
(ad) Size and speed of the target.
(ae) Prevailing weather conditions.
Comparison between Visual Lookout and Radar
 Equipment. The equipment associated with visual lookout is relatively
simple and provided the binoculars are correctly used and regularly
cleaned, very little other maintenance is necessary and failure is unlikely.
 Land Masses. Visual detection should not be affected by landmasses
although surface objects and low flying aircraft may be more difficult to
detect against a background of land.
  Jamming. Immune to jamming.
  Low Flying Aircraft. Provided the appropriate routine is carried out, low
flying aircraft should be sighted.
  Confused Situation. In a confused situation involving enemy and
friendly units the identification, composition and disposition of the
respective units can be accurately done by lookouts.
Additional Advantages of Visual Lookouts
 the presence of an enemy which is not detectable by radar may be
detected by visual lookouts.
 aware of radar limitation and the prevailing threat.
By Day
Although lookouts are unlikely to sight small surface or air launched
missiles, they may be able to: -
 Detect the smoke associated with a missile launched from a surface
ship, perhaps below the radar horizon.
 Observe vapour trails of high flying aircraft.
 See the larger surface or land launched missiles.
Additional Advantages of Visual Lookouts
By Night
Visual sighting by night is considerably more difficult than by day but
lookouts can be aided by:
  The wake of high speed ships, particularly fast patrol boats, which may
be difficult, if not possible, to detect by radar.
  Gun flashes or the reflection of the moonlight by surface object.
Radar Silence
 The importance of visual lookouts during radar silence is self evident.
 The requirement for good visual lookouts especially when operating in
confined waters such as leaving harbour.

Notes. lookouts can, without actually being sighted, reveals the enemy’s
presence with the various tell-tale characteristics of targets.
Lookout Positions

 to concentrate on his job, his comfort is essential.

 protected from wind, rain or spray and adequately clothed.
 Permanent binocular mountings, with bearing and elevation indicators
should be fitted in the lookout position.
 the following are to be considered:
 Area covered.
 Height above the water line.
 Shelter and freedom from wind and current.
 Communication with the bridge / OOW / GDP / Ops Room.
 Support for binoculars.
Type of Lookouts

 Day lookout
 Night lookout
 Special lookout
Type of Lookouts
Day Lookouts
  AA Lookouts. stationed near the gun direction position with a clear
view. work in pairs relieving each other. Preferably the length of trick
should be of 20 minutes in order to reduce eyestrain. Once a target is
sighted, the lookout has to report at once and keep tracking.

  Far Lookouts. stationed aloft in clear weather and should sweep their
arc backwards and forwards, keeping the center of the binoculars field
just above the horizon. search for the track of approaching torpedoes in
between sweeps.

  Submarine Lookouts. situated near the bridge. should be relieved

every half on hour.
Type of Lookouts

Night Lookouts
 The lookout at night is greatly handicapped by the very low intensity of
 Special care should be taken while selecting night lookouts by stressing
on his night vision and colour blindness.
 Night lookout should pay particular attention to any part of horizon which
appears to be broken.
Type of Lookouts
Special Lookouts
 High Angle Lookouts. During the time that attack is imminent, and
while it is in progress, in order to sight dive bombers, high angle lookouts
should be given the same sectors as the normal lookouts and should
sweep with the naked eye at angles from 40 degree to the zenith.

  Sun Lookouts. On sunny days a special lookout using binoculars

should be detailed. It should be impressed upon him that he cannot
expect to sight aircraft through the dark neutral shades of his binoculars.
These are fitted to enable him to pick up the sun.
Air Lookout Routines

 There are two lookouts routines ‘Standard’ and ‘Shadower’ which may be

 the suitability of each of these routines will normally depend on: -

 The number of lookouts available.
 Availability and effectiveness of radar.
 Prevailing weather.
 The threat.
Air Lookout Routines

 There are two lookouts routines

 ‘Standard’ and ‘
 Shadower’

 the suitability of each of these routines will normally depend on: -

 The number of lookouts available.
 Availability and effectiveness of radar.
 Prevailing weather.
 The threat.
Air Lookout Routines

 ‘Standard’ Routine
Air Lookout Routines

 ‘Shadower Routine
Supervision of Lookouts
 The role of lookouts during peace and in times of war is to gazing into
space at sea and see nothing except cloud, water and sky.
 scarcity of targets can cause prolonged period of inactivity and even most
trustworthy lookouts could loose interest.
 aim of supervision is to prevent such occurrence. Always encouraged to
report what he sees / feels. always shows lookout is alert.
Consideration Remarks
Duration of Trick Should not exceed
(a) 20 minutes for air lookouts.
(b) 30 minutes for surface lookouts and should be reduced in
bad weather.
Dress Best suited for prevailing weather conditions.
What to look for Lookouts must be told what they are looking for, the extent of
where and how their sector and the routine to be used
Supervision of Lookouts
Consideration Remarks
Radar limitation Lookouts should be reminded of radar limitation in prevailing
Information Lookouts must be given as much information as possible
including details of threat developing and contacts reported by
radar, EW etc.
Friendly Units The disposition of all friendly ships, aircraft and helicopters
including expected arrivals and departure must be known by all
Employment Air lookouts should not be employed for any other purpose e.g.,
surface / submarine lookouts
Dark Adaptation Stress on the importance of dark adaptation and ensure lookouts
are not relieved by men whose eyes are not adapted to darkness.
Competition It usually stimulates interest and whenever possible should be
arranged: -
(a) Between lookouts – Aircraft & Ship recognition.
(b) Between GDP & GDR – in detection of low flying targets.
Safety Organisation, Standard Safety Rules
And Practice Firings

 officers and men use common sense
 have been properly trained to in operation, maintenance and
 accidents need never happen to personnel and equipment in
the firing ship, or to ships, aircraft, property and personnel
outside the ship.
Internal Safety of own ship’s equipment and personnel
Personnel Precautions
 Steel Helmets
 to be worn by all exposed personnel during firings to prevent
splinter damage to the skull.
 Anti-Flash Gear
 to be worn by all personnel when closed up for firings at their
action or Defence stations.
 reduces the degree of skin burn
 acclimatizes crews to operating under full action conditions.
 Footwear
 Shoes or boots are to be worn by all personnel.
 to protect the feet and to assist “sure footedness.
Internal Safety of own ship’s equipment and personnel
Personnel Precautions
 Safety Harness
 To provide loading numbers inside gun houses,
 to overcome violent movement of the Gun in training and
especially in heavy seas. 
 Noise Danger Spaces
 All personnel who are exposed to gun blast or
 other excessive noise levels are to wear ear defenders.
 Loaded Weapons
 No man is ever to go in front of the muzzle of a loaded
Internal Safety

Power Operated Gun Mountings and Missile launchers

Power operated equipments, especially when in AUTO, are liable to train
at high speed without warning and men working about the equipment are
exposed to a considerable hazard.

 Moving Equipment
 Nobody is to cause equipment to be moved in elevation or
training without first ensuring that it is safe to do so.
 The Officer or sailor in charge
 always order “Stand Clear of the Mounting/ Launcher” in a
clear voice before it is moved in elevation or training.
Internal Safety
Power Operated Gun Mountings and Missile launchers
 Entering or Leaving an Equipment
 No one enter or leave equipment when switched to AUTO.
 When the “Stand To” state, permission must be obtained from
the person in charge before anyone enters or leaves.
 Closing up/ Working on Mounting/ Launcher
 Before closing up or working inside or outside director ,ask for
permission to do so.
 Permission given when power is off the system.
 POWER ON boards always to be hung outside directors. 
 Warning Notices
 warning notices to be displayed with letters in red and white
Internal Safety

Power Operated Gun Mountings and Missile launchers

 Loaded Mountings/ Launchers
 If there is a need to leave it unmanned due to any
circumstances, a notice saying “GUNS LOADED” is to be hung at
the access to the mounting/ Launcher
 also at the position where firing can be initiated
 Weapon Firing Arcs
 Particular care is to be taken to ensure that Weapon Firing Arcs
are clear of all ship borne obstructions.
External Safety
Responsibilities of Commanding Officer
During firing practices Commanding Officer are to ensure that:
 Radar Clear Range Procedure is used.
 Clear Range Procedure is used if RCR Procedure is not possible.
 Neither persons nor property are endangered by firings.
 Lookouts are posted, for safety purposes, even when Radar Clear
Range Procedure is being used.
 The CO is also responsible for ensuring that adequate warning given
to the appropriate authorities before firing practices are carried out.
 In difficult conditions, may not be possible to ensure all external
safeties to be positively fulfilled, Command must decide on the
essential minimum safety checks are fulfilled.
External Safety
Radar Clear Range procedure
for aircraft safety purposes is:
“A range surveyed by radar within which the operating authority accepts
responsibility for withholding fire if an aircraft is within or approaching the
area through which missiles may pass or in which they are liable to fall.”

The Area
Part of the sky concerned with the particular firing run and not the entire
“exercise area” as allocated in the practice programme.
External Safety
Radar Clear Range procedure
Naval Interpretation
 precautions by the firing ship or unit to ensure that the relevant area is
under adequate radar surveillance
 arrangements are made to ensure that fire is withheld if necessary.

Adequate Radar Surveillance

 Adequate radar surveillance depends on the range of the weapon and
the distance an intruding aircraft can travel during the time of flight.
 longer range weapons calls for surveillance by an Air Warning Radar.
External Safety
Clear Range procedure
 From an aircraft safety point of view, this covers the carrying out of
firings when adequate radar surveillance cannot be ensured.
 reliance has to be placed on visual lookouts to ensure that passing
aircraft are not endangered.
 Binoculars may be relatively inadequate for search of high speed aircraft.
 unless the practice is conducted in Permanent or Temporary areas, firing
under Clear Range procedure is NOT to be carried out unless:-
 Maximum trajectory height is less than 1000 ft.
 adequate visibility to ensure the safety of fast aircraft.
 cloud base is at least 2000 ft above the trajectory.
Surface Safety Procedure

Sea Area Affected by the Firing

 Is clear of shipping.
 Will cause no interference with public rights of navigation or fishing.
Firing Areas adjoin the Coast
There will be no interference with:
  Anchoring.
 Grounding.
 Walking or recreation either ashore or afloat.
Surface Safety Procedure

Sea Area Affected by the Firing

 Is clear of shipping.
 Will cause no interference with public rights of navigation or fishing.
Firing Areas adjoin the Coast
There will be no interference with:
  Anchoring.
 Grounding.
 Walking or recreation either ashore or afloat.
The Command Safety Team


The Command

 ultimately responsible for the safe conduct of the Firing practices.

 advisable for the CO to be in the Operations Room or another officer
delegated can:
 Establish a Safe Firing Sector. the visual and radar picture
should be used to establish the safe firing sector.
 Establish a Gun/ Missile Safe Bearing. In normal
circumstances the intended Firing Bearing and Safe Bearing are
the same.
 Receive Safety Reports. report the prevailing conditions
with respect to Visual, Blind & Equipment Safety.
 Exercise Control of Aircraft and Ships. Particular care
must be given to Clear Range.
Command Visual Safety

 The person responsible should:

 Check visually that the system is aimed in the
correct duration.
 When firing at visible target, ensure the target is on
the bearing of the target.
 Check range is clear visually within the ordered
safety sector.
Command Blind Safety
 The person responsible should:
 Be stationed in the Ops room at a suitable radar
display and is to be responsible to the Command for
compliance with blind safety requirements.
 Ensure that warning radars is tuned for maximum
detection to verify that “Radar Clear Range” exists within
the limits of the sector.
 Assist Command in establishing the Firing Limit
Bearings of the safe firing sector.
 Report CLEAR BLIND or FOUL BLIND” at the
required time.
Command Equipment Safety

 combined with Visual Safety where the equipment for the

practice can be best checked.
 Ensure he is informed of the intended firing bearing and
 Ensure, as far as he can judge, that the turret or mounting
is following the fire control system within the firing sector.
Practice Firing Orders

 Practice firing orders are produced by GO.

 For each type of firing, a separate order to be prepared.
 prepared well in advance to be distributed to various
departments concerned.
 all the relevant details of the particular firing.
 The standard safety rules mentioned briefly in the firing
Practice Firing Orders
 Nature of Practice
 Date & Time
 Aim of Practice
 Tactical Situation
 Method of Execution
 Ammunition
 Preparation for Firing
 Safety Precautions
 Instructions to Outsiders
 Marking
 Records  
Practice firing orders should be distributed to the CO, EXO, GO, WMO, NO, target
towing ship and main notice board.
Bridge Safety Guide

 The purpose of bridge safety guide is to provide the command and OOW

with ready information

 taken into consideration to ensure maximum external safety during firing.
 include only the information and facts which are of value of interest to
command and OOW.
Bridge Safety Guide

 Capabilities and limitations of weapons and weapon systems

 Maximum Elevation
 Maximum Depression
 Training Limits
 Maximum Range
 Minimum Range / Minimum Safe Range AA (practice)
 Maximum effective range surface and AA
 Maximum range to which ricochets may go at various elevations
 Weapon firing arcs
 Trajectory charts
 Rate of fire 
Bridge Safety Guide
 Firing ship Responsibility
 Weapon restriction orders
 Safety rules and precaution for various practice firing
 Internal / external safety orders and reports
 Command and control orders and reports
 Acquiring and engaging target procedures
 Orders of initiating, interrupting and terminating the firing
 Authority to engage target
 Meaning and cause of the order “open fire”
 Co-operation with a/c joining procedure etc.
 Misfire drills for guns, missiles and rockets
 Characteristics of targets airborne and surface
 Safe firing sector
 Weapon restricted zone
 Prohibited zones for firing

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