Ali Usman: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Ali Usman: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Ali Usman: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Ali Usman
Typology ( types) of entrepreneurship
• Lifestyle entrepreneur
• Serial entrepreneur
• Corporate and organisation entrepreneur
• Social entrepreneur
• Public sector entrepreneur
LO1 Explore and illustrate the range of venture
types that might be considered entrepreneurial
The typology of entrepreneurship:
• Lifestyle and growth firms. Entrepreneurship in a
corporate or public sector context.
• Roles and characteristics of micro, small and
medium-sized organisations.
• Social enterprise:
• Understanding social enterprise, social
entrepreneurs and the growth of the social
Lifestyle and growth firms
A foundation (also a charitable foundation) is a category of nonprofit organization or
charitable trust that will typically provide funding and support for other
charitable organizations through grants, but may engage directly in charitable activities. [1]
Foundations include public charitable foundations, such as community foundations, and
private foundations which are typically endowed by an individual or family. The term
"foundation" though may be used by organizations not involved in public grant making. [
Business associations are open membership organizations that form to provide
community charitable support, networking opportunities and general business
promotion in a city, state or region. Examples of this type of business association
are the state and local Chambers of Commerce, the Better Business Bureau, Rotary
Club, Lions Club, Elks Club, and the various business lead generation clubs such as
Leads Clubs International
A charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) is a new form of legal entity designed for
non-profit organisations in the United Kingdom. The main intended benefits of the new
entity are that it has legal personality, the ability to conduct business in its own name,
and limited liability so that its members and trustees will not have to contribute in the
event of financial loss. These are already available to limited companies; charities can
be formed as companies, but then they must be registered with both Companies House
and the Charity Commission. In contrast, the CIO only needs to register with the Charity
Commission. This is expected to reduce bureaucracy for the charity.[1]
Understanding social enterprise, social
entrepreneurs and the growth of the social
Types of Social Enterprises
• Nonprofits with income from products/services
supplemented by external support and subsidies
Profit/Mission Continuum
Focus for Social Enterprise Track
• Social entrepreneurship:
- New paradigm of social value creation
- Reflects a dynamic revolution in the social
sector and its importance is being
increasingly recognised in the corporate
• Recognises social problems and employs
traditional entrepreneurial principles
• It embraces complex challenges e.g. triple
bottom line objectives
Social entrepreneurs and the growth of the
social economy
• According to Bessant & Tidd, 2007, the
philosophy requires learning and absorbing a
new set of skills for managing innovation
along with current management thinking.
- Identify and engage a wide range of stakeholders
- Understand and meet their very diverse
- Mobilise resources across networks
- Build coalition of support for socially valuable
Social entrepreneurs and the growth of the social