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Checklist Analysis: Dr.S.P.Sivapirakasam Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering NIT, Trichy

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
NIT, Trichy
 A checklist analysis uses a written list of
items or procedural steps to verify the
status of a system.

 Proper use of checklist will generally

ensure that a piece of equipment
conforms with accepted standard and it
may also identify areas that require
further evaluation.

 To identify and eliminate hazards that

has been recognized through years of
operation of similar system.
Check List Analysis Steps

The following steps describe the method of conducting checklist


Start with defining the activity for which the analysis is to be done. Section the
activity into its major components to be analyzed

Define the issues that the analysis should address (i.e. safety problems,
environmental impact)

Develop the checklists related to the issues defined (by referring to the standards
and statutory requirements (acts, rules and codes)

Work through the checklist. If there is a risk of potential problems, come up with
appropriate mitigating measures

Finally, evaluate the recommendations and incorporate them to improve the activity
defined at the start of the analysis.
Sample Checklist For Mobile / Crawler Crane

 This checklist provides the basic requirements for safe operations of a mobile/crawler

Crawler Crane Mobile Crane


S/N Items YES/NO Remark

A. Mobile/Crawler Crane Approved For Use
1 Does Mobile/Crawler Crane is approved by MOM?
2 Does Mobile/Crawler Crane has a valid Lifting Machine (LM)
certificate (issued less than 12 months ago) ?
B. General Requirements
3 Is Mobile/Crawler Crane provided with markings of the Safe
Working Load and LM number?
4 Is there Safe access and egress provided to the crane operator?
5 Did a load capacity chart display in the operator cabin?
6 Does operator crane cabin is provided with a locking mechanism
so as to prevent unauthorised entry?
7 Is fire extinguisher fit for use and provided in the operator
8 Is there an updated Operation and Maintenance log book
available in the operator cabin?
9 Does manufacturer operating manual and maintenance manual
are made available?
S/N Items Yes/No Remark
C. Other Visual Checks
10 Does load charts and other symbols are available and visible?
11 Is hydraulic fluid level is sufficient?
12 Is slewing oil level is sufficient?
13 Are all mounting bolts in good condition?
14 Is hydraulic system is free of leaks?
15 Are boom sections are free of cracks or dents?
16 Are main and auxiliary wire ropes well lubricated and that there
are no visible defects such as broken wires, kinks, excess wear,
crushing etc?
17 Are winches and wire ropes are in good working condition?
18 Is crane hook provided with a safety catch to prevent
displacement of the sling or load from the hook?
S/N Items Yes/No Remark
D. Safety and Operational Devices
19 Is a load radius indicator with warning alarm installed?
20 Are an effective hoist and derricking braking mechanism
21 Is a swing lock or swing brake capable of preventing unintended
rotation functional?
22 Is limit switch to prevent over-hoisting of the hook (i.e. anti-two
block device) functional?
23 Is limit switch to prevent over-derricking of boom (for crawler
crane) functional?
24 Is load Moment Limiter to prevent over-turning moment
S/N Items Yes/No Remark
E. Maintenance
25 Does mobile/crawler crane has a regular maintenance
programme that is in accordance with manufacturer’s
26 Is maintenance work on the mobile/crawler crane is carried out
by competent persons?
LPG Bottling Plant Audit Checklist

 Prepare a audit checklist for LPG bottling plant

S/N Items YES/NO Remark
Tank storage
1 Is the tank system free of visual signs of damage
(cracks, dents, corrosion or leakage) ?:
a. Tank exterior – including small cracks in concrete
exterior or rusting on steel components?
b. Piping, hoses, valves, fittings or connections?
c. Tank and piping mounts, supports and foundations?
(also check under tank if possible)
2 Is the secondary containment leak detection system
alarm horn and light properly operating? (test the alarm
3 Is equipment functioning properly (test or cycle if
possible) ?
a.Pumps, valves and connections?
b.High-level alarm (at the tank and at fill port area) and
the tanks’ fuel level gauge?
4 Is tank area (and entire security fenced area) clean and
free of leaves, trash or other debris?
5 Is the tank, tank fill box interior and immediate area
around the tank free of oil/fuel spill residues or other
indications of leakage or spillage?

S/N Items YES/NO Remark

6 Is tank clearly and legibly signed/labeled: NFPA
numbered warning sign, No Smoking, Contents, etc?
7 Are the loading procedures posted on the tank fill box
and in good condition?
8 Is the tank secured from vandalism/gate locked?
Knock out drum
9 Is vapour in let pipe maintained properly?
10 Does there any gas leakage detection system?
11 Does drain valve of knock out drum undergo regular
12 Is drum marked properly?
13 Is there any crack or sign of damage?
14 Is all electrical equipment nearer are intrinsically safe?

S/N Items YES/NO Remark

15 Is mounting points of pump are secure?
16 Is there any leak in pump flanges?
17 Are coupling in good condition?
18 Does pump undergo regular maintenance?
19 Does suction pressure maintain correctly?
20 Does pump cam maintain mentioned rpm?
21 Is there any over heating of pump?
22 Is inlet and outlet connection are proper and no leak?
23 Are all rotary parts fenced properly?
24 Does proper bonding of pump part?

S/N Items YES/NO Remark

LPG road tanker
25 Is condition of break/clutch good?
26 Is there any oil leak?
27 Does front wind glass and wiper blade assembly proper?
28 Is body condition and cleanliness good?
29 Does the vehicle has fire extinguisher?
30 Does vehicle have fail safe brake?
31 Are parking brake in working condition?
32 Does tank mark properly?

S/N Items YES/NO Remark

Fire protection
33 Is lightning arrester installed there?
34 Fire alarm unit, warning system available there?
35 Is there proper fire extinguishers inspection schedule?
36 Is there emergency response plan?
Are they updated?
Do scenarios correspond to facilities?
37 Are there drills conducted for emergency response?
When was the last drill?
38 Is Training workers within the emergency response
39 Does the facility have an adequate primary supply of
40 Does the facility have an adequate alternative source of
If so, are reservoirs kept full?
41 Are there pumps for firefighting in the facility?

42 Are firefighting pumps tested annually?
43 Do fire hydrants have leaks?
44 Do fire hydrant block valve pits fill up with water? Does
the facility have a procedure to keep them pumped out?
45 Are fire hydrants labeled?
46 Are fire water system flow rates and pressures
adequate? Pressure should be maintained continuously
at 4-7 atm.
47 Do firewater pumps have an uninterruptable power
supply (e.g., a back-up generator), or diesel engine
48 Does the facility have a procedure to inform the fire
department when the fire water system is out of service
or impaired?
49 Is each valve cycled at least once a year?

S/N Items YES/NO Remark

Emergency Vehicle Access
50 Is there sufficient access for emergency vehicles?
Road width adequate
Turn radius adequate
Multiple approach paths
51 Is vertical clearance adequate?
52 Is breathing air equipment well maintained? Are
maintenance records available?
53 Are personnel trained in the safe operation and
limitations of breathing air equipment?
54 Are emergency alarms hard-wired to the fire station? If
so, are they tested periodically? Are inspection records
55 Are there appropriate protection devices, personal
protection equipment and procedures for treating
hazardous materials at the facility?

S/N Items YES/NO Remark

56 Are light levels adequate?
•in process buildings, at loading racks, in hallways,
stairwells, and lobbies
•in exterior plant & off-plot process areas

57 Do night operators have intrinsically safe flashlights

available? Are lights inside electrically classified areas
equipped with vapor covers?
58 Does the facility have an emergency shutdown system?
If not, is there a manual shutdown procedure?
59 Is there a procedure to test the emergency shutdown
system & alarm system periodically? Are operators
trained in the testing procedures?
60 Is there a procedure to test process alarms monthly?

 Do all materials continue to conform to original
No. The concentration of ammonia in the ammonia solution
has been increased to require less frequent purchase of
ammonia. The relative flow rates to the reactor have been
adjusted for the higher ammonia concentrations.

 Is each receipt of material checked?

Yes. The supplier has proven to be very reliable in the past.
The labeling of the truck and driver invoice is verified before
unloading is permitted, but no sampling for the type of material
or actual concentration is performed
Does the operating staff have access to Material
safety data sheets?
Yes. These data sheets are available 24hours a day at
the processing location and in administration building in
the safety office.

 Is the fire fighting and safety equipment properly

located and maintained?
No. The fire fighting and safety equipment location has
not changed, but a new interior wall was constructed in
the process area. Because of the new wall, some places
in the processing area cannot be adequately protected
with existing fire fighting equipment. The existing
equipment is in good condition and is inspected and
tested monthly.
 Has all equipments be inspected as scheduled?

Yes. The maintenance crew has inspected the

equipment in the processing area according to the
company inspection standards. However, failure data
and maintenance department concerns suggest that
inspections of the acid handling equipment may be
too infrequent.

 Have pressure relief valves been inspected as

Yes. The inspection schedule has been followed.
 Have safety systems and interlocks been tested
at an appropriate frequency?
There has been no deviation from the inspection
schedule. However, inspection and maintenance of
safety systems and interlocks have been performed
during processing operations, which is against
company policy.

 Are the maintenance materials (ie., spareparts)

Yes. The company maintains allow inventor of
replacement parts as an economic policy although
preventive maintenance and short-life items are
readily available b agreement with a local distributor
within four hours.

 Are the operating procedures current?

Yes. The written operating procedures were updated six
months ago after some minor changes to operating steps were

 Are the operators following the operating procedures?

No. The recent changes to operating steps have been slowly
implemented. Operators feel that one of the changes ma have
not considered the personal safety of the operator.

 Are new operating staffs trained properly?

Yes. An extensive training program with periodic reviews and
testing has been implemented, and training performance has
been documented for all employees
Thank you

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