Solidworks Best Practices: by Matt Lombard For Brugs April 6, 2006
Solidworks Best Practices: by Matt Lombard For Brugs April 6, 2006
Solidworks Best Practices: by Matt Lombard For Brugs April 6, 2006
Best Practices
So, don’t apply these or any other best practice lists blindly. Try
to understand why it is recommended, and whether or not it
applies to your situation.
File Management
• Guarantee unique names for files
– Problem: multiple parts named “Base” or “Cover” in an
assembly can cause you to get unexpected parts in your
– Make sure you understand the section in Help under “search file
locations for referenced files”
– If you REALLY don’t like working with part numbers as file names,
consider appending a descriptive name after the part number or vice
– Remember that the file property for Description can be seen from
outside the SolidWorks software, and inside SolidWorks, you can display
the Description instead of the file name in assemblies.
• Don’t use revisions in filenames
File Management
– Problem: If you have assemblies with a lot of parts, changing the
revision level in the filename for parts will cause havoc with external
references (in-context, mirrored, base parts, split parts, etc.)
– Possible solution: use folders, but be aware that you can also get
assemblies that reference across folders
File Management
• Sharing Information
– If you can’t use a PDM system, at least work on files locally on
your own computer. This increases speed and stability, but may
cause problems with having different versions of files available
on the network.
– Best Solution: Make your own library, based on TB, and then
turn TB off. Things will improve significantly in 2007.
File Management
• Journal file should be local
– Tools > Options > File Locations > SolidWorks Journal File
• Libraries
– Model small assemblies as parts (bearings, captive hardware…)
– Simplify geometry as much as practical (no helical threads)
– Libraries can be kept in PDM rather than on a network drive (for
usage and Where Used reporting as well as local file issues)
– Pre-populate with custom properties and configurations driven
by Design Tables for ease of change
• Think about symmetry when you start building your part. Either build ¼, ½
of the part or build it symmetrically around the origin.
Part modeling
• Mirroring bodies is faster than mirroring features, although mirroring bodies
requires a Combine feature.
• Don’t make relations to edges created by fillets (fillets are often moved,
deleted or changed, which may upset your relations)
Part modeling
• Create fillets as features instead of in the sketch. (some people the
opposite, but you cannot suppress or reorder sketch fillets, they
don’t show up in Feature Statistics, and you are very limited by the
types of things you can do with sketch fillets.)
• If you find you are drawing sketches with lines that don’t create any
part faces, you might want to consider using surfaces as reference
geometry to help you build the correct solid. Remember that each
extruded sketch entity makes a face whether you use it or not, and
this can be a big performance hit if you make a lot of unnecessary
geometry. See my hybrid ppt.
• Use Verification on Rebuild to check your models ocasionally. Some people
recommend working with it turned on all the time, but I have found that it
Part modeling
can cause a 60% increase in rebuild time (for solid parts with lots of fillets.)
– Under normal circumstances (with Verification off), SolidWorks checks faces of a
new feature against only adjacent faces, but with Verification on, it checks each
face against every other face in the model.
– I recommend that you ignore this setting for simple parts, but for parts with
increasing complexity, you may want to check it after “questionable” features, if
you see things behaving oddly, or before sending the part out of your control
– Using Verification generally means turning it on, hitting Ctrl-Q, and then turning
it back off again. (Tools > Options > Performance > Verification on Rebuild)
• Always fix rebuild errors in parts. This will help eliminate unnecessary time
for SolidWorks to try to figure things out.
Part modeling
• Don’t model things that don’t need to be modeled, for example knurling on
metal will be applied through a rolling process, and doesn’t require 3D data.
Put a note and cross hatching on the drawing. (Plastic molded knurled
surfaces would require the 3D data.)
• Create simplified configurations for parts where small detail and cosmetic
fillets are removed. Use a consistant name so the assemblies can
automatically create simplified configs using the part simplified configs.
Built for speed
• Assemblies
– Use subassemblies to distribute / segment the rebuild time
– Use other reasonable display settings. The larger / slower the assembly,
the more drastic settings you should make.
– I use a lot of hotkeys because I’m not too good with aiming the mouse,
and I like a high screen resolution
– Keep a list of hotkeys in Excel, print it out and stick it on the side of your
monitor (much easier in 2007)
• Save graphics area space
– Use hotkeys for the most frequently used functions, and remove
them from your toolbar
– Use hotkeys for functions burried deep in the menus (View >
Modify > Section View)
– Place the Task Pane on the left side of the screen to cover the
Feature Manager when it is open
• If you make your living with this stuff, you ought to
set yourself up for success. Wasting time for a model
to rebuild is just throwing money down the drain.
– SW works fine with XP sp2, in fact, sp2 fixes some annoying tool
tip issues (tool tips show the wrong text)
– When these areas become too full, Windows delays slightly when
SolidWorks is trying to read or write to them, and functions can
time out or crash.