Telehealth Monitoring Based Myoelectric Prosthetic Arm
Telehealth Monitoring Based Myoelectric Prosthetic Arm
Telehealth Monitoring Based Myoelectric Prosthetic Arm
Prosthetic Arm
Presented by:
Anas Mohamed
Mani Raj Paneru
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College,
Powered hand Prostheses with many degrees of freedom are moving from research in to the
market for prosthetics. In order to make use of the prostheses full functionality, it is essential to study
efficient ways of high dimensional myoelectric control and add some more features to it. The signal
taken from the normal hand is given to the servos to make prostheses. This make it more efficient,
and real time monitoring allows us to locate and diagnose the patient when he is in need. The
development of Telematics prosthetic module using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global
System for Mobile Communications (GSM) modem is undertaken with the aim of enabling to locate
the user (patient) with easy and in a convenient manner. The system will provide the patient to track
remotely through the mobile network. This paper describes the development of the Telematics module
hardware prototype. Especially, the system will utilize GPS to obtain a patient location and transmit it
using GSM modem to the family or doctor number through the mobile network. The proposed system
will also be able to identify the accident of patient. Our analysis indicates the visual feedback, control
accuracy benefits from filters that reject high EMG amplitudes. In summary, we conclude the findings
on myoelectric control principles, virtual tasks can be transferred to real life prosthetic applications.
Electromyography is the process of recording the total electrical activity of the
motor nerve muscle innervated by it on the cathode ray oscilloscope or simply the
study of the action potential in human skeletal muscle.
The machine that records the electrical activity is called electromyograph and the
record is called electromyogram(EMG).
When the motor nerve is stimulated, not only the nerve develops the AP, but also
the muscle fibres develop AP.
The resulting electrical activity may be considerable and in the resultant complex
the individual Aps are buried.
EMG Generation
The EMG signal due to the contraction and relaxation of the muscles are guided
properly so that the artificial arm can move accordingly.
The remaining work is done by feeding the analog EMG signal to the
microprocessor which is accordingly programmed to rotate the motors.
Temperature GPS
sensor AVR Microcontroller
Servo motor
Pulse sensor
LCD Display
Surface Electrodes:
The electrodes used in surface EMG is the surface electrodes which is made
up of silver chloride or stainless steel.
Three electrodes are placed side by side one of which is the reference
electrode. The other one is for positive and other for negative.
A gel type adhesive is used which has two function. one is to keep the
electrode attached to the skin. The other function is to provide a low resistive
path which help the electrodes acquire signal very easily.