3 Es
3 Es
3 Es
Pruthviraj u.a
m.Tech(highway,2nd Sem)
Engineering measures:
Road design:
Geometric design feature of the road such as sight distances
width of pavement, width of shoulders, horizontal and vertical
alignment design details and intersection design elements are
checked and suitable maintenance steps taken to bring them up to
the design standards. Where necessary by-pass may be
constructed to separated through traffic from local traffic.
To minimum delay and conflicts at the intersections, it may be
essential to construct grade separated intersections.
Preventive maintenance of vehicles
The braking system, steering, indicators, lighting system and tyre
condition of vehicles playing on the roads are to be checked at
suitable intervals and heavy penalties levied on defective vehicles.
Before and after studies: The record of accidents and their patterns
for different locations are maintained by means of collision and
condition diagram. After making the necessary improvements by
3-Es, it is again necessary to collect and maintain the record of
accidents. The accident record supplemented with collision and
condition diagrams during past
2 or 3yrs are compared with data collected after implementing
measures for identical duration.
Road lighting
Proper road lighting can decrease the rate of accidents due to poor
visibility during night. Lighting is particularly desirable at
intersections, bridge sites and at places where there are restrictions
to traffic movements.
Enforcement measures
Speed control:
1. Installation of speed limit and warning signs at all critical
locations of the roads.
2. Checking over speeding of vehicles by conducting surprise
speed checks and taking legal action on drivers who violate
speed limits
3. Installation of tachometers in all public transport vehicles to
give record of running speeds, which will help the drivers to
develop the correct speed habit.
4. Introduction of speed breakers for control of vehicular
speeds at intersections of minor with major roads.
Traffic control devices:
Proper traffic control device like speed limit signs,
warning signs, markings or channelizing islands may be
installed wherever necessary.
Training and supervision: Transport authorities should
be strict in testing license to drivers and also by keeping
them under supervision by forcing renewal of license at
constant periods after conducting tests to check weather
the driver continues to be fit in all aspects.
Medical check: The drivers should be tested for vision,
glare recovery time and reaction time at prescribed
Special precautions for commercial vehicles:
It may be insisted on having a conductor to help and give
proper direction to drivers of heavy commercial vehicles.