3: The Deuteron
The determination of how the neutron and proton are bound
together in a deuteron.
The deuteron mass = 2.013553 u
The mass of a deuteron atom = 2.014102 u
The difference = 0.000549 u; the mass of an electron
The deuteron nucleus is bound by a mass-energy Bd
The mass of a deuteron is
scatter gamma rays from deuteron gas and look for the breakup of a
deuteron into a neutron and a proton:
The work required to bring the charge inside the sphere from
infinity is
Nuclear Stability
For a single proton,
For heavy nuclei, the nucleus will have a preference for fewer
protons than neutrons because of the large Coulomb repulsion
The volume term (av) indicates that the binding energy is approximately
the sum of all the interactions between the nucleons.
The second term is called the surface effect because the nucleons on
the nuclear surface are not completely surrounded by other nucleons.
The third term is the Coulomb energy in Eq. (12.17) and Eq. (12.18)
The Liquid Drop Model
The fourth term is due to the symmetry energy. In the absence of
Coulomb forces, the nucleus prefers to have N ≈ Z and has a quantum-
mechanical origin, depending on the exclusion principle.
The last term is due to the pairing energy and reflects the fact that the
nucleus is more stable for even-even nuclides. Use values given by
Fermi to determine this term.
where Δ = 33 MeV·A−3/4
No nuclide heavier than has been found in nature. If they ever
existed, they must have decayed so quickly that quantities sufficient to
measure no longer exist.
Binding Energy Per Nucleon
1) Independent-particle models:
The nucleons move nearly independently in a common
nuclear potential. The shell model has been the most
successful of these.
2) Strong-interaction models:
The nucleons are strongly coupled together. The liquid drop
model has been successful in explaining nuclear masses as
well as nuclear fission.
12.6: Radioactive Decay
The discoverers of radioactivity were Wilhelm Röntgen, Henri
Becquerel, Marie Curie and her husband Pierre.
Marie Curie and her husband Pierre discovered polonium and
radium in 1898.
The simplest decay form is that of a gamma ray, which represents
the nucleus changing from an excited state to lower energy state.
Other modes of decay include emission of α particles, β particles,
protons, neutrons, and fission.
If we let N(t = 0) ≡ N0
----- radioactive decay law
Radioactive Decay
The activity R is
The half-life is
Linear momentum
Angular momentum
Electric charge
Conservation of nucleons
The age of the specimens can be obtained from the abundance ratio
of 206Pb/204Pb versus 207Pb/204Pb.
Radioactive Carbon Dating
Radioactive 14C is produced in our
atmosphere by the bombardment of 14N by
neutrons produced by cosmic rays.