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Process Control and Instrumentation

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Process Control And Instrumentation

Course Code : CML 303
Course Title : Process Control and Instrumentation
Course Credit (L-T-P): 3 Credits (3-0-0)

 Importance, aims and objectives of process control, introduction to system
dynamics, concept of dynamic response, first order, second order
interacting and non interacting systems, concepts of transfer function,
 Course Content
time constant, process gain, overshoot, decay ratio, dead time. 
Course Outcomes /
 Introduction to set point, disturbance, closed loop and open loop control,
feedback and feed forward configurations, dynamics of feedback control
system.   1. Student shall be able to
formulate the dynamic model
 Types of controllers, P, PI and PID controllers, controller gain, stability of different chemical
analysis, Routh stability criteria. processes.
2. Student shall be able to
 Design of controllers using open loop response, Zigeler – Nichols controller identify the different
settings, Bode and Nyquist stability criteria. measuring instruments and
their working principle.
 Control valve and choice of controller settings.  Basic design of pneumatic 3. Student shall be able to apply
controllers, electric / electronic controllers, discontinuous control modes – analytical tools and design
methodologies to tackle
two position, classical and modern control actions. 
process control problems.
 Process instruments used for measurement of pressure, temperature, 4. Student shall be able to apply
liquid level, flow rate and compositions, pressure gauge, strain gauge, control schemes along with
tuning techniques in chemical
McLeod gauge, vacuum measurement, transducers, transmitters, digital processes.
signal processing. 
 Introduction to set point, error, accuracy, sensitivity, Application of control
systems to chemical process equipments such as chemical reactors, heat
exchangers, distillation columns, boilers etc.

Lecture Lect.No. Content

Plan 1-2
Introduction of Process Control, Incentives for chemical process control
Design Aspects of Process Control System, Control configuration
5-6 Laplace Transform , Inverse Laplace, Transfer function.
7-8 Physical examples of 1st order system
9-10-11 Response to first order system, Step ,Impulse And, Sinusoidal Response
12-13 Response of Interacting and Non- Interacting systems.
14-15 Transportation Lag and its response, practice examples.
16-17 Examples of 2nd order system. Damped Oscillator, Mercury Manometer
18-19-20 Response of 2nd order system, Step response (over damped, critically damped and under damped),Impulse
response, Sinusoidal Response
21-22 Representation of control systems in block diagrams open and closed loop transfer functions. Servo &
regulator control, Feedback & feed forward control loop
23-24 Pneumatic Controllers & Control Valve
25-26 Feed Back Control System, Concept ,Types, Dynamic Behaviour
27-28 Routh criteria of systems stability. Criteria, Routh Array, Practice Examples
29-30 Root locus of feed back control.
31-32-33 Control system analysis by Frequency Response ,Bode Diagram, Ziegler-Nichols optimum controller
34-35 Niquist Diagram & Stability Criteria.
36 Various method of Tuning of controllers and self Tuning controllers .
37-38 Principles of feed forward ratio, cascade and control schemes for the system with large transportation lag.

39 Overall instrumentation and control of units like reactors, distillation column etc.
40 Problem Practice

Tentative Evaluation Scheme
Components Duration/Mode Max Marks
Mid Semester Examination Online 30
Class test/Quizzes and Online 30
End Semester Exam Online 40

Mid sem Exam :- 01st Oct - 9th Oct 2020

End Sem Exam :- 08th Dec - 18th Dec 2020

 “Process system Analysis & Control”, Donald R. Coughanowr and
Kappel, Mc Graw Hill Book Company.

 G.Stephanopoulos, "Chemical Process Control: An Introduction to

Theory and Practice", Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1984.

 R.P.Vyas, “An Introduction to Process dynamics & control, Central

publication, Nagpur, 2001

 T. Marlin, "Process Control", McGraw Hill, 1995.

 W.L.Luyben, "Process Modelling Simulation and Control for Chemical

Engineers", McGraw Hill, 1990.
Day to Day-life……. Control Examples
 Liquid Level tank
 Cycling thermostat
set point TC TT
temperature heat loss
sensor/transmitter (disturbance)


fuel flow furnace


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Driving a Car: An Everyday Example of Process Control
Control Objective (Setpoint): Disturbance

Maintain car in proper lane. Setpoint e c u

Controlled variable- Location on the +- Controller Actuator Process CV

Manipulated variable- Orientation of Sensor

the front wheels

Actuator- Driver’s arms/steering

Sensor- Driver’s eyes
Controller- Driver
 Disturbance- Curve in road

What is Chemical Plant?
 A chemical plant is an arrangement of processing units (reactors,
heat exchangers, pumps, distillation columns, absorbers,
evaporators, tanks, etc.), integrated with each other in a systematic
and rational manner. The plant's overall objective is to convert
certain raw materials (input feedstock) into desired products using
available sources of energy, in the most economic, way.

A Chemical Plant must
satisfy several


Chemical Plant

Operational Environmental
Constraints Regulation

 Why does Control Necessary?
 There are three general classes of needs that a control system
is called on to satisfy:
- Suppress the influence of external disturbances,
- ensure the stability of a chemical process, and
- optimize the performance of a chemical process.

Suppressing the influence of external disturbances
 Operational Objectives
1. To keep the effluent temperature T at a desired value
2. To keep the volume of the liquid in the tank at a
desired value Vs

Feedforward Temperature control
Feedback liquid level control scheme scheme

Ensuring the stability of a chemical process

Optimize the performance of a chemical process.


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