Social Media and Effects On The Academic Performance of Grade 8 Students

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Social Media and Effects on

the Academic Performance

of Grade 8 Students

Niel Mark A. Monsanto

Statement of the Problem
Objectives of the Study
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms

Students have been more and more involved in using social media with
the passage of time. Parents, teachers, and education researchers have been
discussing the advantages and disadvantages of frequency of use and time
spent on social media. There are research studies, which find social media
useful in the sense that it facilitates teacher-student and student-student
interaction and learning improvement. While there are others who are against
the use of social media by students as they are of the view that social media
wastes the time of students and thus effects their academic performance. The
purpose of this research is to investigate about how social media affects the
students’ academic performance.

Statement of the Problem Objectives of the Study
This study aims to answer the following questions: This study aims to:
1. What are the advantages of using social media for students in 1. Know what are the advantages of using social media for
terms of: students in terms of:
A. Communication skills A. Communication skills
B. Social Interaction B. Social Interaction
C. Exposure of diverse views C. Exposure of diverse views

2. What are the disadvantages of using social media for students 2. Investigate the disadvantages of using social media for
in terms of: students in terms of:
A. Students’ distraction A. Students distraction
B. Lack of control for inappropriate content B. Lack of control for inappropriate content
C. Lacks emotional connection. C. Lacks emotional Connection

3. How is social media related to the academic performance of 3. Define why social media related to the academic performance
the students? of the students.
Significance of the Study
This study is for:
The professor/s and/ or faculty members of Quezon Institutes of technology, that they may read and
beware of the changes of the students and even the effects of social media to their students, so that they can
educate their students about the limitations of using the social media. This may help them in planning their own
tactics in making their students avoid social media addiction.
The school Guidance Councilor, that he/she may use this data to be able to reach out to students and
inform them about the factors that can cause such problems and how these problems can be resolved.
The students of Quezon Institutes of technology, that they may read and find out the good and bad side of
this kind of problem in their education and their future. Moreover, this research or study will provide them
enough information so they can avoid using social media in school and so that they can improve their education.
The community possessing the same kind of case, that they can read about the study and make it as a
guide on understanding how this problem emerged and how would they deal with the problem itself.

Definition of Terms
Communication skills are abilities you use when giving and receiving different kinds of information. It involve
listening, speaking, observing and empathizing.

Social interaction is an exchange between two or more individuals and is a building block of society.
Students distraction something that distracts : an object that directs one's attention away from something else
from the students.

Lack of control for inappropriate content means the state of being without or not having enough of something in
any material that is disturbing, improper, and just plain wrong for children; anything that is not normal for a
child to view such as: Sexually explicit content: child/adult pornography, semi-nude and/or nudity.

Lack of emotional connection means the state of being without or not having enough of something about a
bundle of subjective feelings that come together to create a bond between two people.

Emotional means to arouse strong feelings. The feelings may be anger, sorrow, joy, love or any of thousands of
emotions that humans experience.

II-Theoretical Framework
Review of Related Literature
Conceptual Framework
Research Paradigm

Review of Related Literature
According to Joe (Cothrel, January 23, 2017), “Social Media broadly defined consists of any online
Platform or Channel for user generated content. It is more narrowly defined includes only channels for user
generated content. You tube, Twitter, are social media while the word press, share point and Lithium are Social
According to (Cheryl Burgess, February 22,2017), “Social Media consist of application to channel. The
channel represents a stark difference from to advertiser-driven push model. The overarching responsibility rests
with the marketing department as the champion for the customer”.
According to (Marjorie Clayman, December 18, 2015) “Social Media is a new marketing tool that allows
you to get to know your customer and prospects in ways that were previously not possible. But you should
respect, and honest on it. Social Media is not a fad, but also it’s just the beginning of the marketing revolution”.
According to (Heidi Cohen, May 9, 2015) “Social Media are the platform that enable the interactive web by
engaging users to participate in, comment on and create content as means of communicating with their social
graph, other users and the public. It allows to interact with others through social sharing, email and feeds. It also
provides for one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many communications. It can take place via computers,
tablets, laptops, iPads, and mobile phones”.

Conceptual Framework
This set of ideas and concept is for the better understanding about the effects of social media
on the academic performance of Grade 8 students of Salawagan National High School. Social
media refers to the means of interaction among people in which they create, share, exchange and
comment among themselves in different networks. A causal-chain framework was developed
based on the input-moderator-mediator-output model to illustrate the causality between the
research constructs used and the conceptualization of theoretical models/theories proposed by
previous researchers. Because social media cover a wide range of research topics, the literature
review may not be exhaustive. However, the proposed causal-chain framework and suggested
research directions may be regarded as representative references for future research in the subject
area. This is believed to be the first comprehensive literature review of social media research, and
it contributes to a better understanding of the causes and effects of the adoption and usage of
social media.

Research Paradigm Hypothesis
H1- Using social media will
enhanced the students
communication skill, social
interaction, and will have a
exposure to diverse views.
H2- Social media in school
caused students distraction, lack
of control for inappropriate
content, and lack of emotional

H3- Social media is useful tool in

the area of education.

Research Design
Locale of the Study
Participants of the Study
Research Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Treatment

Research Design Locale of the Study
This study was administered personally This study was conducted in the selected Junior
through questionnaires. The simple questionnaire High Schools of barangay Salawagan, municipality of
was used in Salawagan Junior High School which Quezon, Bukidnon, which focuses on the study of
has five different strands. The researcher listed all Social Media and Effects on the Academic
the sections of the Grade 8 level and sample Performance of Grade 8 Students.
students were drawn to identify the section which
will be the sample of the study. When the name of
the section was identified, the researcher
purposively chose 40 male and female sample
students from the said section as participants.
These students were purposively chosen as their
number is enough to get the total number of
participants needed for the study.

Participants of the Study Research Instrument
The said respondents of this study are the Grade To determine the numbers of samples
8students of Salawagan National High School from
Purok Maligaya, Mabuhay, Tala sa Umaga,
in Salawagan National High School in
Demokrasya, Pag-asa, Dakila and Masigla. They are Grade 8 Curriculum, the researcher made
14-16 years old of age, both male and female within use of Quota Sampling which means that
the municipality of Quezon, barangay Salawagan the target population of respondents has
Bukidnon. The Grade 8 curriculum of Salawagan
Junior High School has a five different strands namely the characteristics applicable to the
Grade 8- Emerald has 47 students, Grade 8- Jade has researcher’s study.
45 students, Grade 8- Silver has 41 students, Grade 8-
Sapphire has 43 students, Grade 8- Topaz has 44
students, Grade 8-Pearl has 43 students, Grade 8-Gold
has 43 students, Grade 8- Ruby has 46 students. This
study is conducted during the school year 2019-2010.

Data Gathering Procedure Statistical Treatment
The highest ethical standards must be upheld when All the data collected were tabulated and
collecting data and the research plan must describe the measures
that will be taken to protect the participants involved. The were statistically treated. Descriptive and
researcher will write a formal letter to the schools Division inferential statistics such as percentage was
Superintendent, Department of Education in the Division of
Bukidnon asking permission to conduct the researchers study in
used. Scoring was made by hand.
the chosen Grade 8 Students in Junior High Schools in the
municipality of Quezon particularly at the Barangay Salawagan,
Salawagan National High School. An approval letter will also be
sent to the District supervisors and to the school principal before
administering the questionnaire. Upon approval, the researcher
will personally administer the questionnaire to the respondents of
the study. The researcher will conduct the study from June 2019 to
October 2019. Five months for the researcher to distribute the
survey questionnaire to the target respondents. After collecting all
the information and the survey questionnaire, the results will be
tabulated and interpreted to draw the objectives of the study.

Analysis and
Interpretation of Data

90% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 5% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining 5% of
the respondent choose others.

63% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 22% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining 15%
of the respondent choose Others.
90% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 3% of the respondents choose No, and the remaining
7% of the respondent choose Others.

49% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 2% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining
73% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 12% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining
15% of the respondent choose Others.

40% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 12% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining
48% of the respondent choose Others.
43% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 7% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining 50%
of the respondent choose Others.

20% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 40% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining
40% of the respondent choose Others.

65% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 8% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining 27%
of the respondent choose Others.

42% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 18% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining
40% of the respondent choose Others.
32% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 18% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining
50% of the respondent choose Others.

60% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 12% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining
28% of the respondent
21 choose Others.
32% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 13% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining
55% of the respondent choose Others.

32% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 15% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining
55% of the respondent choose Others.
73% of the respondent choose Yes, on the other hand 10% of the respondent choose No, and the remaining
17% of the respondent choose Others.

This study aimed to identify the effect of Social Media in academic
performance among Grade 8 students in Salawagan National High School. This
study found out that 90% of the respondents improved their communication skills
through social media, 20% of the respondent lose their social interaction, 49% of the
respondent agreed that social media is beneficial in terms of exposure of diverse
views, 73% of the students get distracted in school, 40% of the students are having
lack of control for inappropriate content, 63% are having lack of emotional
connection. Hence we can say that 47% of the respondents affect their studies in a
positive way on the other hand 53% of the students suffers from the negative effects
of the social media, Data gathered from students of grade 8 level of Salawagan
National High School. The survey questionnaire was the main instrument used to
gather the needed data.


Social media was created to help people maintain connections, network
,and obtain information. In conclusions these findings may be helpful to shed
some light on this issue be generating students and parents awareness about
how to manage your time in using social media and finally plan to resolve this
important issue . Teachers should remain in contact parent-teacher meetings
with their son and daughter and monitors student regarding with the use of
social media during class hours. To the parents, they should have time on their
children and gives restriction when you use social media. Administrators
should also create a policy by using a social media and conduct a symposium
or a seminar to educate the students.

Bibliography and

Participants of the
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Research, 45(2), 147-63. Ahn, J. (2011b). The Effect of Social Network Sites on Adolescents'
Social and Academic Development: Current Theories and Controversies. Journal of the American Society for Information Science
and Technology, 62(8), 1435-445. AntonSon, M., & Christopher, W. (2008). Corporate Social
Media Facilitating Better and Faster Change Management. Goteborgs Universitet Handelshogskolan. Cain, J., & Katherine, C.
(2013). Exploring Social Media’s Potential in Interprofessional Education. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and
Education, 3(2), 1-7. Print. Curtis, A. (2013). The Brief History of Social Media. The Brief History of Social Media. Egedegbe, N.
(2013). The Effect of Social Networking Sites on Students' Academic Performance in Girne American University, North Cyprus.
Hartshorn, S. (2010). 5 Differences Between Social Media and Social Networking. Social Media Today. Kirschner, P ., & Aryn, K.
(2010University of Warwick, CEPR, and NBER. Moran, M., Seaman, J., & Tinti-Kane, H. (2011).

Participants of the Participants of the Participants of the
Appendix A
1.Can social media affect you academic performance in a positive Appendix B Appendix C
⬜️ Yes ⬜️ No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes)
Consent Letter Department of Education
2.Does social media cause you to have a lacks emotional
Connection? Department of Education Region X
️Yes ⬜️No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes) Region X Division of Bukidnon
3. Does social media improved your ommunication skills? Division of Bukidnon June 24,2019
⬜️Yes. ⬜️ No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes)
4.Is social media beneficial in you in terms of exposure of diverse Dear Respondents,
views? June 24, 2019
⬜️Yes ⬜️ No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes)
Mary Jane Cardiente, Ph.D I am a Bachelor of Science in Secondary
5.Does social media is a students distraction in school ?
⬜️Yes ⬜️No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes) Secondary School Principal II Education of Quezon Institute of technology, Major in
6. Can social media may cause you a lack of control for Barangay Salawagan, Quezon Bukidnon English II, currently conducting the research entitled
inappropriate content? “Social Media and Effects on the Academic
⬜️Yes ⬜️No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes) Ma’am: Performance of Grade 8 Students”. The respondents
7.Is social media a source of new information? The undersigned is a Bachelor of Science in for this study will be the eight different sections of
⬜️Yes ⬜️No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes) Secondary Education of Quezon Institute of technology, Grade 8 Curiculum of Salawagan National High
8.Can social media enchance your ability to engage face to face
Major in English II, currently conducting the research School with the chosen Quota Sampling procedure.
⬜️Yes ⬜️No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes)
entitled “Social Media and Effects on the Academic In line with this, I humbly ask your help with my
9.Does social media waste an individuals time that could have Performance of Grade 8 Students” study and hope that you will take time to answer the
been utilized to do productive tasks and activities? questions honestly. Rest assured that all data
⬜️Yes ⬜️No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes) In connection with this, the researchers would gathered will be rated utmost confidentiality and will
10.Can social media help you to be effective in class? like to ask permission to allow us to conduct our study be used for academic purposes only.
⬜️Yes ⬜️No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes) on the Grade 8 students with the different strands Thank you very much!
11. Did you manage diminish the negative effects of social
⬜️Yes ⬜️No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes)
Anticipating for your most favorable response
12.Do you limit your time using social media? regarding this request. Approved:
⬜️Yes ⬜️No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes) Thank you very much!
13.Do you think that social media helps your problems? Nino Chris L. Abapo
⬜️Yes ⬜️No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes) Approved by: SNHS Coordinator
14.Do you agree that social media affects your study in a negative Mary Jane Cardente, Ph. D
way? Secondary School Principal II Niel Mark A.
⬜️Yes ⬜️No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes)
15.Do you agree that social media is necessary in school?
Niel Mark A. Monsanto Monsanto
⬜️Yes ⬜️No ⬜️Other (Maybe/Sometimes) Researcher Researcher

Any questions?


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