LET Reviewer Professional Education Prof. Ed.: D. Maturation Child and Adolescent Development Part 1
LET Reviewer Professional Education Prof. Ed.: D. Maturation Child and Adolescent Development Part 1
LET Reviewer Professional Education Prof. Ed.: D. Maturation Child and Adolescent Development Part 1
infants are shown genuine affection? b. Unable to breakdown a whole into separate parts.
a. Trust c. Differentiates goals and goal-directed activities.
b. Autonomy d. Experiments with methods to reach goals.
c. Initiative
d. Industry 20. Trisha goes with her mother in school. She enjoys
the workplace of her mother. Which of the following
14. Christian develops an integral and coherent sense ecological theories is illustrated by the situation?
of self. He seeks answers to the question. "Who am I"? a. Microsystem
Which of the following is Christian likely to develop? b. Mesosystem
a. Initiative c. Exosystem
b. Identity and Role Confusion d. Macrosystem
c. Intimacy
d. Autonomy 21. Lito, a student in secondary level tends to spend
more time with his friends and his family, thus, his
15. Ms. Reyes uses images and language to represent behavior is greatly affected by them. In which stage
and understand her various lessons to preschool in the Psychosocial Stages of Development does Lito
learners. What stage in the cognitive theory of belong?
development explains this? a. Autonomous vs Shame and Doubt
a. Sensorimotor b. Identity vs. Role Confusion
b. Preoperational c. Intimacy vs. Isolation
c. Concrete operation d. Initiative vs. Guilt
d. Formal operation
22. Anna believes that authority is respected. She is
16. Connie develops concepts necessary for everyday now in what particular level in moral development
living, builds healthy attitudes towards oneself, and theory of Lawrence Kholberg?
achieve personal independence. These are among the a. Social contract
attributes of an individual in what particular stage? b. Law and order orientation
a. Infancy and early childhood c. Interpersonal concordance
b. Middle childhood d. Universal ethics orientation
c. Adolescence
d. Early adulthood 23. What level has a four year old learner like
Maryann reached when she acquired new skills such
17. Some children are more active than others, as as putting the same shapes and the same colors
everyone knows-extremely highlevels of activity or together?
hyperactivity are considered problematic. How may a a. Development
teacher help a child who is hyperactive? b. Maturation
a. Make him the leader of the class c. Zone of Proximal Development
b. Transfer him to another class d. Learning
c.Give him challenging activities that are appropriate
to his ability level and interests. 24. Which of the following principles can be the basis
d.Allow him to spend longer at the playground until of the growing realization of the significance of the
he gets tired. early childhood education?
a.The young children are capable of doing many
18. Tessa gets jealous whenever she sees her father things at an early stage.
showing love and affection to her mother. Which of b. The child should be seen and should learn.
the following is she showing according to Freud? c.The first five years of life are the formative years of
a. Complex the child.
b. Phallic d. Early childhood experiences can be interesting and
c. Electra Complex challenging.
d. Oedipus Complex
25. Which of the following learner's characteristics
19. In Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development, will affect most of the learners learning in the
which of the following statements would illustrate academic class?
Edward who is 11 years old? a. His affective characteristics
a. Able to see relationships and to reason in the b. His cognitive characteristics
abstract. c.His psychomotor characteristics