Week1-Introduction To ICT

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Introduction to Information

and Communication
Lecture Week 1

Name: Waqas Manzoor

Assistant Professor
Email: [email protected]
Course Details & Grading Criteria
Week Topic

1 Introduction • Weekly Activities +

2 Number System Attendance 25%
3 Computer Organization • Final Presentation 25%
4 Mathematics in Computer Science
• Exam 50%

5 Operating systems

6 Data Management and its applications

7 Computer Graphics
8 Communication

9 Web development

10 Artificial Intelligence

11 Big data

12, 13, 14 Student Presentations

What are ICT?

ICT are the hardware and software that enable

society to create, collect, consolidate and
communicate information in different formats and
for various purposes.
The technology used to handle information and aid
Do you use ICT
Amazing Facts and Statistics
Amazing Facts and Statistics
Amazing Facts and Statistics
Amazing Facts and Statistics

Facebook's annual revenue and net income from 2007 to 2017 (in million U.S. dollars)
Components of ICT
Communication Devices

• Computers • Home entertainment

• Mobile phones Systems
• Cameras • Media Players and so
• Gaming consoles on…
Device Evolution
Internal and Abstract View

Impact of ICT on society
• Developments in ICT have brought about the merger of
• the computing,
• information,
• communications,
• entertainment,
• mass media industries
thereby providing a means of exchanging information
in the digital format used by computers.
Shift from Print to Digital Internet

ICT has made the transfer of digital information from

remote sites possible
Few Basics
• Computers
• A computer is an electronic machine that has the capability
to perform certain types of processing/computation on the
supplied data. It can also store the data as well as
generated results.

Data & Instructions Processing/ Information/Results


Few Basics
• Computers
• Device that accepts input, process and stores data, and gives
• Device that can execute specific set of instructions in a well-
defined manner
Few Basics…. Computer

Hardware Software

CPU Memory I/O Etc. Application System

Software Software
Few Basics
• Computer Hardware
• Electric, electronic, and mechanical devices

• Computer Software
• Programs and data in electronic form on a storage
• Program- Sequence of Instructions
Few Basics: Hardware
Few Basics
• Input devices
• Processor & Memory
• Storage devices
• Output devices
Few Basics: Input Devices
• Mouse
• Keyboard
• Joystick
• Camera
• Microphone
Few Basics : Output Devices
• Peripheral Devices:
• Printer - laser, inkjet, dotmatrix

• Plotter - flatbed, drum

• Speakers

• Monitor - CRT, LCD, projector

Few Basics : Processor/CPU
• Pentium
• 8086
• Celeron
• Alpha What are Control Unit and ALU?

The arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) contains the electronic circuitry that

executes all arithmetic and logical operations.

The control unit (CU) of the CPU contains circuitry that uses
electrical signals to direct the entire computer system to carry out,
or execute, stored program instructions.

Early History of Computing
An early mechanical device to record
numeric values

Blaise Pascal
Mechanical device to add, subtract, divide & multiply

Joseph Jacquard
Jacquard’s Loom, the punched card

6 26
Early History of Computing
Charles Babbage
Analytical Engine – designed to tabulate polynomial functions

Ada Lovelace
Suggested Babbage to use binary system
First Programmer, the loop

Alan Turing
Turing Machine, Artificial Intelligence Testing

7 27
Early History of Computing
ENIAC first electronic general purpose computer
Early computers launch new era in mathematics, physics, engineering and economics

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First Generation Hardware

Vacuum Tubes - circuitry

Large, not very reliable, generated a lot of heat

Magnetic Drum - memory

Memory device that rotated under a read/write head

Card Readers  Magnetic Tape Drives

Sequential auxiliary storage devices

Computers relied on machine language, input was based on

punch cards and paper tape, output displayed on printouts

8 29
Second Generation Hardware

Replaced vacuum tube (1-40), fast, small,
durable, cheap

Magnetic Cores
Replaced magnetic drums, information available instantly

Magnetic Disks
Replaced magnetic tape, data can be accessed directly

Computers relied on symbolic/assembly language

9 30
Third Generation Hardware And Computers
Integrated Circuits
Replaced circuit boards, smaller, cheaper, faster, more reliable

Now used for memory construction

An input/output device with a keyboard and screen

Third-generation languages (3GLs) are high-level programming

languages, such as FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, Pascal, C/C++
and Java.

10 31
Fourth Generation Hardware (1971-?)
Large-scale Integration
Great advances in chip technology, microprocessor
(thousands of ICs on single chip)

PCs, the Commercial Market, Workstations

Personal Computers and Workstations emerge
New companies emerge: Apple, Sun, Dell …

Laptops, Tablet Computers, and Smart

Everyone has his/her own portable computer

Everyone has his/her own portable computer languages that consist of

statements similar to statements in a human language. Fourth
generation languages are commonly used in database programming
and scripts examples include Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and SQL. 10 32
Computer Applications
• Business
• Payroll calculations
• Budgeting
• Sales analysis
• Financial forecasting
• Managing employees
• Stock maintenance
Computer Applications
• Banking
• Online banking (checking balance, funds transfer etc.)
• ATM (automated teller machine)
• Insurance
• Procedure to continue with policies
• Starting date of the policies
• Next due installment of a policy
Computer Applications
• Education
• The computer provides a tool in the education system
known as CBE (Computer Based Education).
• CBE involves control, delivery, and evaluation of learning.
• Computer education is rapidly increasing the graph of
number of computer students.
• There are a number of methods in which educational
institutions can use a computer to educate the students.
• It is used to prepare a database about performance of a
student and analysis is carried out on this basis.
Computer Applications
• Marketing
• Advertising − With computers, advertising professionals create art and
graphics, write and revise copy, and print and disseminate ads with the
goal of selling more products.
• Home Shopping − Home shopping has been made possible through the
use of computerized catalogues that provide access to product
information and permit direct entry
of orders to be filled by the customers.
Computer Applications
• Healthcare
• Diagnostic System − Computers are used to collect data and identify the
cause of illness.
• Lab-diagnostic System − All tests can be done and the reports are prepared
by computer.
• Patient Monitoring System − These are used to check the patient's signs for
abnormality such as in Cardiac Arrest, ECG, etc.
• Pharma-Information System − Computer is used to check drug labels, expiry
dates, harmful side effects, etc.
• Surgery − Nowadays, computers are also used in performing surgery.
Computer Applications
• Engineering Design
• Structural Engineering − Requires stress and strain analysis for design of
ships, buildings, budgets, airplanes, etc.
• Industrial Engineering − Computers deal with design, implementation, and
improvement of integrated systems of people, materials, and equipment.
• Architectural Engineering − Computers help in planning towns, designing
buildings, determining a range of
buildings on a site using both 2D
and 3D drawings.
Computer Applications
• Military
• Missile Control
• Military Communication
• Military Operation and Planning
• Smart Weapons
Computer Applications
• Communication
• E-mail
• Chatting
• Video-conferencing
Computer Applications
• Government
• Budgets
• Sales tax department
• Income tax department
• Computation of male/female ratio
• Computerization of voters lists
• Computerization of CNIC card
• Weather forecasting
Types of Computer
• PC (Personal Computer )
• Small
• Inexpensive
• Business Use
• Word processing, running spreadsheets etc.
• Personal Use
• Playing games, surfing the internet, movies, games etc.
• Single user system
Types of Computer
• Desktop
• PC not designed for portability
• More storage and computation with less cost
• Laptop (notebook)
• Portable with integrated display
• Battery operated
Types of Computer
• Netbook
• Smaller and cheaper than laptops
• Less powerful than laptop
• PDA (personal digital assistant)
• Tightly integrated computer
• Flash memory instead of hard disk
• Touch screen instead of keyboard
• Lightweight and reasonable battery life
Types of Computer
• Workstation
• Desktop computer with more processing power
• More memory
• More capabilities in performing specialized tasks
Types of Computer
• Server
• Computer that serves other computers over network
• More processing power, memory and storage
• Large in size
Types of Computer
• Mainframe
• Very large size
• Now known as enterprise server
• More processing power
• Supercomputer
• Very expensive
• Fastest computers
• Employed for specific applications which require immense amount of calculations
• weather forecasting
• scientific simulations
• (animated) graphics
• nuclear energy research
• electronic design
• Share with us every type of digital device that you own and then
figure out the percentage of those devices that are used for data
• Share with us the types of activities that you conduct on your digital
devices and then figure out the percentage of activity that does not
require internet access. 
Thank You

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