History Repeats Itself Written Down Bird's Eye View

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History repeats itself Written down Bird’s eye view

Split personality Cliffhanger Through thick and thin

How did you get the answer
to each block?
What helps you in
understanding the meaning
of the text?
Textual Aids
Textual Aids
•These are also called as Text Features.
•These are visual elements of a page
that stand out from the main text.
Textual Aids
•These are also called as Text Features.
•These are visual elements of a page
that stand out from the main text.
What are text features?
• Authors include text features to help the
reader better understand what they have
• Text features provide information that
may not be written in the text itself.
What are text features?
• Text features can be found in
textbooks, magazine articles,
newspapers, reports, web pages,
and other forms of nonfiction text.
•The reader uses text features
to help understand the
content of a text.
Examples of Text Features
• Graphs
• Maps
• Tables
• Titles (bold or italic print)
• Diagrams
• Non-linear illustrations

These are visual

comparisons of data and
information in a
bar/pie/line format.

• To help us read facts and
figures in a short amount
of time
• They present information
in a visual form.
• They help the reader
understand where an event
MAPS • They help the reader
understand how far away
• These are drawings that show the
an event took place.
basic shape of the land and other
geographical, political, or
historical features.
• These organize large amounts of
information in a small space.
• These present all kinds of data,
from numbers and amounts, to
calendars and menus.
• These help the reader compare
information in the text.
(Bold, Color, & Italics)
• The style and color of the text sends the
reader signals about how to read the content.
• Key words to notice are in bold or in color.
• Text in italics is used in picture captions,
book titles, and any other elements that needs
to stand out.
• Text in bold, color, or italics draw the readers
attention to important information.
• These are drawings that show or
explain something.
• To understand a diagram the reader
should read the titles, labels,
captions, and numbered parts.
• These help the reader understand
steps, how objects are made, or
information in the text.
Textual aids that are in the form of
pictures or graphs give additional
information to the readers to support
information that can be found in the

• These give information in a visual

• They help tell the story.
• They work with the words and
headings to help teach material.
• They help the reader understand an
idea from the text that was unclear.
Asynchronous Activity
Kindly log-in to your Aralinks
account then answer Exercise
1: Textual Aids.

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