Motivation in Learning

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Characteristics; Purposes; Types/ Importance; Motivational Factors of



 The process by which an individual creates an

inner drive to accomplish goals or objectives.

 It influence an individual to act.

 The practical art of applying incentives and

arousing interest of purposes causing a
student to perform in a desired way.
Purpose of Motivation

 To arouse the desire to achieve a goal

 To stimulate action to accomplish a particular
 To cause a student to perform in a desired way
 To arouse interest thereby making a student simply
work willingly and to complete tasks
 To use various incentives such as the offering of
rewards or an appeal to the desire to excel
 To stimulate an individual to follow certain direction
desired for learning
Types of Motivation

 Intrinsic Motivation –it is based on personal

motives and consists of self-generated
factors that influence individuals to behave in
a particular way, or to move to a particular
Hereditary Personal philosophy
Intellectual abilities Desire for recognition
Instinctual drive Desire to serve others
Types of Motivation

 Extrinsic Motivation -based on social

motives which may include:
 Rewards such as high grades, increase pay, praise
or promotion
 Punishments such as disciplinary action, low
grades, withholding pay and criticism.
Maslow’s Theory
of Motivation and
Points that educators should
address to help students respond
to their self-actualization needs:
 Teach people to be authentic, aware of their
inner selves and to listen to their inner-
feelings voices.
 Teach people to transcend their cultural
values and become world-class citizens.
 Help their vocation in life, their calling, fate
or destiny, particularly in finding the right
career or mate.
Points that educators should
address to help students respond to
their self-actualization needs:
 Teach people that life is precious, that there
is JOY to be experienced.
 Accept the individual as she is and help her
learn her inner nature.
 Make sure that the individual’s basic needs
are satisfied.
 Refresh consciousness by teaching to
appreciate beauty and other good things in
nature and life.
Points that educators should
address to help students respond to
their self-actualization needs:
 Teach that self-regulation is good and complete
abandonment is bad.
 Teach students to transcend and analyze
problems and attend to serious problems in life.
 Teach students to make good decision by giving
them opportunities to practice and experience
problem solving using hypothetical situations in
the clinical laboratory or in any related learning
Motivational Factors of Learners

1. Psychosocial Needs – according to Heidgerken

the teacher should be concerned of the following:

a. Security –feeling of being safe and protected.

b. Anxiety –a feeling of concern or worry about some
anticipated event that would cause some danger into
individuals learning process (assignments, course req.)
c. Frustration –has the feeling of blocking or frustration
to achieve a goal because of some barriers or
constraints in the learning process.
Motivational Factors of Learners

d. Independence –the need to achieve a status of self-

sufficiency. Achieving selfhood is a string and
positive motivational force.
e. Actualization –the fulfillment of one’s personality
f. Assertion –the overt manifestation of one’s
personality to speak for oneself, their ideas,
opinions, and feelings in a respectful manner
without creating enemies.
g. Achievement –the need to attain some worthwhile
goals, the degree of which varies from one another.
Motivational Factors of Learners

h. Recognition –the acknowledgement by others of

one’s achievement.
i. Participation –the sharing of experiences and
activities with others.
j. Interest –a conscious awareness of an inner desire
for some object which has concern or
importance to an individual.
k. Religious need –individual’s requirement for God.
Motivational Factors of Learners

2. Incentives
a. Praise and Reproof –everyone craves for
recognition or approval from others which may
encourage or discourage the individual to pursue
higher tasks.
b. Competition –urging oneself to take action to
achieve a certain objective in order to prove one’s
capability or excellence.
a. Competition within groups
b. Competition with individuals in the same group
c. Competition with your own record
Motivational Factors of Learners

c. Knowledge of progress –students must be

informed of their progress through their self
evaluation, assignments, test and examination.
d. School marks –used as basis for grading and offer
a powerful stimulus to induce learning activities.
e. Exhibiting good works –when a student knows
that the best work is to be exhibited, the desire to
do better work is stimulated or created.
f. Game or play –it develops personal discipline
which is essential in assuring responsibility and
doing mature roles.
Motivational Factors of Learners

g. Examination –creates drive among students to

prepare and review in order to attain a passing
h. Dean’s list –gives student a sense of recognition
and pride.
i. Emulation –a school incentive, students are
required to do their test in oral or written
Motivational Factors of Learners

j. Material rewards – helps students to learn.

k. Punishment –used as a form of extrinsic

motivation. It is assumed to accomplish:
 Respect for authority
 Block undesirable response
 Force learner to do something he is not ready to do
 Set an example for potential offender
 Make student pay attention
 Motivate students to learn assigned material
Importance of motivation in learning:

 To facilitate learning activity

 Learning is an active process and students need
to be motivated and guided toward desirable
 Learning is self-initiated, but it must be aided by
motives or incentives so that the learners will
persist in the learning activity.
 A definite motive is valuable in all prospective
activities, as it will prepare the students to learn.
Importance of motivation in learning:

 The greater readiness to learn, the greater

attention will be given to work on hand and
the sooner the desired result will be achieved.
 It is important to get the learner into a state
of readiness to learn for it increases alertness,
vigor and wholeheartedness of learning
 Assist the learner in achieving ends and
purposes which she desires to attain.
Assessing Motivation among Learners

1. Previous learning experience

2. Personal attitudes and beliefs about
3. Readiness to learn
4. Availability of resources to support learning.
5. Level of anxiety.

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