Chapter One Intoduction
Chapter One Intoduction
Chapter One Intoduction
“The physical activities to improve the beneficial use of water for water
supply, irrigation, flood alleviation, energy production, navigation, water
based recreation & Fisheries”
Water Resource Planning (WRP):
c) Polluted Water
discharges of wastewater by industry and households can have
considerable detrimental effects on water quality
Issues regarding the environment and water quality include:
Infrastructures of water management: structures and
systems, water uses and users
Planning and decision making
Organizational theories
System analysis and decision support systems
Water and environmental law
Financial Management
Principle of water resources managements
„Anyone who solves the problem of water deserves not one Nobel
Prize but two –one for science and the other for peace“ [John F.
1.2 Water Availability & Use
Water Availability
most distributed substance on our planet
Some definition...
Atmospheric processes make water distribution spread overall the globe enhancing
either equilibrium or non equilibrium local mass exchanges. These disparities are
fundamental to maintain active the hydrologic cycle
The river runoff, actually representing the renewable water
resources, is the most important component of hydrological
Euphrates River
Originating in eastern highlands of Turkey, flows through Syria and Iraq
and finaly drains to the Persian Gulf.
It is the longest river in Southwestern Asia with 2,700 km, and its actual
annual volume is 35.9 billion cubic meters (bcm).
Hydrography of the Basin
Turkey contributes 98 per cent of the water potentially carried by the
Euphrates River
Turkey contributes around 51.8 per cent of the Tigris' flow, with Iraq
contributing 49.2 % and Syria contributing nothing at all
use of water and conflicts
GAP Project: When completed, GAP will consist of 22 dams – including
the Keban Dam – and 19 power plants and provide irrigation water to
1,700,000 hectares
ii) The Jordan River Basin
Hydrography of the Jordan River Basin
flows through nine provinces of China and empties into the Bohai
Ethiopia 1 100 010 365 117 11.7 33.2 205 2 010 1 125
• Two approaches which lead to an integrated plan and management policy are
1. From the top down or the command and control approach
2. Socio-economic subsystem: Human activities related to the use of the natural river
• Inadequate attention to one subsystem can reduce the effect of any work done
to improve the performance of the others
1.6 Integrated Water resources Management (IWRM)
A process which promotes the coordinated development and management
of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant
economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising
the sustainability of vital ecosystems (GWP,2000)
„Sustainable development is a process that meets the needs of the
present without compromising our ability to meet those of the future“
(World Commission on Environment and Development (1986))
The Dublin Principles have served as guide for the global water
Globally accepted and makes good sense
Economic Environmental
efficiency Sustainability
Management Institutional
Instruments Enabling Framework
Central- Local
Allocation Legislation
River Basin
instruments Public - Private
Balance “water
“water for
for livelihood”
livelihood” and
and “water
“water as
as aa resource”
Schematic of the IWRM Process