Concurrency: Mutual Exclusion, Synchronization, Deadlock and Starvation

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Concurrency: Mutual

Exclusion , Synchronization
,Deadlock and Starvation
• Principals of Concurrency
Multiple Processes/Threads
• Central to the design of modern Operating
Systems is managing multiple processes
– Multiprogramming
– Multiprocessing
– Distributed Processing
• Big Issue is Concurrency
– Managing the interaction of all of these
Concurrency arises in:
• Multiple applications
– Sharing time
• Structured applications
– Extension of modular design
• Operating system structure
– OS themselves implemented as a set of
processes or threads
Key Terms
Interleaving and
Overlapping Processes
• Earlier (Ch2) we saw that processes may
be interleaved on uniprocessors
Interleaving and
Overlapping Processes
• And not only interleaved but overlapped
on multi-processors
Difficulties of
• Sharing of global resources
• Optimally managing the allocation of
• Difficult to locate programming errors as
results are not deterministic and
A Simple Example
void echo()
chin = getchar();
chout = chin;
A Simple Example:
On a Multiprocessor
Process P1 Process P2
. .
chin = getchar(); .
. chin = getchar();
chout = chin; chout = chin;
putchar(chout); .
. putchar(chout);
. .
Enforce Single Access
• If we enforce a rule that only one process
may enter the function at a time then:
• P1 & P2 run on separate processors
• P1 enters echo first,
– P2 tries to enter but is blocked – P2 suspends
• P1 completes execution
– P2 resumes and executes echo
Race Condition
• A race condition occurs when
– Multiple processes or threads read and write
data items
– They do so in a way where the final result
depends on the order of execution of the
• The output depends on who finishes the
race last.
Operating System
• What design and management issues are
raised by the existence of concurrency?
• The OS must
– Keep track of various processes
– Allocate and de-allocate resources
– Protect the data and resources against
interference by other processes.
– Ensure that the processes and outputs are
independent of the processing speed
Competition among
Processes for Resources
Three main control problems:
• Need for Mutual Exclusion
– Critical sections
• Deadlock
• Starvation
Requirements for
Mutual Exclusion
• Only one process at a time is allowed in
the critical section for a resource
• A process that halts in its noncritical
section must do so without interfering with
other processes
• No deadlock or starvation
Requirements for
Mutual Exclusion
• A process must not be delayed access to
a critical section when there is no other
process using it
• No assumptions are made about relative
process speeds or number of processes
• A process remains inside its critical section
for a finite time only
• Principals of Deadlock
– Deadlock prevention
– Deadlock Avoidance
– Deadlock detection
– An Integrated deadlock strategy
• A set of processes is deadlocked when
each process in the set is blocked awaiting
an event that can only be triggered by
another blocked process in the set
– Typically involves processes competing for
the same set of resources
• No efficient solution
Potential Deadlock
I need I need
quad C quad B and
and B C

I need
I need quad A and
quad D B
and A
Actual Deadlock

HALT until HALT until

D is free C is free

HALT until
HALT until B is free
A is free
Two Processes P and Q
• Lets look at this with
two processes P and Q
• Each needing
exclusive access to a
resource A and B for a
period of time
Alternative logic
• Suppose that P does
not need both
resources at the same
time so that the two
processes have this
Resource Categories
Two general categories of resources:
• Reusable
– can be safely used by only one process at a
time and is not depleted by that use.
• Consumable
– one that can be created (produced) and
destroyed (consumed).
Reusable Resources
• Such as:
– Processors, I/O channels, main and
secondary memory, devices, and data
structures such as files, databases, and
• Deadlock occurs if each process holds
one resource and requests the other
Example of
Reuse Deadlock
• Consider two processes that compete for
exclusive access to a disk file D and a
tape drive T.
• Deadlock occurs if each process holds
one resource and requests the other.
Reusable Resources
Example 2:
Memory Request
• Space is available for allocation of
200Kbytes, and the following sequence of
events occur
P1 P2
... ...
Request 80 Kbytes; Request 70 Kbytes;
... ...
Request 60 Kbytes; Request 80 Kbytes;

• Deadlock occurs if both processes

progress to their second request
Consumable Resources
• Such as Interrupts, signals, messages,
and information in I/O buffers
• Deadlock may occur if a Receive message
is blocking
• May take a rare combination of events to
cause deadlock
Example of Deadlock
• Consider a pair of processes, in which
each process attempts to receive a
message from the other process and then
send a message to the other process
Resource Allocation
• Directed graph that depicts a state of the
system of resources and processes
Conditions for
possible Deadlock
• Mutual exclusion
– Only one process may use a resource at a
• Hold-and-wait
– A process may hold allocated resources while
awaiting assignment of others
• No pre-emption
– No resource can be forcibly removed form a
process holding it
Actual Deadlock
Requires …
All previous 3 conditions plus:
• Circular wait
– A closed chain of processes exists, such that
each process holds at least one resource
needed by the next process in the chain
Resource Allocation
Graphs of deadlock
Resource Allocation
Dealing with Deadlock
• Three general approaches exist for
dealing with deadlock.
– Prevent deadlock
– Avoid deadlock
– Detect Deadlock
• Principals of Deadlock
– Deadlock prevention
– Deadlock Avoidance
– Deadlock detection
Deadlock Prevention
• Design a system in such a way that the
possibility of deadlock is excluded.
• Two main methods
– Indirect – prevent all three of the necessary
conditions occurring at once
– Direct – prevent circular waits
Deadlock Prevention
Conditions 1 & 2
• Mutual Exclusion
– Must be supported by the OS

• Hold and Wait

– Require a process request all of its required
resources at one time
Deadlock Prevention
Conditions 3 & 4
• No Preemption
– Process must release resource and request
– OS may preempt a process to require it
releases its resources

• Circular Wait
– Define a linear ordering of resource types
• Principals of Deadlock
– Deadlock prevention
– Deadlock Avoidance
– Deadlock detection
– An Integrated deadlock strategy
Deadlock Avoidance
• A decision is made dynamically whether
the current resource allocation request
will, if granted, potentially lead to a
• Requires knowledge of future process
Two Approaches to
Deadlock Avoidance
• Process Initiation Denial
– Do not start a process if its demands might
lead to deadlock

• Resource Allocation Denial

– Do not grant an incremental resource request
to a process if this allocation might lead to
Initiation Denial
• A process is only started if the maximum
claim of all current processes plus those of
the new process can be met.
• Not optimal,
– Assumes the worst: that all processes will
make their maximum claims together.
Allocation Denial
• Referred to as the banker’s algorithm
– A strategy of resource allocation denial
• Consider a system with fixed number of
– State of the system is the current allocation of
resources to process
– Safe state is where there is at least one
sequence that does not result in deadlock
– Unsafe state is a state that is not safe
Determination of
Safe State
• A system consisting of four processes and
three resources.
• Allocations are made to processors
• Is this a safe state?

Amount of available
Existing after
Resources allocation
Process i
• Cij - Aij ≤ Vj, for all j
• This is not possible for P1,
– which has only 1 unit of R1 and requires 2
more units of R1, 2 units of R2, and 2 units of
• If we assign one unit of R3 to process P2,
– Then P2 has its maximum required resources
allocated and can run to completion and
return resources to ‘available’ pool
After P2
runs to completion
• Can any of the remaining processes can
be completed?

Note P2 is
After P1 completes
P3 Completes

Thus, the state defined

originally is a safe
Determination of an
Unsafe State
This time
Suppose that
P1 makes the
request for one
additional unit
each of R1 and
Is this safe?
Deadlock Avoidance
• When a process makes a request for a set
of resources,
– assume that the request is granted,
– Update the system state accordingly,
• Then determine if the result is a safe state.
– If so, grant the request and,
– if not, block the process until it is safe to grant
the request.
Deadlock Avoidance
• It is not necessary to preempt and rollback
processes, as in deadlock detection,
• It is less restrictive than deadlock
Deadlock Avoidance
• Maximum resource requirement must be
stated in advance
• Processes under consideration must be
independent and with no synchronization
• There must be a fixed number of
resources to allocate
• No process may exit while holding
• Principals of Deadlock
– Deadlock prevention
– Deadlock Avoidance
– Deadlock detection
– An Integrated deadlock strategy
Deadlock Detection
• Deadlock prevention strategies are very
– limit access to resources and impose
restrictions on processes.
• Deadlock detection strategies do the
– Resource requests are granted whenever
– Regularly check for deadlock
Recovery Strategies
Once Deadlock Detected
• Abort all deadlocked processes
• Back up each deadlocked process to
some previously defined checkpoint, and
restart all process
– Risk or deadlock recurring
• Successively abort deadlocked processes
until deadlock no longer exists
• Successively preempt resources until
deadlock no longer exists
Advantages and Disadvantages

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