Asme Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Asme Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Asme Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
II Materials
Part D – Properties
Cast iron tidak boleh digunakan untuk nozzles atau flanges yang terhubung
langsung ke boiler yang bertekanan atau bertemperatur
SA-278: Gray iron castings for Pressure – Containing Parts for Temperatures up to
650F (343C) dapat digunakan untuk bagian sambungan pada boiler dan
superheater yang bertekanan seperti: pipe fittings, water columns, valves and
their bonnets, untuk tekanan s/d 250 psi (1720 KPa), dengan suhu uap tidak
melampaui 450F (232C)
SA-395: Cast nodular iron dapat digunakan untuk bagian sambungan pada boiler
dan superheater yang bertekanan seperti: pipe fittings, water columns dan valves
and their bonnets untuk tekanan tidak melebihi 350 psi (2410 KPa) dengan suhu
uap tidak melampaui 450F (232C)
( Lanjutan )
C.3. Nonferrous (Bukan Besi)
Bronze castings (komponen cor dari perunggu) dengan spesifikasi: SB-61 dan SB-
62 hanya dapat digunakan untuk pemakaian berikut:
- Flanges and flanged or threaded fittings yang memenuhi persyaratan
tekanan dan temperature untuk ANSI B16.15 atau B16.24, kecuali bahwa
fittings tersebut tidak dapat digunakan dimana baja atau material lainnya
secara spesifik diperlukan. Threaded fittings tidak boleh digunakan dimana
flanged types dispesifikasikan
- Valves dengan harga tegangan yang diijinkan tidak melampaui harga yang
diberikan dalam Tabel 1B Section II, Part D, dengan suhu maximum yang
diijinkan yaitu: 550F (288C) untuk SB-61 dan 406F (208C) untuk SB-62
- Parts untuk safety valves atau safety relief valves yang terkena pembatasan
seperti pada standar yang ditentukan
( Lanjutan )
Semua komponen ini harus memenuhi harga tegangan maximum yang diijinkan seperti
pada Tabel 1A dan 1B Section II, Part D. Harga tegangan dalam Tabel tersebut
termasuk penggunaan faktor: joint efficiency factor for welded pipes and tubes
Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts
for General Service
Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and
Parts for High Temperature Service (ferritic only)
SA-192 Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for High Pressure Service
28 R- 10 RH Vert. Spaced Rear Ass. Tubes 69.9 OD x 3.38 MWT SA- 213 Gr T12 HF/
69.9 OD x 4.57 MWT SA- 213 Gr T22 HF
29 F- 14 Furnace Front Wall Tubes 44.45 OD x 5.08 MWT SA- 178 D
30 E- 7 Economizer Lower Ass. Tubes 50.8 OD SA- 178 C
31 E- 8 Economizer Upper Ass. Tubes 50.8 OD SA- 178 C
Keterangan : (*) Tube yang di uji
Keterangan Spesifikasi Material Menurut ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) untuk Headers,
Tubes, Main Steam Pipe dan Steam Drum
No Spesifikasi Keterangan
Seamless carbon steel pipe for high temperature service
Komposisi : 0.30% C (max); Cr = 0.40% max; Cu = 0.40% max;
Mo = 0.15% max; Ni = 0.40% max; Va = 0.08% max
1 SA-106 B TS = 415 MPa (60 ksi) min
YS = 240 MPa (35 ksi) min
El = 30% (min)
Seamless ferritic alloy steel pipe for high temperature service
2 SA-335 P12 Nominal composition : 1 Cr – ½ Mo steel
TS = 60 ksi (min)
Pressure vessel plates, alloy steel, Cr – Mo
Nominal composition : 1 Cr – ½ Mo steel
3 SA-387 GR12 CL1
TS = 55 ksi (min)
YS = 33 ksi (min)
Pressure vessel plates, alloy steel, Cr - Mo
Nominal composition : 2 ¼ Cr – 1 Mo steel
4 SA-387 GR22 CL1
TS = 60 ksi (min)
YS = 30 ksi (min)
Pressure vessel plates, carbon steel for intermediate and high temperature service
Nominal composition : 0.31% C, max
5 SA-515 GR 70 TS = 70 – 90 ksi (485 – 620 MPa)
YS = 38 ksi (260 MPa) min
El = 21% (min)
Keterangan Spesifikasi Material Menurut ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) untuk Headers,
Tubes, Main Steam Pipe dan Steam Drum (lanjutan)
No Spesifikasi Keterangan
No Spesifikasi Keterangan
Carbon steel, seamless pipe
17 SA-106 C TS = 70 ksi, min
YS = 40 ksi, min
Carbon steel, seamless tube
18 SA-210 C TS = 70 ksi, min
YS = 40 ksi, min
C – ½ Mo, seamless tube
19 SA-209 T-1 TS = 55 ksi, min
YS = 30 ksi, min
Carbon steel, seamless tube
20 SA-210 A-1 TS = 60 ksi, min
YS = 37 ksi, min
Carbon steel, welded tube
21 SA-214 TS = 47 ksi, min
YS = 26 ksi, min
Carbon steel, plate for pressure vessel, for moderate and lower T service
Komposisi: C = 0.27-0.31%; Mm = 0.85 – 1.3%; P&S ≤ 0.035; Si = 0.13-0.45
22 SA-516-GR 70
TS = 70 ksi, min
YS = 38 ksi, min
TS = Tensile Strength; YS = Yield Strength; El = Elongation
( Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-
Temperature Service)
1. Scope
2. Referenced Documents
3. Ordering Information
4. Process
5. Heat Treatment
6. General Requirements
7. Chemical Composition
8. Heat Analysis
9. Product Analysis
10. Tensile Requirements
11. Bending Requirements
12. Flattening Tests
( Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-
Temperature Service )
( Lanjutan )
Composition, %
Grade A Grade B Grade C
Carbon, maxA 0.25 0.30 0.35
Manganese 027 – 0.93 0.29 – 1.06 0.29 – 1.06
Phosphorus, max 0.035 0.035 0.035
Sulfur, max 0.035 0.035 0.035
Silicon, min 0.10 0.10 0.10
Chrome, maxB 0.40 0.40 0.40
Copper, maxB 0.40 0.40 0.40
Molybdenum, maxB 0.15 0.15 0.15
Nickel, maxB 0.40 0.40 0.40
Vanadium, maxB 0.08 0.08 0.08
For each reduction of 0.01% below the specified carbon maximum, an
increase of 0.06% manganese above the specified maximum will be
permitted up to a maximum of 1.35%
These five elements combined shall not exceed 1%
Grade A
(Explanatory Note2) Grade B Grade C
Tensile strength, min, psi (MPa) 48000 (330) 60000 (415) 70000 (485)
Yield strength, min, psi (MPa) 30000 (205) 35000 (240) 40000 (275)
Longi- Longi- Longi-
Transverse Transverse Transverse
tudinal tudinal tudinal
Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %:
Basic minimum elongation transverse
strip tests, and for all small sizes tested
in full section 35 25 30 16.5 30 16.5
When standard round 2 in. or 50mm
gage length test specimen is used 28 20 22 12 20 12
For longitudinal strip test A, B A, B A, B
1. Scope
2. Referenced Documents
3. Ordering Information
4. Manufacture
5. Heat Treatment
6. Chemical Composition
7. Product Analysis
8. General Requirements
9. Tensile Requirements
10. Crush Test
11. Mechanical Test Required
12. Forming Operations
13. Product Marking
14. Keywords
Composition, %
Grade C, Grade D,
Element Grade A,
Medium-Carbon Carbon-Manganese
Low-Carbon Steel
Steel Steel
Grade C, Grade D,
5/16 (0.312) 8 30
9/32 (0.281) 7.2 29
1/4 (0.250) 6.4 27
7/32 (0.219) 5.6 26
3/16 (0.188) 4.8 24
5/32 (0.156) 4 22
1/8 (0.125) 3.2 21
3/32 (0.094) 2.4 20
1/16 (0.062) 1.6 18
Calculated elongation requirements shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
( Specification for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy-
Steel Boiler, Superheater, and Heat Exchanger Tubes )
1. Scope
2. Referenced Documents
3. General Requirements
4. Ordering Information
6. Heat Treatment
7. Chemical Composition
8. Product Analysis
( Specification for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy-
Steel Boiler, Superheater, and Heat Exchanger Tubes )
( Lanjutan )
9. Tensile Requirements
15. Keywords
( Supplementary Requirements )
S1. Stress-Relieved Annealed Tubes (Tube dengan diberi Anil untuk
menghilangkan tegangan sisa)
S1.1. Untuk Pemakaian didalam lingkungan korosif terutama chlorida dimana
korosi tegangan (stress corrosion) mungkin terjadi, maka tubes grade
TP304L, TP316L, TP321, TP347 dan TP348 mungkin dispesifikasikan
dalam kondisi stress-relieved annealed (proses anil untuk
menghilangkan tegangan)
S1.2. Bila tube dispesifikasikan sebagai stress-relieved, maka tube tersebut
harus diberi heat treatment pada suhu 1500-1650F (815-900C) setelah
proses roll straightening. Pendinginan dapat dilakukan di udara atau
dengan pendinginan lambat. Tidak diijinkan lagi untuk melakukan
mechanical straightening setelah stress-relief treatment
S1.3. Tingkat kelurusan tube tergantung pada hasil negosiasi antara pembeli
dengan pemasok
S2. Stabilizing Heat Treatment
S3. Deleted
S4. Intergranular Corrosion Test
(Menurut SA-213)
Composition, %
T5c 0.12 max 0.30-0.60 0.025 0.025 0.50 max 4.00-6.00 0.45-0.65 [Note (1)] ….
T11 0.05 min-0,15 max 0.30-0.60 0.025 0.025 0.50-1.00 1.00-1.50 0.44-0.65 …. ….
T12 [Note (3)] 0.05 min-0,15 max 0.30-0.61 0.025 0.025 0.50 max 0.80-1.25 0.44-0.65 …. ….
T21 0.05 min-0,15 max 0.30-0.60 0.025 0.025 0.50 max 2.65-3.35 0.80-1.06 …. ….
T22 0.05 min-0,15 max 0.30-0.60 0.025 0.025 0.50 max 1.90-2.60 0.87-1.13 …. ….
(Menurut SA-213) ( Lanjutan )
Composition, %
Grade Phos- Vana-
Manga- Sulfur, Chro- Elements
Carbon phorus, Silicon Molybdenum Titanium dium,
nese max mium
max min
T91 0.08-0.12 0.30-0.60 0.020 0.010 0.20-0.50 8.00-9.50 0.85-1.05 …. 0.18-0.25 Cb 0.06-0.1
N 0.030-0.070
Ni 0.40 max
Al 0.04 max
T92 0.07-0.13 0.30-0.60 0.020 0.010 0.50 max 8.50-9.50 0.30-0.60 …. 0.15-0.25 W 1.5-2.00
Cb 0.040-0.09
B 0.001-0.006
N 0.03-0.07
Ni 0.40 max
Al 0.04 max
18Cr-2Mo 0.025max 1.00 max 0.040 0.030 1.00 max 17.5-19.5 1.75-2.50 [Note (2)] …. N max 0.035
Ni + Cu
max 1.00
(1) Grade T5c shall have a titanium content of not less than four times the carbon content and not more than 0.70%.
(2) Grade 18Cr-2Mo shall have Ti + Cb = 0.20 + 4 (C + N) min, 0.80 max.
(3) It is permissible to order T2 and T 12 with 0.045 max sulfur.
(Menurut SA-213) ( Lanjutan )
Grade TP304 TP304H TP304N TP304L TP309Cb TP309H TP309S TP310Cb TP310H
Designation S30400 S30409 S30451 S30403 S30940 S30909 S30908 S31040 S31009
[Note (1)]
C 0.08 max 0.04-0.10 0.08 max 0.035 max 0.08 max 0.04-0.10 0.08 max 0.08 max 0.04-0.10
[Note (2)]
Mn max 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
P max 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.040
S max 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030
Si 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max
Ni 8.00-11.0 8.00-11.0 8.00-11.0 8.00-13.0 12.00-16.00 12.00-15.00 12.00-15.00 19.00-22.00 19.00-22.00
Cr 18.0-20.0 18.0-20.0 18.0-20.0 18.0-20.0 22.00-24.00 22.00-24.00 22.00-24.00 24.00-26.00 24.00-26.00
Mo …. …. …. …. 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max ….
Ti …. …. …. …. ….. …. …. …. ….
Cb + Ta …. …. …. …. 10 x C min, …. …. 10 x C min, ….
Ta max 1.10 max 1.10 max
N …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….
Ce …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….
Other …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….
(Menurut SA-213) ( Lanjutan )
Grade TP316 TP316H TP316L TP316N TP317 TP317L TP321 TP321H TP347
UNS S31600 S31609 S31603 S31651 S31700 S31703 S32100 S32109 S34700
[Note (1)]
C 0.08 max 0.04-0.10 0.08 max 0.035 max 0.08 max 0.035 max 0.08 max 0.04-0.10 0.08 max
[Not (2)]
Mn max 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
P max 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040
S max 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030
Si 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.75 max
Ni 11.00-14.0 10.0-15.0 10.0-15.0 11.00-14.0 11.00-14.0 11.00-15.0 9.00-13.0 9.00-13.0 9.00-13.0
Cr 16.0-18.0 16.0-18.0 16.0-18.0 16.0-18.0 18.0-20.0 18.0-20.0 17.0-20.0 17.0-20.0 17.0-20.0
Mo 2.00-3.00 2.00-3.00 2.00-3.00 2.00-3.00 3.00-4.00 3.00-4.00 …. …. ….
Ti …. …. …. …. ….. ….. [Note (4)] [Note (5)] ….
Cb + Ta …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. [Note (6)]
Ta max …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….
N …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….
Ce …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….
(1) New Designation established in accordance with Practice E 527 and SAE J1086.
(2) For smaller diameter or thin walls, or both, where many drawing passes are required, a carbon maximum of 0.040% is necessary in grades TP304L
and TP316L. Small outside diameter tubes are defined as those less than 0.500 in. [12.7 mm] in outside diameter and light wall tubes are those less
than 0.049 in.[1.2 mm] in average wall thickness (0.044 in. [1.1 mm] in minimum wall thickness.
(3) The method of analysis for nitrogen shall be a matter f agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer.
(4) Grade TP321 shall have a titanium content of not less than five times the carbon content and not more than 0.60%.
(5) Grade TP321H shall have a titanium content of not less than four times the carbon content and not more than 0.60%.
(6) Grades TP347 and TP348 shall have a columbium plus tantalum content of not less than ten times the carbon content and not more than 1.00%.
(7) Grades TP347H and TP348H shall have a columbium plus tantalum content of not less than eight times the carbon content and not more than 1.0%.
(8) Grade TP 347LN shall have a columbium (niobium) plus tantalum content of not less than 15 times the carbon content.
UNS Tensile Strength, Yield Strength, Elongation in 2 in. or 50
Designation min, ksi [MPa] min, ksi [MPa] mm, min % [Note (1) (2)]
Ferritic Grades:
T12 …. 60 [415] 32 [220] 30
T91 …. 85 [585] 60 [415] 20
T92 K92460 90 [620] 64 [440] 20
18Cr-2Mo …. 60 [415] 40 [275] 20
All other grades 60 [415] 30 [205] 30
Austenitic Grades:
TP201 S20100 95 [655] 38 [260] 35
TP202 S20200 90 [620] 45 [310] 35
TP304 S30400 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP304H S30409 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP304N S30451 80 [550] 35 [240] 35
TP304L S30903 70 [485] 25 [170] 35
TP304LN S30453 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP309Cb S30940 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP309H S30909 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP309HCb S30941 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP309S S30908 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP310Cb S31040 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP310H S31009 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP310HCb S31041 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP310HCbN S31042 95 [655] 43 [295] 30
TP310S S31008 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
( Lanjutan )
UNS Tensile Strength, Yield Strength, Elongation in 2 in. or 50
Designation min, ksi [MPa] min, ksi [MPa] mm, min % [Note (1) (2)]
S31272 65 [450] 29 [200] 35
TP316 S31600 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP316H S31609 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP316L S31603 70 [485] 25 [170] 35
TP316N S31651 80 [550] 35 [240] 35
TP316LN S31653 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP317 S31700 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP317L S31703 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP321 S32100 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP321H S32109 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP347 S34700 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP347H S34709 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP347HFG …. 80 [550] 30 [205] 35
TP348 S34800 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
TP348H S34809 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
XM-15 S38100 75 [515] 30 [205] 35
…. S30615 90 [620] 40 [275] 35
…. S30815 87 [600] 45 [310] 40
( Lanjutan )
UNS Tensile Strength, Yield Strength, Elongation in 2 in. or 50
Designation min, ksi [MPa] min, ksi [MPa] mm, min % [Note (1) (2)]