Vector Report

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Vector Addition and Scalar Multiplication

Dot (Inner) Product
Linear Combination
Magnitude (Length) of a Vector
Distance and Angles between Vectors

Prepared by WELLA E. FUNELAS/ MAMathEd

Vector Addition

Consider 2 vectors u and v in , say

, , , …, )


Their sum is obtained by adding

corresponding components from u and v.
Geometrically, the
sum of two vectors
in the plane is
represented as the
diagonal of a
having and as its
adjacent sides.
Scalar Multiplication
The scalar product of the vector u by a real number k,
written ku, is the vector obtained by multiplying each
component of u by k.

That is, , , , …, )
, , , …, )
Scalar Multiplication
The word scalar is used to mean a real number. Historically,
this usage arose from the fact that multiplying a vector by a
real number changes the “scale” of the vector.
For instance, if a vector is multiplied by 2, the resulting vector
is a vector having the same direction as and twice the length.
Scalar Multiplication
In general, for a scalar the vector
will be times as long as if it is
positive, then and have the same
direction, and if it is negative,
then and have opposite
As with 2-space, the negative of a vector in is defined as

- , , , …, ) = , , , …, )

and the difference of two vectors in is defined as


The Zero vector in is denoted by 0= (0,0,0)

Theorem 1.1: Properties of Vector Addition and Scalar Multiplication in the Plane
  For any vectors u, v, w in and any scalars k, k’in ,

i.) (u + v) +w = u +(v +
v.) k(u + v) = ku + kv
vi.) (k + k’) u = ku +
ii.) u +0 = u
iii.) u + (-u) = 0 vii.) (kk’)u = k(k’u)

iv.) u + v = v + u viii.) 1u = u
Dot (Inner) Product

Consider arbitrary vectors u and v in , say

, , , …, )

The dot product or inner product or scalar product

of and is denoted and defined by

The vectors u and v are said to be orthogonal (or

perpendicular) if their dot product is zero.
Linear Combination

 Vector x as the sum of scalar multiples of

other vectors , , ,…, . That is,
Magnitude (Length) of a Vector
The magnitude of a vector is also referred to as its
length or norm. In two-space or three-space, you see a
ray that has a particular length and can visualize where
the magnitude’s numerical value comes from. Vectors
with more than three rows also have magnitude, and
the computation is the same no matter what the size of
the vector.
Magnitude (Length) of a Vector
The formula for computing the magnitude is

Where , , ,…, are the elements of vector v.

Thus, , and if and only if v =0.
Magnitude (Length) of a Vector
A vector v is called a unit vector if

or equivalently, if v•v=0.
For any nonzero vector v in , the vector

Is the unique unit vector in the same

direction as v.
Distance and Angles between Two Vectors
The Distance between , , , …, ) and in is

denoted and defined by

This definition agrees with the usual notion of

distance in the Euclidean plane or
Distance and Angles between Two Vectors
The angle Ө between nonzero vectors in is
defined by

Note that if , then Ө= 90°. This agrees with the

previous definition of orthogonality being

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