Actividad de Aprendizaje 10 Evidencia 6
Actividad de Aprendizaje 10 Evidencia 6
Actividad de Aprendizaje 10 Evidencia 6
• Exporting means a great step in economic growth for any However, the lack
of command of English in this process can create multiple barriers between
exporters and buyers, therefore it is It is extremely important to have a good
command of this language in order to support the process effectively
Evaluate if your company is ready to export
• Your company must have provided a service that has already been sold
successfully in the domestic market
• Your company should have prepared an international marketing plan with
defined strategies and goals
• Must have sufficient production capacity to serve the export market
• Must have sufficient financial resources to actively support the marketing of
its services in the export market
• One of the first steps of the export process for the services sector
is to identify in which markets there are opportunities for the
product / service that is to be commercialized, and for this it is
necessary to set specific objectives.
• . Betting on alliances
• The positioning of a brand is the place where you want to be located. It refers
more to the future than to the present, to what the company or the product /
service wants to, constitute itself as a goal to be achieved.
• Advertising plays a vital role in this link in the chain, and is a motivation
stimulus to purchase in the short term, establishing in the long term the
image of the brand / product / service
• Review the tax treatment that will be given to your service in the destination
country of the export. For cross-border trade, take into account the regulation
on withholding tax on the provision of services. Regarding the issue of the
physical presence of people, keep in mind the applicable regulations:
licenses, registration and authorizations to provide the service. In addition,
immigration regulation, visas and entry permits.
• Identify if your economic activity can apply to any of the special regimes provided by the
Government to promote foreign trade in services, which are the Vallejo Services Plan and the
Free Zones of services.
• Sectors such as finance, transport and insurance with export opportunity
• Pro Colombia has identified export opportunities in BPO / KPO / ITO for subsectors or
verticals: financial, insurance, telecommunications, logistics, transportation and health;
especially if they focus on the provision of services such as: sales and customer service,
credit management, risk and collection; help desk (consisting of providing information and
support to users, especially a company), back office (document management and printing),
human resources management, electronic commerce, digitalization services and telemedicine