Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Learning outcome
Hydraulic Pressure
•Under hydrostatic conditions the pore pressure (u) at a given point is given
by the hydrostatic pressure:
u = γw .h
Capillary Water
Figure 1: Pressure, elevation and total heads for flow of water through soil
The loss of head between two points, A and B, can be
given by
Δh = hA – hB
v = ki
Where v = discharge velocity, which the quantity of water
flowing in unit time through a unit gross cross-sectional area
of soil at right angles to the direction flow
k = hydraulic conductivity
Q = Avt = A(ki)t
k = QL
Example 1
With the aid of sketch, derive the formula for the permeability
of a soil using a constant head apparatus
By applying Darcy’s equation
q = kAi
k = q/Ai but q = Q/t, i = h/L
k = 1/A x Q/t x L/H
k = QL/Ath (mm/s)
q = flow rate (mm3/s)
Q = quantity collected in time (s) = Q (ml) x 103 (mm3)
A = cross sectional area (mm2)
H = different in manometer levels (mm)
L = distance between manometer tapping points (mm)
The falling head test
The falling head test
k = 2.303 aL log10 h1
At h2
Water can enter the test well only from the aquifer of thickness
The hydraulic conductivity is given as follows
k = q log10 (r2/r1)
2.727H (h2-h1)
Pumping test in a confined aquifer
A permeability pumping test was carried out from a well sunk into a
confined stratum of dense sand. The arrangement of pumping well and
observation wells are shown below. When a steady state was achieved
at a pumping rate of 37.4m3/hr, the following drawdown were
pumping well: d = 4.46m
observation well 1: d = 0.42m
observation well 2: d = 1.15m
k = q log10 (r2/r1)
2.727 H (h2-h1)
k = q log10 (ro/r2)
2.727 H (ho-h2)
ro = 100m
Pumping test in an unconfined aquifer
ro = 229 m
Question 1
For a field pumping test a well was sunk through a horizontal layer of a sand which
proved to be 14.4 m thick and to be underlain by a stratum of clay. Two observation
wells were sunk, respectively 18 m and 64 m from the pumping well. The water table
was initially 2.2 m below the ground level. At a steady state pumping-rate of 328
litres/min, the drawdowns in the observation wells were found to be 1.92 and 1.16 m
respectively. Calculate the coefficient of permeability of the sand.
Question 2
A horizontal layer of sand of 6.0 m thickness is overlain by a layer of clay with a
horizontal surface thickness of 4.8 m. An impermeable layer underlies the sand. In
order to carry out a pumping test, a well was sunk to the bottom of the sand and two
observation wells were sunk through clay just into the sand at distances 12 m and 40 m
from the pumping well. At a steady pump rate of 600 litres/min., the water levels in
the observation wells were reduced by 2.28 m and 1.79 m respectively. Calculate the
coefficient of permeability of the sand if the initial piezometric surface level lies 1.0 m
below the ground surface.
Seepage and 2-D Flow in Isotropic
and Homogeneous Soil
In preceding lesson, we considered some simple cases for which
direct application of Darcy’s law was required to calculate the flow
of water through soil
In many instances, the flow of water through soil is not in one
direction only, nor is it uniform over the entire area perpendicular
to the flow
The seepage taking place around sheet-piling, dams, under other
water-retaining structures and through embankments and earth
dams is two dimensional
Vertical and horizontal velocity components vary from point to
point within the cross-section of the soil mass
Graphical representation known as a flow net will be introduced
The flow of water through soils is described by
Laplace’s equation.