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Module 1 Lesson 1

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Module 1: Lesson 1


It is derived from two Greek words,

philos and sophia which means love of
wisdom. It is the science of beings in
their ultimate reasons, causes and
principles acquired by human reason..
It is also defined as the science of
things in their ultimate principles and
causes as known by natural reason
In this way philosophy is
considered as a search for wisdom or
truth, and the man who engages
himself in this search is called a
The Main Points of Philosophy

 It is a science
 Science of things
 Ultimate principles and causes
 Known only by natural reason
It is a Science

Philosophy is a science that is

based on evidence and not on
speculations, opinions, or mere
Science of Things

Philosophy is concerned with

everything in the world as far as the
human mind can reach. Nothing is
exempted and all things are the
concern of Philosophy.
Ultimate Principles and Causes

All branches of science have their

own special focus. Zoology-animals,
Botany-plants, Sociology-people or
society and its functions. Philosophy
explores the ultimate or final cause of
all things.
Known only by Natural Reason

Philosophy does not use a piece of

equipment. The philosopher uses his
natural reason, particularly, human
Philosophy and Theology

Man has no choice but to

acknowledge the existence of God,
Man asserts and strengthens his faith
in his ascent to find the truth, a truth
which rationality cannot explain.
This is the point where rationality,
philosophy, and theology complement
each other. Philosophy is considered
as a handmaid of theology.
 Theology recognizes miracles
occurrences that science cannot
 Human rationality cannot explain the
occurrence; but science can explain
the cause.
 Man asserts strengths in his faith in
his ascent to find the truth, a truth
which rationality can’t explain.
 Man uses philosophy for rational
explanation and uses theology for
moral surety.
Essence of Philosophy

Philosophy aims to teach man how

to have a happy life. But, unfortunately,
philosophy today is no longer given
serious attention.
Firstly, man has forgotten the
promise of happiness beyond material
things. This is an attitude perpetuated
by ignorance on the nature and
essence of philosophy.
Secondly, scientists and even
ordinary men of our time, turn to the
natural sciences as the only source of
knowledge and happiness.
But, even if, it is not given serious
attention, still, philosophy looks at the
side of man where all of the
practicalities of life are necessary.
Main Divisions of Philosophy

 Speculative Philosophy
 Practical Philosophy
Speculative Philosophy

It is the division of Philosophy that

is primarily good for contemplative
understanding. It provides knowledge
of a subject or area for the sake of
Practical Philosophy

It is the division of Philosophy that

is good for real life application. It
provides knowledge to be used or
applied in concrete actions or
Branches of Speculative Philosophy

 Epistemology  Theodicy
 Metaphysics  Rational
 Cosmology Philosophy
 Anthropology Social Philosophy

 Aesthetics  Political Philosophy


It is a traditional branch of
philosophy dealing at the most general
level with the nature of existence.

It deals with the theory of

knowledge - its sources, limits, kinds
and reliability.

It is a scientific study of the

universe on the largest scales of space
and time.

It is the study of man and his

destiny. It reflects upon man in order to
understand him in his entirety, grasping
the fundamental principles of his
existence in the world and his behavior.

It is the theological construct that

attempts to vindicate the supreme
being in response to the evidential
problem of evil that militates against the
existence of an omnipotent and
omnibenevolent being.

It is a branch of philosophy which

is primarily concerned with definition,
structure, and role of beauty.
Political Philosophy

It is the study that deals with the

ultimate foundation of the state and
how men should interact in a proper
society and what constitutes proper
Social Philosophy

It is a branch of philosophy that

deals with the social interactions that
takes place in a given locality.
Political Philosophy

It is the study that deals with the

ultimate foundation of the state and
how men should interact in a proper
society and what constitutes proper
Branches of Practical Philosophy

 Logic
 Ethics

It is the formal and systematic

study of the principles of valid inference
and correct reasoning. It is commonly
known as the art and science of correct

It deals with the concepts and

principles of morality, the relationship
between moral and other human
objectives and the nature of

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