Type of Structure 2

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1.1.2 Structure Types and Applications
As has been previously mentioned, the majority of bridges present in
our infrastructure are of the slab-on-stringer configuration. There are,
however, a wide variety of structures in use for a variety of different
physical applications. By physical applications we imply man-made,
natural, or climatological conditions which dictate the type of structure to be
used at a given crossing. These could be in the form of;

 Length to be bridged from the start to the end of the structure

 Depth of channel or ravine to be crossed ‰
 Underpass clearance required ‰
 Extreme temperature conditions ‰
 Precipitation or snowfall ‰ Curvature of overpass alignment ‰
 Aesthetics of the surrounding environment
 1. Slab-on-Stringer.

› In Figures 1 and 2 the bridge

superstructure consists of a
concrete slab resting on a set
of stringers, which are
connected together by
diaphragms to form a frame.

› The stringers could be steel

beams, precast-prestressed
concrete girders, or of other
suitable materials.
 The principal advantages of this system are:
 Simplicity of design. It should be understood that simplicity is a
relative term. From an engineering perspective, slab-on-stringer
structures don’t break much new ground theoretically, but the
complexity they offer from a total project perspective presents a
challenge for any designer.
Indeed, because of all the aspects involved in any highway bridge
project, the need of providing a straightforward design is essential
toward ensuring that costs be kept at a reasonable level for the
engineering services portion of a bridge contract.
 The slab-on-stringer bridge lends itself well to a uniform design
which can be standardized easily.
This is an advantage because standardization and uniformity are critical
for maintaining bridges in large transportation networks.
Uniformity means that consistent, and therefore economical, methods
can be employed in repairing deteriorated structures. Imagine if a
highway network had hundreds of unique designs with customized
components for each structure!
 Construction is relatively straightforward and makes use of readily
available materials.

Prefabricated primary members like steel wideflange stringers or

prestressed concrete beams allow for quick erection and a clean
appearance while at the same time provide for an economy of materials
that is a benefit to the contractor as well as the owner.

Slab-on-stringer structures, however, are primarily for short span

lengths and average clearance requirements (we will quantify short and
average a little bit later). When span lengths become excessive and the
geometry and physical constraints of a site become excessive, other
forms of structures must be investigated.
 2. One-Way Slab
› For a very short span [less
than 30 ft (9 m)] a one-way
concrete slab supported on
either end by small
abutments is an economical
structure. Such a short span
structure often gains the tag
of puddle crosser because of
the diminutive size of the
structure. For short to median
spans, [30 to 80 ft (9 to 24
m)] prestressing steel is
typically used. Circular voids
in the slab are sometimes
used to reduce the dead load.
 3. Steel and Concrete Box

› When bending and torsion are

major concerns, a box girder type
structure offers.

› Since these types of structures do

not make use of standardized or
prefabricated components, their
role is usually restricted to major
highway bridges that can take
advantage of their ability to meet
relatively long span requirements.
 4. Cable-Stayed

› Although box girder bridges

with span lengths of 760 feet
(232 m) have been built, a
significant number of modern
bridges with span lengths from
500 feet to 2800 feet (153 to
853 m) have been constructed
as cable-stayed bridges.
› But the response has been
overwhelming. Low cost, ease
of construction, and aesthetics
are the major reasons why this
type of structure is now a
popular choice for medium and
long span bridges
 5. Suspension

› Everyone immediately
recognizes the suspension
bridge as one of the
consummate marvels of civil

› For the majority of structures

in use, however, their
application is relatively
limited and their design
relegated to the domain of a
small group of engineers.
 6. Steel and Concrete Arch
› Like the cable stayed and
suspension bridges described
above, the arch is most often
used for major crossing.
› When the deck is supported on
top of the arch, this is called a
deck arch. An arch bridge
generates large reaction forces at
its end supports. The horizontal
component of these reaction
forces is either resisted by
abutment foundations, or in the
case of a tied arch, resisted by a
tie between arch supports
 7. Truss
› The truss bridge is encountered most
often in historical engineering projects
that require preservation or
rehabilitation of an existing structure.
› For the most part, the day of the truss
as a new bridge structure in and of
itself is over, because truss members
are typically fracture critical members
(i.e., there is no redundancy in the load
path, so should one member fail, the
whole structure would collapse).
› The use of trusses as bridge
components in large structures is still
prevalent. Trusses are also used as
temporary bridges
 Jack Arch
› An arch-type bridge
constructed with steel beams
encased in concrete. The
concrete is typically formed
using stay-in-place forms.

 Jacket
› A surrounding encasement of
an element such as a pier
column or pile which can be
made of concrete, fabric, or
other material.
 Jacking
› The lifting of an element or
group of elements using
hydraulic or other types of
jacks and, if needed, a
temporary support system.

 Jersey Barrier
› A concrete barrier named after
the New Jersey Department of
Transportation, which first
developed it. Also known as
traffic barrier, median barrier,
shape barrier, and concrete
 Joint
› See Cold Joint and Deck Joint.

 Keeper Plate
› A plate which is bolted or
welded to a sole plate to
prohibit a beam from being
disconnected from the bearing.
 Key
› A notched or raised protrusion
of concrete located on one face
of a construction joint which
fits into a recess on the other

 Lateral
› A member which is placed
roughly perpendicular to a
primary member.
 Laminate
› Two or more pieces of wood
which are joined together,
typically with adhesive or nails.
See also Glued Laminated and
Nail Laminated.

 Lane Loading
› A hypothetical design loading
used to simulate a train of
trucks moving across a bridge.
 Lateral Bracing
› Bracing located at either the
top flange or bottom flange of a
stringer to prevent lateral
deformation induced by forces
normal to the bridge centerline
(e.g., wind).

 Leveling Course
› A layer of asphalt or binder
used to smooth together two
sections of pavement.
 Lighting Standard
› The main supporting pole for a
lighting fixture. See also

 Limit States Design

› A method of design based on
the ability of a structure to
fulfill its function. This ability
is defined by limit states
defining safety and
 Live Load - A temporary, moving load such as vehicular traffic.

 Load Factor Design - A form of limit states design used by AASHTO

standard specifications as an alternative to Working Stress Design.

 Load Rating - A value indicating the load capacity of a bridge.

 Load and Resistance Factor Design - A form of limit states design

used by AASHTO LRFD specifications.

 Longitudinal - Used to describe the axis of a bridge which proceeds

from abutment to abutment.
 Local Buckling
› Localized buckling of one of a
beam’s plate elements which
can potentially lead to failure of
the member.

 Luminaire
› A lighting fixture located at the
top of a lighting standard.
 Maintenance
› Basic remedial operations
performed on a bridge which
allow the structure to maintain
an adequate level of service.

 Mandrel
› A thin steel shell used in the
placement of cast-in-place
concrete piles.
 Maintenance of Traffic
› The control of traffic through a
project site that ensures safety
to both vehicles and
construction personnel.

 Masonry Plate
› The bottom steel plate of a
bearing which is anchored to
a concrete bridge seat.
 Military Loading
› A loading configuration used
to simulate heavy military
vehicles passing over a bridge.
Also known as Alternative
Military Loading.

 Modular Joint
› A joint used to accommodate
very large movements
consisting of multiple strip or
compression seals.
 Movable Bridge
› A bridge, typically located
over water, which allows spans
over the crossing to be raised
and lowered. Also known as a

 Nail Laminated
› A timber member created by
nailing two or more pieces of
lumber together.
 NCHRP - National Cooperative
Highway Research Program.

 Negative Moment - Bending

moment which causes tension in
the top fiber and compression in
the bottom fiber of a beam.

 Neoprene
› A popular material for seal-type
expansion joints made of
 Nosing - A facing placed on the portion of a pier facing the water
current. Usually made of steel.

 OHBDC - Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code published by the

Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Province of Ontario, Canada.

 Operating Rating - The load capacity of a bridge under special service

conditions (maximum permissible load to which the structure may be

 Overdriving - The continued driving of piles after they have reached

an obstruction or impenetrable layer (e.g., rock), which can cause severe
damage to the pile.
 Orthotropic Deck
› A steel deck which is stiffened
both longitudinally and
transversely using open or
closed ribs and floor beams,
 Overdriving
› The continued driving of piles
after they have reached an
obstruction or impenetrable
layer (e.g., rock), which can
cause severe damage to the
 Overlay
› See Wearing Surface. Also
known as Deck Overlay.

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