Chapter 33: Protein Synthesis
Chapter 33: Protein Synthesis
Chapter 33: Protein Synthesis
Chapter 33
Protein Synthesis and
to accompany
Biochemistry, 2/e
Reginald Garrett and Charles Grisham
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Copyright © 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company
Biochemistry 2/e - Garrett & Grisham
• 33.1 Ribosome Structure and Assembly
• 33.2 Mechanics of Protein Synthesis
• 33.3 Protein Synthesis in Eukaryotes
• 33.4 Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis
• 33.5 Protein Folding
• 33.6 Post-Translational Processing of Proteins
• 33.7 Protein Degradation
Ribosomal Proteins
• One of each per ribosome, except L7/L12
with 4
• L7/L12 identical except for extent of
acetylation at N-terminus
• Four L7/L12 plus L10 makes "L8"
• Only one protein is common to large and
small subunits: S20 = L26
• Little known of structures - these proteins
are insoluble and difficult to study
Ribosome Assembly/Structure
• If individual proteins and rRNAs are mixed,
functional ribosomes will assemble
• Gross structures of large and small
subunits are known - see Figure 33.3
• A tunnel runs through the large subunit
• Growing peptide chain is thought to thread
through the tunnel during protein synthesis
Eukaryotic Ribosomes
• Mitochondrial and chloroplast ribosomes
are quite similar to prokaryotic
ribosomes, reflecting their supposed
prokaryotic origin
• Cytoplasmic ribosomes are larger and
more complex, but many of the structural
and functional properties are similar
• See Table 33.2 for properties
Mechanics of Protein
• All protein synthesis involves three phases:
initiation, elongation, termination
• Initiation involves binding of mRNA and initiator
aminoacyl-tRNA to small subunit, followed by
binding of large subunit
• Elongation: synthesis of all peptide bonds - with
tRNAs bound to acceptor (A) and peptidyl (P)
sites. See Figure 33.5
• Termination occurs when "stop codon" reached
Prokaryotic Initiation
• The initiator tRNA is one with a formylated
methionine: f-Met-tRNAfMet
• It is only used for initiation, and regular Met-
tRNAmMet is used instead for Met addition
• N-formyl methionine is first aa of all E.coli
proteins, but this is cleaved in about half
• A formyl transferase adds the formyl group
(see Figure 33.8)
More Initiation
• Correct registration of mRNA on ribosome
requires alignment of a pyrimidine-rich
sequence on 3'-end of 16S RNA with a
purine-rich part of 5'-end of mRNA
• The purine-rich segment - the ribosome-
binding site - is known as the Shine-Dalgarno
sequence (see Figure 33.9)
• Initiation factor proteins, GTP, N-formyl-Met-
tRNAfMet, mRNA and 30S ribosome form the
30S initiation complex
Copyright © 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company
Biochemistry 2/e - Garrett & Grisham
Events of Initiation
• 30S subunit with IF-1 and IF-3 binds
mRNA, IF-2, GTP and f-Met-tRNAfMet
(Figure 33.10)
• IF-2 delivers the initiator tRNA in a GTP-
dependent process
• Loss of the initiation factors leads to
binding of 50S subunit
• Note that the "acceptor site" is now poised
to accept an incoming aminoacyl-tRNA
Peptidyl Transferase
• This is the central reaction of protein synthesis
• 23S rRNA is the peptidyl transferase!
• The "reaction center" of 23S rRNA is shown in
Figure 33.14 - these bases are among the most
highly conserved in all of biology.
• Translocation of peptidyl-tRNA from the A site to
the P site follows (see Figures 33.12 & 33.15 -
and note that thenomenclature for Fig. 33.15 is
provided at the top of page 1103)
Eukaryotic Initiation
• Begins with formation of ternary complex of eIF-2,
GTP and Met-tRNAiMet
• This binds to 40S ribosomal subunit:eIF-3:eIF4C
complex to form the 40S preinitiation complex
• Note no mRNA yet, so no codon association with
• mRNA then adds with several other factors, forming
the initiation complex (Fig. 33.23)
• Note that ATP is required!
• Proteins of the initiation complex apparently scan to
find the first AUG (start) codon
Copyright © 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company
Biochemistry 2/e - Garrett & Grisham
Regulation of Initiation
Phosphorylation is the key, as usual
• At least two proteins involved in initiation
(Ribosomal protein S6 and eIF-4F) are
activated by phosphorylation
• But phosphorylation of eIF-2a causes it to
bind all available eIF-2B and sequesters it
• Note discussion of elongation and
termination on page 1112
Diphtheria Toxin
An NAD+-dependent ADP ribosylase
• One target of this enzyme is EF-2
• EF-2 has a diphthamide (see Figure 33.27)
• Toxin-mediated ADP-ribosylation of EF-2
allows it to bind GTP but makes it inactive in
protein synthesis
• One toxin molecule ADP-ribosylates many
EF-2s, so just a little is lethal!
from Ricinus communis (castor bean)
• One of the most deadly substances known
• A glycoprotein that is a disulfide-linked
heterodimer of 30 kD subunits
• The B subunit is a lectin (a class of proteins
that binds specifically to glycoproteins &
• Endocytosis followed by disulfide reduction
releases A subunit, which catalytically
inactivates the large subunit of ribosomes
Copyright © 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company
Biochemistry 2/e - Garrett & Grisham
Protein Folding
• Proteins are assisted in folding by molecular
chaperones - called chaperonins
• Hsp60 and Hsp70 are two main classes
• Hsp70 recognizes exposed, unfolded regions
of new protein chains - especially hydrophobic
• It binds to these regions, apparently protecting
them until productive folding reactions can
Protein Translocation
An essential process for membrane proteins and
secretory proteins
• Such proteins are synthesized with a "leader
peptide", aka a "signal sequence" of about 16-26
amino acids
• The signal sequence has a basic N-terminus, a
central domain of 7-13 hydrophobic residues,
and a nonhelical C-terminus
• The signal sequence directs the newly
synthesized protein to its proper destination
Protein Translocation II
Four common features
• Proteins are made as preproteins containing
domains that act as sorting signals
• Membranes involved in protein translocation
have specific receptors on their cytosolic faces
• Translocases catalyze the movement of the
proteins across the membrane with metabolic
energy (ATP, GTP, ion gradients) essential
• Preproteins bind to chaperones to stay loosely
Copyright © 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company
Biochemistry 2/e - Garrett & Grisham
Protein Degradation
• Some protein degradation pathways are
nonspecific - randomly cleaved proteins
seem to be rapidly degraded
• However, there is also a selective, ATP-
dependent pathway for degradation - the
ubiquitin-mediated pathway
• Ubiquitin is a highly-conserved, 76 residue
(8.5 kD) protein found widely in eukaryotes
• Proteins are committed to degradation by
conjugation with ubiquitin
Copyright © 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company
Biochemistry 2/e - Garrett & Grisham