Rainfall Runoff Processes
Rainfall Runoff Processes
Rainfall Runoff Processes
P qo
Figure 7. Rainfall, runoff, infiltration and surface storage during a natural rainstorm. The shaded
areas under the rainfall graph represent precipitation falling at a rate exceeding the infiltration rate.
The dark grey area represents rainfall that enters depression storage, which is filled before runoff
occurs. The light grey shading represents rainfall that becomes overland flow. The initial infiltration
rate is f0, and f1 is the final constant rate of infiltration approached in large storms. (from Dunne and
Leopold, 1978)
(b) Partial area infiltration excess overland flow
Fraction of area contributing to
overland flow
qo P
Betson (1964) pointed out that the area contributing to infiltration excess runoff
may only be a small portion of the watershed. This idea has become known as the
partial-area concept of infiltration excess overland flow.
Overland flow can occur due to surface water input on areas that are already
saturated. This is referred to as saturation excess overland flow.
P qo
Subsurface flow
Lateral movement of water occurring through the soil above the
water table
primary mechanism for stream flow generation when f>i
- Matrix/translatory flow
• Lateral flow of old water displaced by precipitation
• Near surface lateral conductivity is greater than overall
vertical conductivity
• Porosity and permeability higher near the ground
- Macropore flow
• Movement of water through large conduits in the soil
Soil macropores
(e) Perched subsurface stormflow
ri zon 1
on 2
i z
P qs Impeding layer
(a) Rain
Baseflow table
0 s 0 s
Baseflow + subsurface stormflow table
0 s 0 s
(c) Direct precipitation
on saturated zone Water
Return flow table
Baseflow + subsurface stormflow
Groundwater ridging s
0 subsurface stormflow0 s
processes in an area of high
infiltration rate.
Evapotranspiration Surface Water Input
Hortonian OF
Infiltration Saturation OF
capacity Saturation
Infiltration source area
Return flow
Soil regolith
Regolith subsurface flow
groundwater Aquifer subsurface flow
aquifer (baseflow)
Factors affecting runoff
• Apart from rainfall characteristics such as intensity, duration and distribution,
there are a number of site (or catchment) specific factors which have a direct
bearing on the occurrence and volume of runoff.
i. Soil type
• The infiltration capacity is among others dependent on the porosity of a soil
which determines the water storage capacity and affects the resistance of water
to flow into deeper layers.
Figure 9 Infiltration capacity curves for different soil types
ii. Vegetation
• The amount of rain lost to interception storage on the foliage depends on the
kind of vegetation and its growth stage. Values of interception are between 1
and 4 mm. A cereal crop, for example, has a smaller storage capacity than a
dense grass cover.
• More significant is the effect the vegetation has on the infiltration capacity of
the soil. A dense vegetation cover shields the soil from the raindrop impact
and reduces the crusting effect as described earlier.
iii. Slope and catchment size
• Investigations on experimental runoff plots (Sharma et al. 1986) have shown that
steep slope plots yield more runoff than those with gentle slopes. In addition, it was
observed that the quantity of runoff decreased with increasing slope length.
• The runoff efficiency (volume of runoff per unit of area) increases with the decreasing
size of the catchment i.e. the larger the size of the catchment the larger the time of
concentration and the smaller the runoff efficiency.
Figure 10. Runoff efficiency as a function of catchment size (Ben Asher 1988)
Estimates of runoff
Table 2.1: Runoff Proportion (%) versus Catchment Size (average of 2 replicates)
Theoretical Estimates of Flow
-Jacob Bohme