Fingerprint History 101

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• as an impression is the
reproduction on some smooth
surface of the pattern or design
formed by the ridges on the inside
of the end joint of the fingers and
thumb, through the medium of ink
or any coloring substance capable
of producing visibility .
Fingerprint - as a science is the identification of
a person by means of the ridges appearing on
the fingers, on the palms and on the soles of the
feet .

Dactyloscopy- is the identification of a person

through the examination and comparison of
fingerprints. It is also the classification of

1. Civil identification of the newly born

a. Serves to give evidence
b. Serves in the establishment of rules as applied to the
penitentiary system
2. Anthropology – deals with the comparative study of human
and animal prints
c. Prints of quadro- pedal animals
d. Prints of two legged animals
3. Clinical dactyloscopy- effect if any on the appearance of
fingerprints especially those with illness that disturbed as to
appearance by their component characteristic remain.
History and development of finger printing primitive
knowledge .
- The earliest evidence of ridge detail on the hands and
feet of humans was seen in the 4000, year old
mummies of ancient egypt, the hands and feet
mummies have been examined on numerous occasion
and they confirmed the presence of ridge detail on the
mummies digits,
- Outline of a hand was scratched into slate rock beside
kejiomkujil lake by an aboriginal indian.
- The carving is an outline of a hand and fingers, within
outline the flexion creases palm and fingers are
- Although it does not demonstrate knowledge of the
individuality of friction ridges or palmar flexion creases,
- It clearly illustrates an early awareness of the presence
of those formations
• It was practice for the chinese to use
inked fingerprints on official documents,
lands scales, contracts, loans, and
acknowledgement of dept.
• The oldest existing documents so
endorsed date from the 3rd century B.C ,
and it was practice until the recent time.
• Emperor ts- in-she – reported as being
chinese emperor to use clay finger seals
for sealing documents “ the documents of
the time were wooden tablets or whittled
pieces of bamboo together with strings,
And the seal itself was a small dollop of clay. A carved
stamp with fingerprint was embossed on the other to
prove authenticity.
by the advent of silk and paper ‘’hand prints’’-
became the most common method of ensuring the
genuineness of a contract, the right hand was simply
traced or stamped onto a document, and the
anthropometric values of hand size and shape, along
with a signature were often enough to ensure
1975 ( Yven Ming country in china)
- Bamboo strips were found describing a trial
reported to have taken place.
The Qin dynasty ( 300 B.C)
- During a thief trial handprint were entered a
evidence .
2. Deed of hand Mark – this method involved
marking of flexion crease location of each
phalangeal joint of the right hand onto document
but in some cases the whole hand was traced and
the flexion creases of the fingers added to the
And in other methods of identification used in
ancient time that are still used to today, the chinese
put notches randomly along the sides of the hand
writing tablets of duplicate contracts. The notches
could be physically matched by holding the tablets
together of some future time to ensure authenticity.
b). Early 12th century in the novel . ‘ the story of the
river bank””. Fingerprinting found itself already in
the criminal procedure of china and in 16th century a
custom prevailed in connection with the sale of
children , palm and sole impression were stamped
on deeds of sale to prevent impersonation.
- legal papers were marked in ink using the top of the
thumb and nail while nail stamping cannot be considered a
method of friction ridge identification,
a. Kamagusu Minakata ( japanese historian)
- He further commented about blood stamping ,
apparently contracts were accompanied by a written
oath confirmed with blood stamp, the blood stamp was
a print of the ring finger in blood drawn from that digit.

b. Churyo katsurakwawa (1754)

- He wrote , according to domestic law to divorce a wife
the husband must give her a document stating which of the
seven reason was assigned for action, all letters must be in
husband’s handwriting but in case he does not understand
how to write he should sign with a fingerprint
‘’ the main points of the Japanese domestic law
were borrowed and transplanted from the
chinese laws of Yung Hui “ . This fact illustrates
how chinese customs, laws and practices spread
to other countries.
- Ancient stone carvings is found in the
L’lle de Garvrinis of the coast of france,
here are burial chamber or dolman
constructed on slabs of stone is a gallery
leading into an enlarged chamber the
structure being imbedded into a low
mound of earth. The inner walls are
covered with incised designs system of
horse- shoe form, more or less circular
concentric figures spiral arching lines
sinous and straight lines and other
markings occuring in various combination,
the anthropologist interpret these lines
are representing finger or palm print .
- They use finger seals used in legal
contracts from 1855- 1913 B.C the finger
impressions of the parties involved in a
contract or agreement were apparently
pressed into the clay surface along with
script. This practice identified the author
and protected against forgery.
- Law officers were authorized to secure
the fingerprints of arrested persons. Also
fingerprint were found on the 300-year
old clay slabs in king Tue-En_Khamins
tomb in egypt.
- Fingerprints were pressed into the walls
of the tomb creating intricate designs.
- William Frederick Bade
he is director of the Palestine of
archeology conducted excavations at
various sites in Palestine and at one place
found finger imprints on many pieces of
broken pottery. These identification
permitted the confused debris to dated
accurately to the forth century A.D
commenting on this case, fingerprint
magazine , stated that ‘ these impression
were obviously intentional and no doubt
,represented the workman’s individual
trade mark.
- treaty ratification , the
sultan soaked his hand in a
sheep’s blood and impressed
it on the document as his
seal .
Early knowledge of friction
ridge individuality
- Early pioneers of this friction ridge
identification science were government workers,
police officers or people who dabbled in friction
ridge identification while employed in related
scientific fields,
Thomas Bewick (1753- 1828)
- He is a british author naturalist and engraver
became englands finest engraver who made
fingerprint stamps. He made wooden engravings
of fingerprint and published their images in his
books where he used an engraving of his
fingerprints as a signature.
Sir William J. Herschel
- He is crin edited as being the first european to recognize
the value of friction ridge point, and to actually use
them foe identification purposes.
- Herschel had observed a local practice of putting a
friction ridge print of the hand finger beside a signature
or mark contracts in jungerpoor in india where he was
put in charge and asign.
- He was a member of the civil service of india.
- On the back of the road contract, herschel and konai to
apply his right palm print ink. Later he claimed to have
been the first to use friction ridge prints for personal
identification purposes. His claim was based on the use
of the palm print on the konai contract.
- Herschel experiment with friction ridge resulted in the
first demonstration of friction ridge persistency.
Dr. Henry Faulds (1843-1930)
- In 1875, faulds had opened a missionary hospital
and a year later started a medical school in japan
where he may have been exposed to fingerprints.
- He mentioned to his letter addressed to charles
darwin that fingerprints can be classified easily
and that ridge detail unique; he pointed out the
value of fingerprinting as being in medico legal
studies, and commented that photographs of
people change over the years but ruge (friction
ridges) never change.
- Faulds also mentioned apprehending criminals by
locating fingerprints at crime scene.
- Faulds claimed careful study in japan and to be
the first person to publish notice on the subject in
english literature.
Dr. J.C.A Mayer of
- He published the following
statements in his anatomical atlas’’
although the arrangement of skin
ridges is never duplicated in two
persons, nevertheless the
similarities are closer among some
individuals. In others the
differences are marked, yet in spite
of their perculiarities of
arrangement all have a certain
- The deduction was published 100
years before the konai contract.
Thomas Taylor (1877)
A microscopist of the
Department of Agriculture
washington DC, he also
suggested that fingerprints
could be used to solve crime,
- In july 1877 he issue of the
american journal of
microscoopy and popular
Alphonse Bertillon ( 1853-1914)
• He devised the first truly scientific method of
criminal identification in Paris France called ‘’
anthropometry of bertillonage.
• He conceived the idea of using anatomical
measurements to distinguish one criminal from
• He use body measurement
• He has been described as one of the greatest
scientist in the 19th century, ‘’ he was an
• In 1901 as the result of another committee
anthropometry was abandoned and fingerprint
was published as the primary means of
identication .
Capt. James I. Parke
• He advocated the first state
and penal use of fingerprint
which was officially adopted in
Sing-sing Prison on june 5,
1903 and later at auburn
Napanoch and clinton
Dr. Henry P. De Forest
• He utilized the first official
municipal use of fingerprints in
municipal Civil Service
Commission in the City of New
• He required civil service applicants
to be fingerprinted to prevent
them from having better qualified
persons take test for them and put
the system into practice.
Sgt. R. Mccloughry
• He was the warden of the federal
penitentiary of levenworth when
the office of the atty General of the
US granted permission to establish
a fingerprint bureau thereon on
November 2, 1904. it was the first
official national government use of
Mary K. Holland

• She was the first american

instructor in dactyloscopy
Harry Mayers 11
• 1925 he installed the first official foot and
fingerprint system for infants at the jewish
maternity hospital,philadephia pennsylvania ,
USA, the first system In the state.
Juan (ivan) Vucetich (1855- 1925)
• The fast pace of the advancement of
fingerprinting in england was due to the
ingenuity of juan vucetich ,
• He was employed as a statistician with the
central police department at la plata,
• July 1891, the chief of police assigned him
to set up bureau of anthropometric
• He started experimenting with fingerprints
and set up his own equipment for taking
criminals prints.
Rojas Murders
• June 19, 1892 two children were murdered on the outskirts of the
town of necoche on the coast of argentina , the victims were
illegitimate children of a 26 year old woman named FRANCISCA
• Rojas blamed velasquez an older man work on nearby ranch , but
velasquez claimed that he is innocence
• Police inspector Alvarez was sent to necochea to assist the local
police with the invistigation
• Alvarez with careful examination found out brown stain on the
bedroom door, after he receive training from vucetich about the
fingerprint identification he cut out the piece of the door with
fingerprint on it and he return to nechochea and requested rojas to
be fingerprint also
• Alvarez compared fingerprint under a magnifying glass and latter on
they found it that the fingerprint found on the bedroom door and
sample fingerprint of rojas was matched ,
• Rojas admitted that she had killed her children
• This case was reported as the first murder solved by fingerprints
• Argentina became the first country in the world to abolish
anthropometry and file criminal records solely by fingerperint
classification .
Sir Edward Henry (1850-1931)
- The henry classification system.
- In india where he was assign he assigned two bengali
police officers to study the classification problem henry’s
team was eventually successful in setting up a
classification system with 1024 primary positions and
secondary breakdown.
- 1899 henry invited by the british association for the
advancement of science to present a paper at dover . He
presented a paper entitled “ FINGERPRINTS AND THE
- He also published a book entitled ‘ classification and uses
of fingerprints’
- 1918 the henry classification system started what is
considered the modern era of fingerprint identification
which is the basis for most of the classification presently

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