Car-M Subpart G
Car-M Subpart G
Car-M Subpart G
CAR-M SUBPART-F(Maintenance Organization)
M.A.701 Scope
•This Subpart establishes the requirements to be met by an
organisation to qualify for the issue or continuation of an
approval for the management of aircraft continuing
M.A.702 Application
An application for issue or variation of a continuing
airworthiness management organisation approval shall be
made on a CA Form 2 (Appendix IX to this CAR).
CAR-M SUBPART-F(Maintenance Organization)
M.A.703 Extent of Approval
(a) The approval is indicated on a certificate included in Appendix VI
issued by DGCA.
•The purpose of the CAME is to set forth the procedures, means and methods
of the CAMO Compliance with its contents will assure compliance with CAR
M requirements.
CAR-M SUBPART-F(Maintenance Organization)
•The CAMO may use electronic data processing (EDP) for the
publication of the CAME.
CAR-M SUBPART-G(Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization)
Exposition Layout for a CAMO holding a Maintenance Organisation
•Where continuing airworthiness management organisation is also
approved to another CAR, the exposition or manual required by the
other CAR may form the basis of the continuing airworthiness
management exposition in a combined document.
•In the case where there is no quality system, the organization shall not
contract continuing airworthiness management tasks to other parties.
CAR-M SUBPART-G(Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization)
M.A.716 Findings
(a) A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliance with CAR-M
requirements which lowers the safety standard and hazards
seriously the flight safety.
(b) A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the CAR-M
requirements which could lower the safety standard and possibly
hazard the flight safety.
(c) After receipt of notification of findings according to M.B.705, the
holder of the continuing airworthiness management organisation
approval shall define a corrective action plan and demonstrate
corrective action to the satisfaction of DGCA within a period of 7
days and 30 days for level 1 & level 2 findings respectively, including
appropriate corrective action to prevent recurrence of the finding
and its root cause.