Importance of Transportation Different Modes of Transportation Characteristics of Road Transport Scope of Highway and Traffic Engineering
Importance of Transportation Different Modes of Transportation Characteristics of Road Transport Scope of Highway and Traffic Engineering
Importance of Transportation Different Modes of Transportation Characteristics of Road Transport Scope of Highway and Traffic Engineering
Importance of Transportation
Different Modes of Transportation
Characteristics of Road Transport
Scope of Highway and Traffic Engineering
Importance of Transportation
Importance of Transportation
Importance of Transportation
Importance of Transportation
Transportation helps in
mass production and
stability of prices
Importance of Transportation
Transportation helps in
economic development
Importance of Transportation
Transportation offers
numerous opportunities
Importance of Transportation
Transportation helps in
social development
Importance of Transportation
Transportation helps in
industrial and agricultural
Importance of Transportation
Transportation helps in
political development
Importance of Transportation
Transportation helps in
cultural development
Importance of Transportation
Road Hierarchy
National Roads
National Roads
Provincial Roads
The Elements to Consider When Planning Provincisl Roads are:
• Limited frontage access. In exceptional circumstances, large
individual developments may have direct access when high level
intersection is provided;
• Development set back from the highway;
• Most development to be given access via intersection with local
distributor roads;
• All intersections will normally be at-grade;
• Turning traffic should be separated out from the through traffic;
Provincial Roads
City/Municipal Roads
Barangay Roads
Different Modes of Transportation
Advantages of Water Transportation
• Cheap
• Minimum chances of
traffic accidents and
traffic hazard
• Requires cheap motor
powers than for
• Possesses high load
carrying capacity.
Different Modes of Transportation
Different Modes of Transportation
Air Transport