Lecturer: Ahmed Mohamed Adam Subject: Reproductive Health Class: Semester Four Post Basic Midwifery Course: Distance Learning

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Lecturer: Ahmed Mohamed Adam

Subject: Reproductive health

Class: semester four post basic midwifery
Course: distance learning
Quality of care in Reproductive Health
Quality of care in RH refers to the overall
effectiveness and appropriateness of health care.
It is about providing services that clients want
and includes effectively by the staff.
The following are the elements of quality health care:
 Promotion and protection of health

 Accessibility and availability of services

 Acceptability of services

 Technical competence

 Availability of essential supplies and equipment

 Quality of client provider interaction

 Adequate and relevant information and counseling for clients

 Involvement of clients for decision-making

 Comprehensiveness of care and linkages to other reproductive services

 Continuity of care and follow up

Quality of reproductive health care means:
 Care should be personalized

 Clients should be treated with dignity

 Privacy should be maintained

 Clients should not have to wait a long time before being served

 Health workers should inform about the available services

 Facilities for services should be clean

 Client flow should be well organized

 Routine services should be available at least during normal working hours,

 and labor and delivery services, and services for complications of reproductive

 health, which requires emergency care, should be available on a 24 hour a day

 basis

 An adequate flow of essential supplies and equipment should be maintained

 Supervision should involve working together with staff to solve problems related to

 provision of reproductive health care

To maintain quality of RH services, well-trained staffs
are required who demonstrate:
 Care, sensitivity and thoroughness in informing the

client about services available

 Knowledge, attitudes and skills for providing the full

range of RH services
 Knowledge of ability to identify real or potential

 Capability to take appropriate clinical action in

response to the identified problems, including knowing

when and where to refer clients with serious problems
Components of Reproductive Health
 Quality family planning services
 Promoting safe motherhood: prenatal, safe delivery and post natal care,
 including breast feeding;
 Prevention and treatment of infertility
 Prevention and management of complications of unsafe abortion;
 Safe abortion services, where not against the law;
 Treatment of reproductive tract infections, including sexually transmitted
 infections;
 Information and counseling on human sexuality, responsible parenthood
 sexual and reproductive health;
 Active discouragement of harmful practices, such as female genital
 mutilation and violence related to sexuality and reproduction;
 Functional and accessible referral
What is the importance of reproductive
the main objectives of the reproductive health are:
 It helps in educating every youth about sexual

and reproductive health.
 It creates awareness among adolescents about

safe sexual practices.

 It helps in preventing sexually transmitted

infections, including HIV/AIDS.

Reproductive Health Indicators for Global
There are seventeen reproductive
health indicators developed by the
United Nation Population Fund
(UNFPA). The list and description of
these indicators are given below.
 Total fertility rate
 Contraceptive prevalence (any method)
 Maternal mortality ratio
 Antenatal care coverage
 Births attended by skilled health personnel
 Availability of basic essential obstetric care
 Availability of comprehensive essential
 obstetric care
 Perinatal mortality rate
 Low birth weight prevalence
 Positivesyphilis serology prevalence in
 pregnant women
 Prevalence of anaemia in women
 Percentage of obstetric and gynaecological
 admissions owing to abortion
 Reported prevalence of women with FGM
 Prevalence of infertility in women
 Reported incidence of urethritis in men
 HIV prevalence in pregnant women
 Knowledge of HIV-related prevention practices
Gender and Reproductive Health
Sex refers to biological and physiological attributes of
that identify a person as male or
female Gender refers to the economic, social and
cultural attributes and opportunities associated with being
male or female in a particular social setting at a particular
point in time.
Gender equality means equal treatment of women and
men in laws and policies, and equal access to resources
and services within families, communities and society at
Gender equity means fairness and justice in the
distribution of benefits and responsibilities
between women and men. It often requires
women-specific programmes and policies to
end existing inequalities.
Gender discrimination refers to any distinction,
exclusion or restriction made on thebasis of
socially constructed gender roles and norms which
prevents a person from enjoying full human rights.
Gender stereotypes refer :to beliefs that are so ingrained in
our consciousness that many of us think gender roles are
natural and we don’t question them.
Gender bias refers to gender based prejudice; assumptions
expressed without a reason and are generally unfavorable.
Gender mainstreaming: the incorporation of gender issues
into the analysis, formulation, implementation, monitoring of
strategies, programs, projects, policies and activities that can
address inequalities between women and men
Gender analysis is a research tool that helps policy makers
and program managers appreciate the importance of gender
issues in the design, implementation, and evaluation of their

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