Marketing Plan For YES Account
Marketing Plan For YES Account
Marketing Plan For YES Account
YES account
Introduction about PB
• To Increase current market share by 10% of the YES youth savings account
by end of 2021.
• To retain the market leader position in youth savings accounts segment
during 2020/2021 financial year.
Strategic analysis – Strengths
• IT enabled infrastructure.
• Legal and quality management activities.
• Recently did a facelift and rebranding to enhance infrastructure.
Human resource management
• Over 8000 experienced workforce
• Recruit university qualifiers as banking trainees
• Higher education facilities
• Language development programmes
• Provide overseas training programmes
• Training on IT and system security
• Bonus schemes
Value chain analysis
Technology development
• Company intranet connected all branches
• Online- real-time update process
• IT support from Singapore based IT professionals
• Internet banking facility
• Mobile banking facility
• Over 700 ATMs island-wide
• Purchase of application software , security software, ATM machines and
other equipment through a government approved tender committee.
Value chain analysis
Pass book
Debit cards
VISA Target
SMS Market
Online banking Older people
CDM Young Executives
Android and iOS apps
Environmental: Local, national and
global environmental issues
• Seasonal effects – Can work whole year
• Temperature
• Hill country
• 3 ways of having rain
• Natural Disasters affects farmers, export agriculture
Lack of rain
It is impossible for a company to satisfy the needs of all customers. Hence it can divide
them into groups with specific needs and concentrate on one particular segment.
Segmenting in marketing is dividing the market into well defined slices. The segmented
markets will consist of customers with similar needs and wants.
Common bases for segmenting markets are geographic region, city, demographic age,
gender, income, occupation, education. lifestyle, social class etc.
In the context of banking segmentation helps the bank to know its customers at a granular
level. Statistics and research have shown that demographics segmentation is the most
sensible for a bank.
In the current scenario, the People’s Bank offers the YES savings account to the youth aged 18 to 35
years. The account holders have various benefits such as loan facilities for higher education, business,
housing / vehicles, weddings, purchase of equipment, computers and consumer durables, leasing
facilities etc.
hence we can say that this market segment has been identified based on “demographic age and the
associated needs of the youth”.
Philip Kotler and other famous marketing gurus have identified that for effective market segmentation
the segment has to be measurable, substantial, accessible, differentiable and actionable.
For effective What this means? In the context of the YES account
Measurable Data should be available to measure According to the statistics of Dept. of Census and
the size, purchasing power and the Statistics the working population is around
profile of the market segment 42.6%, the youth is part of the working
Substantial The market segment should be large The youth forms a significant part of the working
and profitable enough to serve population and will be more inclined towards
saving and making use of other benefits given for
the account holders this market segment will be
one of the most profitable to serve.
For effective What this means? In the context of the YES account
Accessible The market segment should be When the YES account was first introduced in
reachable, particularly in terms of 2003, it was operational only in 60 branches.
distribution and communication However, the People's Bank has 737 branches
island wide and the YES account can be opened
in almost every branch.
Differentiable Distinguishable and respond The youth will respond to the marketing
differently to different marketing mix strategies differently when compared to other
elements and programmes. age groups due to their unique way of looking at
things, their familiarity with technology etc.
For effective What this means? In the context of the YES account
Actionable Effective programmes can be Under the YES account the bank has launched a
formulated for attracting and serving special programmes to drive volumes and
the segment customer numbers. Such initiatives are the
Deposit Mobilization campaign,
“People’s power” (newly launched C/A to
support young entrepreneurs),
“People’s Pulse” (for young professionals)
Considering all these factors we can conclude that market segmentation for the YES savings account is
Targeting in marketing is a strategy that breaks a large market into smaller segments to
concentrate on a specific group of customers within that audience.
Evaluating the attractiveness of each segment Selecting the target market strategies (based on five patterns of
market selection)
- Segment size and growth (potential - Single Market Concentration
segment has growth characteristics?) - Selective specialization
- Product Specialization
- Segment structural attractiveness (Porters -Market Specialization
Five Factor Model of market profitability). - Full Market Coverage.
The banking industry is
Existing rivalry is high if highly regulated
there are string especially in terms of
competitors, high exit financial & capital
barriers, fixed costs etc. Bargaining
Threat of requirements
power of
All banks with youth substitutes suppliers
savings accounts offer
similar services
Eg:21st birthday gifts
Single Market Concentration - the marketer prefers to go for single segment (the company needs to
have strong market position, specified reputation and probable leadership position etc.)
Selective specialization - company selects a number of segments each of which is attractive,
potential and appropriate.
Product Specialization - when a company sells certain products to several different types of
potential customers.
Market Specialization - the company takes up a particular market segment for supplying all relevant
products to the target group.
Full Market Coverage – attempts to serve all customer groups. Only very large firms can undertake
same. Can be done in 2 ways
-Undifferentiated marketing or convergence: company ignores market segment differences and goes
after the whole market with one market offer.
-Differentiated marketing or divergence: The company operates in several market segments and
designs different programmes for each segment.
Target marketing strategies
The People’s Bank could follow a differentiated marketing strategy to be unique from its
competitors so at to attract new deposits and to retain the existing ones for a significant period.
The bank could follow the below strategies.
Differentiation strategies
search Use
Use paid social Deliver
engine multiple
search media Creating an customer
optimizatio marketing
marketing advertising effective Tell a good service that
n (SEO) channels to
to the to target mobile story is both
ensures reach the
bank’s prospects presence friendly and
prospects desired
advantage and existing educational
will find you audience
BRAND positioning
Steps of the Positioning Process
Tangible resources
Financial recourses - Profit after Tax - LKR 9.2 Bn ( for 2019)
Technological resources - ‘People’s Wave App’, customer management software, use the online
BOC 730
Sri Lanka
HNB 251
NTB 96
Union Bank 67
Cargills Bank 19
Intangible Resources
• Reputation of the Bank - goodwill as a well secured
bank with unbeatable matured experience in the industry
of being more than 50 years
• The Asian Banker International Excellence in Retail Financial Awards 2019
Best Retail Bank in Sri Lanka
Best Digital Bank in Sri Lanka
Most Improved Retail Banking in Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa
Quality - Operated by one of the largest state owned commercial bank in Sri Lanka
Unique - Provides loan facilities for higher education, business, housing / vehicles,
Design weddings, purchase of equipment, computers and consumer durables
- YES account holders have the privilege of accessing a host of Digital Banking
Features services, including e-statements, mobile banking, voice banking, internet
banking, as well as VISA debit, credit & travel card facilities.
- YES account is one of the most popular savings accounts among youth
Brand Name