Introduction To Database: UCT - Mogadishu, Somalia
Introduction To Database: UCT - Mogadishu, Somalia
Introduction To Database: UCT - Mogadishu, Somalia
Simple Queries
Introduction to SQL
Select Query
Where Clause
Where clause is used to specify condition while retriving
data from table. Where clause is used mostly with
Select, Update and Delete query. If condititon specified
by where clause is true then only the result from table is
Where Clause
In addition to the equal sign , The WHERE clause can contain other
comparison operators including :
<> ( or !=)
Introduction to SQL
Boolean Operators
Multiple conditions can be built using Boolean operators
AND , OR , and NOT
Introduction to SQL
Select * from MPS where MPClan >= 200 AND MP<= 400;
Select * from MPS where MPClan NOT Between 200 and 400;
Introduction to SQL
Like Operator
Like is an operator that compares column values with
specified pattern.
The general form of LIKE operator is
column [NOT] LIKE ‘pattern’
Like Operator