By Dmlkasilo (Mba Cpa PHD)
By Dmlkasilo (Mba Cpa PHD)
By Dmlkasilo (Mba Cpa PHD)
D M L Kasilo
Introduction 1
In the Financial Management
literature, a number of key
Questions regarding dividends
policy theories and practices have
yet to be answered:
(i) Does dividend policy matter?
Introduction 2
(ii) What effects do dividends
payments have on share prices
(iii) Is there a model that can be
used to evaluate alternative
dividend policies in view of share
.. costs:
A firm appoints a brokerage firm to buy
own shares being traded at an Organized
Stock Exchange (e.g. DSEM) on behalf of
shareholders who have registered
themselves for the Dividend Reinvestment
Plan and does not change brokerage fees
to their shareholders.
Firm allows them to buy Newly Issued
shares directly from the firm at no
Transaction costs.
3.1 Introduction
(i) A firm’s dividend policy is a plan of
action or a set of guidelines to be
followed whenever dividend decisions
must be made.
(ii) Since shareholders tend to abide to the
dividends relevance theory, and abide to
the bird in the hand principle – respond
most favourably to positive information
that signal to them that the firm is okay
and minimizes their uncertainty.