EGN - 5623 Detailed Scheduling

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Detailed Scheduling (DS)

EGN 5623 Enterprise Systems Optimization

(Professional MSEM)
Fall, 2011
Detailed Scheduling (DS)

Theories & Concepts

EGN 5623 Enterprise Systems Optimization

(Professional MSEM)
Fall, 2011
• DS concepts
1. Finite and infinite loading
2. Scheduling directions
3. Sequencing rules
4. Criteria for evaluation of sequencing rules
5. Example for comparison of sequencing rules
6. Controlling changeover costs
7. Minimize total production time
8. Assignment problems

Process-Focused Operations
Process-focused factories are often called
job shops.
A job shop’s work centers are organized
around similar types of equipment or
Workers and machines are flexible and
can be assigned to and reassigned to
many different orders.
Job shops are complex to schedule.
Scheduling and Shop-Floor
Master Product Design
Production and
Schedule (MPS) Process Plans

Material Capacity Order-

Requirements Requirements Processing or
Plan (MRP) Plan (CRP) Routing Plans

Planned Work Center Assignment of

Order Releases Loading and Orders to
Report Overtime Plan Work Centers

Day-to-Day Scheduling and Shop-Floor Decisions

Pre-production Planning
Design the product in customer order
Plan the operations the product must pass
through ..... this is the routing plan
Work moves between operations on a
move ticket
Common Shop Floor Control
The production control department
controls and monitors order progress
through the shop.
◦ Assigns priority to orders
◦ Issues dispatching lists
◦ Tracks WIP and keeps systems updated
◦ Controls input-output between work centers
◦ Measures efficiency, utilization, and
productivity of shop
Shop Floor Planning and Control
Input-Output Control
Gantt Chart
Finite and Infinite Loading
Forward and Backward Scheduling
Input-Output Control
Input-output control identifies problems
such as insufficient or excessive capacity
or any issues that prevents the order from
being completed on time.
Input-output control report compares
planned and actual input, planned and
actual output, and planned and actual WIP
in each time period
Gantt Charts
Gantt charts are useful tools to coordinate
jobs through shop; graphical summary of
job status and loading of operations
Work Centers Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.

Gantt Charts
Scheduled Progress Setup, Maint.
Assigning Jobs to Work Centers:
How Many Jobs/Day/Work Center
Infinite loading
◦ Assigns jobs to work centers without regard to
◦ Unless excessive capacity exists, long queues
Finite loading
◦ Uses work center capacity to schedule orders
◦ Popular scheduling approach
◦ Integral part of CRP
Assigning Jobs to Work Centers:
Which Job Gets Built First?
Forward scheduling
◦ Jobs are given earliest available time slot in
◦ excessive WIP usually results
Backward scheduling
◦ Start with promise date and work backward
through operations reviewing lead times to
determine when a job has to pass through each
◦ Less WIP but must have accurate lead times
Order-Sequencing Problems
Sequencing Rules
Criteria for Evaluating Sequencing
Comparison of Sequencing Rules
Controlling Changeover Costs
Minimizing Total Production Time
Order-Sequencing Problems
We want to determine the sequence in
which we will process a group of waiting
orders at a work center.
Many different sequencing rules can be
followed in setting the priorities among
There are numerous criteria for evaluating
the effectiveness of the sequencing rules.
Order-Sequencing Rules
First-Come First-Served (FCFS)
Next job to process is the one that arrived first
among the waiting jobs
Shortest Processing Time (SPT)
Next job to process is the one with the shortest
processing time among the waiting jobs
Earliest Due Date (EDD)
Next job to process is the one with the earliest
due (promised finished) date among the waiting
Order-Sequencing Rules
Least Slack (LS)
Next job to process is the one with the least
[time to due date minus total remaining
processing time] among the waiting jobs
Critical Ratio (CR)
Next job to process is the one with the least
[time to due date divided by total remaining
processing time] among the waiting jobs
Least Changeover Cost (LCC)
Sequence the waiting jobs such that total
machine changeover cost is minimized
Evaluating the Effectiveness
of Sequencing Rules

Average flow time - average amount of

time jobs spend in shop
Average number of jobs in system -
Average job lateness - average amount of
time job’s completion date exceeds its
promised delivery date
Changeover cost - total cost of making
machine changeovers for group of jobs
Experience Says:

◦ Performs poorly on most evaluation criteria
◦ Does give customers a sense of fair play
Shortest processing time
◦ Performs well on most evaluation criteria
◦ But have to watch out for long-processing-time
orders getting continuously pushed back
Critical ratio
◦ Works well on average job lateness criterion
◦ May focus too much on jobs that cannot be
completed on time, causing others to be late too.
Example: Sequencing Rules
Use the FCFS, SPT, and Critical Ratio rules to
sequence the five jobs below. Evaluate the rules
on the bases of average flow time, average
number of jobs in the system, and average job
Job Processing Time Time to Promised Completion
A 6 hours 10 hours
B 12 16
C 9 8
D 14 14
E 8 7
Example: Sequencing Rules

 FCFS Rule A>B>C>D>E

Processing Promised Flow

Job Time Completion Time Lateness
A 6 10 6 0
B 12 16 18 2
C 9 8 27 19
D 14 14 41 27
E 8 7 49 42
49 141 90
Example: Sequencing Rules

FCFS Rule Performance

◦ Average flow time:
141/5 = 28.2 hours
◦ Average number of jobs in the system:
141/49 = 2.88 jobs
◦ Average job lateness:
90/5 = 18.0 hours
Example: Sequencing Rules

 SPT Rule A>E>C>B>D

Processing Promised Flow

Job Time Completion Time Lateness
A 6 10 6 0
B 8 7 14 7
C 9 8 23 15
D 12 16 35 19
E 14 14 49 35
49 127 76
Example: Sequencing Rules

SPT Rule Performance

◦ Average flow time:
127/5 = 25.4 hours
◦ Average number of jobs in the system:
127/49 = 2.59 jobs
◦ Average job lateness:
76/5 = 15.2 hours
Example: Sequencing Rules

 Critical Ratio Rule E>C>D>B>A

Processing Promised Flow

Job Time Completion Time Lateness
E (.875) 8 7 8 1
C (.889) 9 8 17 9
D (1.00) 14 14 31 17
B (1.33) 12 16 43 27
A (1.67) 6 10 49 39
49 148 93
Example: Sequencing Rules

Critical Ratio Rule Performance

◦ Average flow time:
148/5 = 29.6 hours
◦ Average number of jobs in the system:
148/49 = 3.02 jobs
◦ Average job lateness:
93/5 = 18.6 hours
Example: Sequencing Rules

 Comparison of Rule Performance

Average Average Average

Flow Number of Jobs Job
Rule Time in System Lateness

FCFS 28.2 2.88 18.0

SPT 25.4 2.59 15.2
CR 29.6 3.02 18.6

SPT rule was superior for all 3 performance criteria.

Controlling Changeover Costs
Changeover costs - costs of changing a
processing step in a production system
over from one job to another
◦ Changing machine settings
◦ Getting job instructions
◦ Changing material
◦ Changing tools
jobs should be processed in a
sequence that minimizes changeover
Controlling Changeover Costs

Job Sequencing Heuristic

◦ First, select the lowest changeover cost among
all changeovers (this establishes the first two
jobs in the sequence)
◦ The next job to be selected will have the lowest
changeover cost among the remaining jobs
that follow the previously selected job
Example: Minimizing Changeover Costs
Hardtimes Heat Treating Service has 5
jobs waiting to be processed at work
center #11. The job-to-job changeover
costs are listed below. What should the
job sequence be?
Jobs That Precede
A -- 65 80 50 62
B 95 -- 69 67 65
Jobs C 92 71 -- 67 75
That D 85 105 65 -- 95
Follow E 125 75 95 105 --
Example: Minimizing Changeover

 Develop a job sequence:

A follows D ($50 is the least c.o. cost)
C follows A ($92 is the least following c.o. cost)
B follows C ($69 is the least following c.o. cost)
E follows B (E is the only remaining job)

Job sequence is D–A–C–B–E

Total changeover cost = $50 + 92 + 69 + 75 = $286

Minimizing Total Production Time
Sequencing n Jobs through Two Work
◦ When several jobs must be sequenced through
two work centers, we may want to select a
sequence that must hold for both work centers
◦ Johnson’s rule can be used to find the
sequence that minimizes the total production
time through both work centers
Johnson’s Rule
1. Select the shortest processing time in
either work center
2. If the shortest time is at the first work
center, put the job in the first unassigned
slot in the schedule. If the shortest time is
at the second work center, put the job in
the last unassigned slot in the schedule.
3. Eliminate the job assigned in step 2.
4. Repeat steps 1-3, filling the schedule from
the front and back, until all jobs have been
assigned a slot.
Example: Minimizing Total
Production Time
It is early Saturday morning and The Finest
Detail has five automobiles waiting for detailing
service. Each vehicle goes through a thorough
exterior wash/wax process and then an interior
vacuum/shampoo/polish process.
The entire detailing crew must stay until the
last vehicle is completed. If the five vehicles are
sequenced so that the total processing time is
minimized, when can the crew go home. They will
start the first vehicle at 7:30 a.m.
Time estimates are shown on the next slide.
Example: Minimizing Total
Production Time

Exterior Interior
Job Time (hrs.) Time (hrs.)
Cadillac 2.0 2.5
Bentley 2.1 2.4
Lexus 1.9 2.2
Porsche 1.8 1.6
Infiniti 1.5 1.4
Example: Minimizing Total
Production Time
Johnson’s Rule
Least Work Schedule
Time Job Center Slot
1.4 Infiniti Interior 5th
1.6 Porsche Interior 4th
1.9 Lexus Exterior 1st
2.0 Cadillac Exterior 2nd
2.1 Bentley Exterior 3rd
Example: Minimizing Total
Production Time

0 1.9 3.9 6.0 7.8 9.3 12.0

Exterior L C B P I Idle

Interior Idle L C B P I
0 1.9 4.1 6.6 9.0 10.6 12.0

It will take from 7:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. (not

allowing for breaks) to complete the five vehicles.
Minimize Total Production Time
Minimize Total Production Time
Minimize Total Production Time
Minimize Total Production Time
• Tasks and activities of detailed scheduling
• Controlling Detailed Scheduling
• Dates/Times and Planning Directions
• Resource Availability
• Selection of Resources
• Time Relationships
• Pegging Relationships
• Automatic Propagation of Changes
• Determining the Setup Time for Sequence-Dependent Setup Activities
• Synchronizing Activities on Multi-resources
• Block planning
• Scheduling Log
• Terminating Scheduling
• Detailed Scheduling Heuristics
Tasks of Detailed Scheduling
Detailed scheduling is used to:

1. Determine the resources and dates/times for carrying out

operations, taking resource and product availability into

2. Support the scheduler in scheduling resources when

creating an optimal processing sequence for operations
Activities of Detailed Scheduling
Basic DS Activities:
• dispatching operations to resources at a specific
• dispatching already scheduled operations to a
different date/time or to different resources
• removing scheduled operations from the resource
• a new date/time or new resources are assigned to a
de-allocated operation.
• the resource and date/time for the operation is fixed.
Activities of DS: Schedule
For an operation of a newly created order or for a de-
allocated operation
1.The resources are determined on which the operation
should be processed
2.The date/time is determined when the operation should
be processed on the resources

With scheduling, the operation is dispatched to the

resources. Scheduling an order means scheduling all the
operations of the order.
Activities of DS: Reschedule

1.A new date/time or new resources are specified for a

scheduled operation.

2.With rescheduling, the operation remains loaded on


3.After rescheduling, it loads either the previous resources

or the new resources.

4.Rescheduling an order means rescheduling all the

operations of the order.
Activities of DS: De-allocate
• Remove an operation from the resource schedule.

• With de-allocation, an operation is given the status

de-allocated. The operation no longer loads any

• De-allocating an order means de-allocating all the

operations of the order.

• An operation in the SAP APO system is either

scheduled  with no separate status  or de-allocated
(in this case it has the status de-allocated).
Activities of DS: Adjust
• A new date/time or new resource is assigned to a de-
allocated operation.

• In the case of an adjustment, the operation retains the

status de-allocated. The operation does not load the
resources to which it is assigned. Adjusting does not
change any resources schedules.

• Adjusting is a detailed scheduling activity that is carried

out automatically by the system for dependent objects
(for example, if relationships or pegging relationships
have to be adhered to). You cannot adjust de-allocated
operations manually.
Activities of DS: Fix
1. The resource and date/time for the operation is fixed.

2. Through the fixing process, a scheduled or de-allocated

operation is assigned the status fixed.

3. A fixed scheduled operation cannot be rescheduled or

de-allocated, and a fixed de-allocated operation cannot
be scheduled or adjusted.
Integrated Distribution &
Production Planning

SAP Implementation

EGN 5623 Enterprise Systems Optimization

(Professional MSEM)
Fall, 2011
Prerequisites of DS
The system can trigger detailed scheduling activities
automatically. For example, it automatically schedules the
order operations when an order is created.

Three ways to start detailed scheduling activities:

•production planning run,
•detailed scheduling planning board, or
•resource planning table specifically for selected
operations or orders.
Production Planning Run
To execute planning online or in the background for selected
•online planning is only suitable for small data quantities
(for example, for test purposes),
•background planning for mass planning.
Detailed Scheduling Planning Board
•Graphical representation of the planning situation
Graphically represent different aspects of scheduling in the charts of
the detailed scheduling planning board. For example, you can show
the situation of operations on resources over time and the
development of the resource utilization or pegging relationships
between orders over time.

•Interactive solution of planning problems

You can perform interactive scheduling on the detailed scheduling
planning board to solve scheduling problems such as sequence or
date/time problems on resources. Various scheduling functions and
heuristics are available in addition to manual scheduling with
Detailed Scheduling Planning Board
The detailed scheduling planning board is integrated in
different Production Planning applications.
You can call up the detailed scheduling planning board:
• Directly in the area menu for production planning
• In order processing
• In the product planning table

SAP provides the detailed scheduling planning boards

with standard settings (for example, for setup or layout).
If you want to configure a detailed scheduling planning
board for your specific scheduling requirements, you
must make the appropriate settings.
Detailed Scheduling Planning Board
Layout of the Detailed Scheduling Planning Board
When you invoke the detailed scheduling planning board for
the first time, the selection area is shown in the left-hand
part of the screen. You can control the display of the
selection area via Settings -> User Settings and save the
setting on a user-specific basis.

The setting you make on the detailed scheduling planning

board is independent of the setting in the resource planning
table (see Configuring the Resource Planning Table).
The selection area serves to provide an overview of the
loaded products and resources and to show and hide
objects (see Hiding and Showing Objects).
SAP APO Planning Board (Interface)

SAP APO – Production Planning – Interactive Production Planning – Detailed

Scheduling – Detailed Scheduling Planning Board/Variable view
SAP APO Planning Board

SAP APO – Production Planning – Interactive Production Planning – Detailed

Scheduling – Detailed Scheduling Planning Board/Variable view
SAP APO Planning Board (Legend)

SAP APO – Production Planning – Interactive Production Planning – Detailed

Scheduling – Detailed Scheduling Planning Board/Variable view
Detailed Scheduling Heuristics
DS Heuristics Features:
• Strategy settings
Depending on the heuristic, you can change the selected
strategy settings that the heuristic uses to schedule or
reschedule operations. Certain strategy settings are
permanently set by SAP and cannot be changed.

•Planning period
The system uses heuristics to reschedule operations that
start in the planning period.
Detailed Scheduling Heuristics
DS Heuristic Activities
• If you want to start a heuristic on the DS planning
board, select the desired objects and call up the
heuristic by choosing Functions Heuristics. You can
change the settings for the heuristics on the DS planning
board by choosing Settings  Heuristics.
•·        If you want to use a heuristic in the production
planning run, enter the heuristic and the objects for
which you want to execute the heuristic in the
corresponding processing step in the production planning

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