Effectiveness of Oral Misoprostol To Prevent Postcesarean Section Urinary Retension

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Effectiveness of oral misoprostol

to prevent postcesarean section
urinary retension

Disusun oleh:
Taschiro Yuliartha
71 2017 046

dr. Ary Rinaldzi, Sp.OG
Post partum urinary retention (PUR)

An obstetric case that is often encountered in

clinical practice.

Prevalence PUR varies from 1,7 to 17,9% focusing on

PUR after vaginal delivery. Groutz et al studied 125
women with postpartum voiding difficulties, 38% of
maternal women with the aid vacum instrumentation,
27% with spontaneous labour and 15% with cesarean
Some evidence to indicate the strong correlation
between cesarean section and PUR incidence.
Kermans et al. Stated the prevalence of post
cesarean section PUR is higher than vaginal
delivery (2.1% vs 3.2%).

Intraoperative bladder manipulation is thought to be cause of

weak detrusor muscle contraction. Patients terminated
abdominally tend to be unable to empty the bladder due to
inadequate contraction of detrusor muscles postoperative.
To determine the effect of misoprostol on the incidence of
urinary retention in post-cesarean section patients by
measuring maternal residual urine volume 6 hours after
catheter removal.
This is a descriptive study
Criteria inclusion and sxclusion

Criteria inclusion : patients undergoing cesarean

section at Dr.Moh.Hosein Palembang hospital by
lower uterine segment incision with regional
anesthesia and those willing to participate in this
research and signed informed consent

Criteria exclusion : patients with urinary tract

infection, having previous voiding problems prior
to cesarean section, patients with severe
preeklampsia, DM, renal dysfunction,
polihidramnion, multiple pregnancies and
induction of labor with misoprostol.
This was a single-blind randomized controlled trial, Samples
were patients who underwent cesarean section, either elective
or emergencies treated at Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology Hospital, Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang.
Subjects were allocated into two groups:treatment group
(receiving misoprostol) and placebo group. Urinary retention
is diagnosed if post-voiding residual urine volume after Foley
catheter removal was >200 ml.
Statistical Analyses

Using SPSS 17.0

Table 1 Mean of urination time between control
andtreatment group was not significantly different
(p= 0.589)

Table 2 Mean urine volume between control group(placebo)

and treatment group was significantly different (p =
0.029). Mean of urine volume was higher in
treatment group.

Mean of residual urine volume between control group

Table 3
(placebo) and treatment group was significantly
different (p =0.001). Mean of residual urine volume was
lower in treatment group.
There are two parameters to diagnose urinary retention in this study
including urination time, interpreting the time interval since folley
catheter removal and residual urine ,which is the amount of residual urine
post spontaneous urinations.

The differential effectiveness of 600µg oral misoprostol with placebo in preventing

the occurrence of postpartum urinary retention is not influenced by demographic
This study also showed there are no differences between the mean time urination
between the control group (placebo) and misoprostol orally 600µg (p = 0.589), in
which both the misoprostol group and placebo, all pregnant women after cesarean
section were able to urinate 6 hours after the catheter Foley released.
In addition to urinary and urine volume time, another parameter for
assessing postpartum urinary retention is the volume of urine residue > 200
With statistical analysis, this study showed that there was a difference in
mean residual urine volume between the control group (placebo) and 600 µg
oral misoprostol, in which the volume of urine residues of the group
receiving peripheral misoprostol was 600µg less than those receiving
placebo, but no residual volume was found > 200 ml in both misoprostol and
placebo groups.

Some disadvantages in this study besides the small number of samples is not
to include patients with PUR (+). All samples did not experience
PUR, and the effectiveness analysis of misoprostol was done on non PUR
samples. Secondly, no misoprostol was administered in different doses, so this
study could not determine the best dose of misoprostol for PUR handling,
There is no difference in mean time of urination between
the control group (placebo) with 600µg oral misoprostol.

There is an average difference in the amount of urine

volume and the volume of residual urine between the
control group (placebo) with 600µg oral misoprostol.
600µg oral misoprostol can increase the amount of urine
and reduce the volume of urinary residue after cesarean

Penilaian PICO VIA (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome,

Validity, Importancy, Applicability)
Telaah Kelengkapan Jurnal
Judul jurnal : Ada
Pengarang dan institusi : Ada
Abstrak : Ada
Pendahuluan : Ada
Metode : Ada
Hasil : Ada
Pembahasan : Ada
Kesimpulan dan saran : Ada
Daftar pustaka : Vancouver
Lampiran : Tidak ada

Penelitian ini menggunakan populasi 30 wanita hamil

seksio sesaria baik elektif maupun emergensi yang
dirawat di Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSUP
Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. Subjek
dialokasikan menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu 15 kelompok
perlakuan yang menerima misoprostol dan 15
kelompok plasebo

Pada penelitian ini tidak dilakukan intervensi

subjek penelitian.
Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas misoprostrol
peroral terhadap perubahan residu urin sebagai
pencegahan retensio urin pascaseksio sesarea.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara pertama
membandingkan waktu buang air kecil antara kelompok
penanganan yang menerima misoprostol dan kelompok
plasebo, kedua membandingkan volume urine yang
dihasilkan antara kelompok perlakuan (misoprostol) dan
kelompok kontrol (plasebo), ketiga membandingkan
volume residu urine antara kelompok perlakuan dan
kelompok plasebo.
Pada tabel 1 menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan rerata
waktu berkemih antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok
perlakuan (p = 0,589)
Pada tabel 2 menunjukan terdapat perbedaan rerata
volume urine antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok
perlakuan (p=0,029). Kelompok perlakuan volume urine
yang dihasilkan lebih meningkat dibandingkan dengan
kelompok kontrol.
Pada tabel 3 menunjukan terdapat perbedaan rerata
volume residu urin antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok
perlakuan (p=0,001). Kelompok perlakuan volume residu
urine yang dihasilkan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan
kelompok kontrol.

Is the data collected in accordance with the purpose of the

Data yang diambil sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. Penelitian
ini merupakan studi uji klinik acak berpembanding
(Randomised Control Trial) untuk mengetahui efektivitas
misoprostrol peroral terhadap perubahan residu urin sebagai
pencegahan retensio urin pascaseksio sesarea. Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan cara pertama membandingkan waktu buang
air kecil antara kelompok perlakuan yang menerima
misoprostol dan kelompok plasebo, kedua membandingkan
volume urine yang dihasilkan antara kelompok perlakuan
(misoprostol) dan kelompok kontrol (plasebo), ketiga
membandingkan volume residu urine antara kelompok
perlakuan dan kelompok plasebo
Are the inclusion and exclusion criteria in this research clearly
Iya. Kriteria inklusi  populasi semua pasien seksio sesaria baik

elektif maupun emergensi yang dirawat di Departemen Obstetri dan

Ginekologi RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang dengan insisi
segmen bawah rahim dengan anestesi regional dan yang bersedia
ikutserta dalam penelitian ini serta menandatangani surat
Kriteria eksklusi penelitian ini yaitu perempuan yang mengalami
masalah berkemih sebelum seksio sesaria, ISK, PEB, diabetes
mellitus, gangguan fungsi ginjal,polihidramnion,kehamilan kembar
dan induksi persalinan dengan misoprostol serta yang memiliki
kebiasaan atau riwayat merokok dan konsumsi alkohol juga
Are the research subjects explained in detail?
Iya. Semua pasien seksio sesaria baik elektif
maupun emergensi yang dirawat di Departemen
Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSUP Dr. Mohammad
Hoesin Palembang. Pasien yang mengalami
masalah berkemih sebelum seksio sesaria,
preeklampsia, diabetes mellitus, gangguan fungsi
ginjal,polihidramnion,kehamilan kembar dan
induksi persalinan dengan misoprostol serta
kebiasaan merokok dan alkohol dikeluarkan dari
penelitian ini.
Was the randomization list concealed from patients,
clinicians, and researchers?
Iya. Pada penelitian ini baik pasien, peneliti maupun
tenaga kesehatan tidak mengetahui kelompok
perlakuan yang telah ditentukan.

Interventions and co-interventions

Were the perfomed interventions described in
sufficent detail to be followed by other?
 Pada penelitian ini tidak dilakukan intervensi subjek

Is this study is important?

Ya, penelitian ini penting karena hasil penelitian ini
untuk mengetahui efektivitas misoprostrol peroral
terhadap perubahan residu urin sebagai pencegahan
retensio urin pascaseksio sesarea. Agar dapat
mencegah terjadinya retensio urin pascaseksio sesaria
dikemudian hari.
Is your environment so different from the one in
study that the methods could not be use there?
Lingkungan pada penelitian ini tidak terdapat
perbedaan namun harus dipertimbangkan dengan
sampel populasi yang digunakan.
Berdasarkan telaah jurnal yang telah dilakukan didapatkan
kesimpulan bahwa jurnal ini valid, penting dan dapat
diterapkan sehingga jurnal ini dapat digunakan sebagai

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