Comparison Between Overhead Lines and Underground Cable: Srikanth Allamsetty

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Comparison between

overhead lines and

underground cable
Srikanth Allamsetty
• Electrical power is transmitted through either overhead
power lines or underground cables.
• Each of the two types of cables has its benefits as well
as disadvantages as well as places where they are
commonly used.
• The choice of which method to use is influenced by
voltage, cost, safety, type of application, and other
• While the overhead lines are cheap, easy to install,
troubleshoot and upgrade, the same cannot be said
about the underground cables.
• Underground cables have their place too, and
despite being expensive, they have several
• These are mostly used where it is dangerous to
have overhead lines such as densely populated
areas as well as in providing the missing link in
areas where overhead lines cannot be used.
• Due to cost, physical and environmental factors,
the two types of cables are usually combined
together in most situations.
• Construction:
– Underground cables are more expensive to
construct since they have to be electrically
insulated and have protection against moisture,
corrosion, mechanical damage and other
environmental impacts from the soil.
– Construction of the cables is more complicated
compared to the overhead cables which are
simple to construct, and do not require
insulation and sheathing.
protective casing or
• Installation:
– The installation of overhead lines on poles is
easier and straightforward.
– However, the underground cables require
digging trenches and this may be complicated
by other utility service lines such as water pipes,
oil and gas pipelines, sewer lines.
– Other complications may arise due to rocks,
loose soil and water along the routes, making
them more expensive to install.
• Heat dissipation:
– Heat dissipation in underground cables is limited by the layers
of insulation and protection such as armoring and sheaths.
– Most of the heat is therefore retained near the cable unlike the
overhead cables where most of the heat is released to the
surrounding and automatic natural cooling is provided by the air.
• Size of Conductors:
– Underground cables have larger conductor sizes compared to
overhead lines for the same amount of power.
– This is due to the fact that the overhead lines have a natural
cooling and hence the ability to carry more power without
heating up.
• Voltage carrying capacity:
– The overhead lines are better suited to carry higher
voltages compared to the underground cables, which are
limited by the expensive construction and limited heat
– For these reasons, the underground cables are mostly
used for transmitting up to 33KV.
• Fault detection and repair:
– It is easier to detect and repair faults in overhead cables.
– It is more complicated and takes more time to locate and
repair the underground systems.
• Public safety:
– Underground cables are safer to the public, animals and
environment compared to the overhead lines i.e. there are no
issues such as people getting in contact with fallen lines.
• Effect of lightning discharges:
– Overhead cables are more prone to lightning strikes whereas
the underground cables are not affected by the discharges.
• Interference:
– Overhead lines interfere with communication lines that are in
close proximity, have corona discharge, radio and TV
interference which does not happen with the underground
• Land use
– The underground cables allow better use of
land coupled with better views without the
sight of poles and cables. This leads to
improved property values.
• Life expectancy
– Overhead lines have a longer life span
compared to undergrounds cables.
• Conclusion
– The underground cables are more expensive to
construct and install, however, they are convenient,
less likely to break and mostly used to provide the
missing link where overhead cables cannot be used.
– The choice of the cable to use is determined by the
particular situation.
– The overhead lines are widely used due to their cost
and ability to carry more power compared to the

Sl. No Parameter Overhead Underground

1 Public Safety Not safe Safer than overhead system

2 Initial cost Less Expensive More Expensive

3 Flexibility More flexible Less flexible

4 Working Voltage Can be operated for 400kv or higher Cannot be operated above 66kv

5 Maintenance cost High Very low

Frequency of
6 More chance of fault Less chance of fault

Tuesday, August 11, 20 11


Sl. No Parameter Overhead Underground

Frequency of
7 Very High Very Low

8 Voltage drop High Low

9 Appearance Not so good Good Looking

Fault location and

10 Easy to locate the fault Very difficult to locate the fault

Damage due to
11 Maximum Free from thunderstorm

Tuesday, August 11, 20 12


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