CE 222 Properties and Production of Concrete: Non Destructive Concrete Testing
CE 222 Properties and Production of Concrete: Non Destructive Concrete Testing
CE 222 Properties and Production of Concrete: Non Destructive Concrete Testing
Presented by:
Jucar Fernandez
01 Review of Wave Theory for 1D Case
Typical situations where non-destructive testing may recommend as follows:
Quality control of pre-cast units or construction in situ
Removing uncertainties about the acceptability of the material supplied owing to apparent non-
compliance with specification
Confirming or negating doubt concerning the workmanship involved in batching, mixing, placing,
compacting or curing of concrete
Monitoring of strength development in relation to formwork removal, cessation of curing,
prestressing, load application or similar purpose
Location and determination of the extent of cracks, voids, honeycombing and similar defects within
a concrete structure
Determining the concrete uniformity, possibly preliminary to core cutting, load testing or other more
expensive or disruptive tests
Determining the position, quantity or condition of reinforcement
Increasing the confidence level of a smaller number of destructive tests
Determining the extent of concrete variability in order to help in the selection of sample locations
representative of the quality to be assessed
Confirming or locating suspected deterioration of concrete resulting from such factors as overloading,
fatigue, external or internal chemical attack or change, fire, explosion, environmental effect
assessing the potential durability of the concrete
WHY NDT and not
It is very easy and simple process Huge cost has to put in for taking
and a lot many test can be sample and to test it.
performed on concrete less amount
require for sampling of concrete.
Does not destroy the test Carried- out until specimen’s
specimen. After testing, allow the failure. And will render the part
part to be used for its intended unusable for its intended purpose.
Assessment of existing structures Need drawing details
in the absence of shopdrawings
Quality control of construction, in In Laboratory
Quick assessment of the structure Need to test
Review of Wave Theory for 1D Case
What is a Wave?
A wave is a physical phenomenon characterized by its frequency, wavelength, and amplitude.
In general, waves transfer energy from one location to another, in which case they have a
Review of Wave Theory for 1D Case
Incidence wave – wave that one approaches the boundary, but has not reached yet.
Transmitted wave – is the one that moves away from the boundary, on the other side of the boundary from the incident wave.
Attenuation and Scattering
Attenuation – is a general term that refers to any reduction in the strength of a signal, reduction in amplitude.
Scattering – the process in which electromagnetic radiation on particles are deflected or diffuse. Moreover, a force to
deviate from a straight trajectory by one or more paths due to localized non- uniformities in the medium
through which they pass.
“Concrete is a very heterogenous material. Each granulate can be considered scatterer. When the condition of frequency
Are met, it is a position to scatter the wave in the matrix and they to disrupt its propagation in the concrete.
Different categories of standards Standards
Standards are documents that govern and guide the various activities occurring during
the production of an industrial product. Standards describe the technical requirements for a
material, process, system or service. They also indicate as appropriate, the procedures,
methods, equipment or tests to determine that the requirements have been met.
(12) ASTM C1383-98a STM for measuring P wave Speed and the Thickness of Concrete Plates
using the Impact-Echo Method
ASTM C1150-96 STM for the Break off Number of Concrete
ASTM C1040-93 STM for Density of Unhardened and Hardened Concrete in place by Nuclear
ASTM C900-94 STM for Pullout Strength of Hardened Concrete
ASTM C876-91 STM for Half-cell Potentials of Uncoated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete
ASTM C805-97 STM for Rebound Number of Hardened ConcretE
ASTM C 803-82, STM for Penetration Resistance of Hardened Concrete
ASTM C801-98 STM for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Hardened Concrete under
Triaxial Load
ASTM C597-97 STM for the Pulse Velocity through Concrete
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
ASTM C1383-98a STM for measuring P wave Speed and the Thickness of Concrete Plates
using the Impact-Echo Method
ASTM C1150-96 STM for the Break off Number of Concrete
ASTM C1040-93 STM for Density of Unhardened and Hardened Concrete in place by Nuclear
ASTM C900-94 STM for Pullout Strength of Hardened Concrete
ASTM C876-91 STM for Half-cell Potentials of Uncoated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete
ASTM C805-97 STM for Rebound Number of Hardened ConcretE
ASTM C 803-82, STM for Penetration Resistance of Hardened Concrete
ASTM C801-98 STM for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Hardened Concrete under
Triaxial Load
ASTM C597-97 STM for the Pulse Velocity through Concrete
British Standards (BS)
BS 1881 Part 5:1970 - Testing Concrete. Methods of testing hardened concrete for other
than strength. Determination of dynamic modulus of elasticity by electromagnetic Method
BS 1881 Part 205:1970 - Testing Concrete. Recommendations for radiography of concrete
BS 1881 Part 202:1986 - Testing Concrete. Recommendations for surface hardness testing by
rebound hammer
BS 1881: Part 201: 1986 - Guide to the Use of Non-Destructive Methods of Test for Hardened
BS 1881: Part 202: 1986 - Recommendations for Surface Hardness Testing by Rebound
BS 1881: Part 203: 1986 - Measurement of the Velocity of Ultrasonic Pulses in Concrete
BS 4408: pt. 3, 1970 “Non-destructive methods of test for concrete-gamma radiography
of concrete”, British Standards Institution, London
Methods for NDT of Concrete
Methods Techniques / Test
SURFACE METHODS (i) Hardness: (a) Indentation (b) Rebound Hammer (ii) Water absorption
VIBRATION OR DYNAMIC (i) Resonance frequency method (ii) Pulse velocity method (a) Sonic (b) Ultrasonic
RADIOACTIVE / NUCLEAR (i) x-ray or gamma-ray transmission (ii) gamma-ray back scatter
METHODS (iii) Neutron moderation & scattering (iv) Activation analysis
ELECTROMAGNETIC (i) Magnetic Methods (ii) For Dielectric properties (iii) Conductivity Resistivity
COMBINED METHOD (i) Dynamic modulus of elasticity and damping constant(determined by resonance
tests )
(ii) Ultrasonic pulse velocity and damping constant.
(iii) Ultrasonic pulse velocity and pulse attenuation
(iv) Ultrasonic pulse velocity and rebound hammer
OTHER METHODS (i) Penetration Test (ii) Pull –out (LOK Test and CAPO) (iii) cut-off (iv) acoustic
In this method a certain amount of force is applied to the
surface of the material to be tested through a suitable
indenter forming a permanent impression. The size of this
indentation is measured and that indicates the hardness.
Smaller the indentation, harder the material using the same
indenter and the same force.
The distribution of stress and strain around the actual
indentation the contact zone-have been analyzed in detail
indicating that a definite thickness below the surface is
affected, about 3 times the size of the indentation.
A calibration curve can be established for a material like
concrete relating the size of indentation and strength of
The indenter used are:
a. William Testing Pistol Frank Spring Hammer
b. Frank Spring Hammer
c. Eindbeck Pendulum Hammer)
Schmidt Rebound Hammer Test
The Swiss Engineer Ernst Schmidt developed rebound
hammer in 1940.
Rebound hammer consists of a spring-controlled hammer
mass that slides on a plunger with a tubular housing. The
plunger retracts against a spring when passed against the
concrete surface and this spring is automatically released
when fully tensioned causing the hammer mass to impact
against the concrete through the plunger. When spring
control mass rebound, it takes with a rider which slides
along the scale and is visible through a window in the side
of the casing. The rider can be held in the position on the
scale by depressing the locking button. The plunger is
pressed strongly and steadily against the concrete at a right
angle to its surface until the loaded mass triggered from it
locked position. The scale reading is known as the rebound
number and its arbitrary measure since it depends on the
energy stored in the given spring and on the mass used.
Schmidt Rebound Hammer Test
Step 1:
Make sure the hammer is calibrated.
Step 2:
The surface must be smooth, clean and dry, and should be preferably formed, but if trowelled surfaces are unavoidable, use a
grinding stone to smoothen the test surface.
Step 3:
The plunger is released before use; then it should be pressed strongly and vertically to the
concrete surface and locked in its position.
Schmidt Rebound Hammer Test
Test Procedure (ASTM C 805 )
Step 4:
Take the scale reading on the side window of the hammer, this reading is known as the rebound number.
Step 5:
Repeat the test at all points and record the rebound numbers, find the mean and check that each reading didn’t exceed 6 units
difference from the mean reading.
Step 6:
Each rebound number will produce a compressive strength from the relationship between the rebound number and compressive
strength on the side of the hammer.
Schmidt Rebound Hammer Test
Test Procedure (ASTM C 805 )
Step 7:
Compressive strength can then be found using a calibration graph of Compressive strength v/s Rebound (Rebound Hammer
conversion chart)
Schmidt Rebound Hammer Test
Schmidt Rebound Hammer Test
Test Procedure (ASTM C 805 )
Step 8:
Calculate Mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation.
S/N Rebound Number Compressive Mean Standard Coefficient of
Strength (Mpa) Deviation variance
4 = = =
Schmidt Rebound Hammer Test
Factors Influencing the Test Result
Member Characteristics:
Surface Type
Age, rate of hardening and curing type
Surface Carbonation
Moisture Content
Stress State and Temperature
Schmidt Rebound Hammer Test
Less Expensive
Produce Fast Result
Well Established
Direct Result
Unlikely to Damage the concrete Structure
Same faces
(indirect method)
Pulse Velocity Method
Test Procedure:
Step 1:
Switch on the mains and apply little amount of grease to the two
transducers faces.
Step 2:
Use the reference bar to check and adjust the time reading on
the instrument to be the same as the calibration number on the
bar; in our case it is 25.4 μs .
Pulse Velocity Method
Pulse Velocity: Crack Depth:
Pulse Velocity Method
Compressive Strength Reading :
Pulse Velocity Method
Low cost
Fast test
Well established
No damage to the structure
Represent the quality of the concrete (internal compressive strength)
The electrode spacing are varied and a change of slope of the resistivity/spacing plot will occur as a
proportion of the current flows through the base maternal. A concrete pavement has a resistivity
characteristic that usually differs from that of the underlying subgrade layers; thus a change in the slope of
the resistivity versus depth curve is used to estimate the depth of concrete pavement.
The electrical resistivity method can also be used for estimating the position of steel reinforcement.
The resistivity of concrete is highly dependent on its moisture and salt content and its temperature, which is
the limitation of this method.
Other Method
Penetration (For Compressive strength)
The technique of firing steel nails or bolts into a concrete surface to provide fixings is well established, and it is
known that the depth of penetration is influenced by the strength of the concrete. A strength determination
method based on this approach, using a specially designed bolts and standardized explosive cartridge is known
as the Windsor prob test.
The Windsor prob equipment consists of a powder-actuated gun or driver, hardened alloy probes, loaded
cartridges, depth gage for measuring penetration of probes and other related equipment. The probe is driven
into the concrete by the firing of a precision powder charge. The exposed lengths of the individual probes are
measured by a calibrated depth gage. The manufacturer of the windsor prob equipment has published
calibration tables relating exposed length of the probe with compressive strength of concrete.
This method cause some localized damage but damage is sufficiently small to cause no loss in structural performance.
The results are affected by the type of aggregate and so proper calibration with particular type of aggregate is
Other Method (Pull-out Test)
Pull-out Test
A pull out test measures the force required to pull out from the concrete a specially shaped rod whose
enlarged end has been cast into that concrete. The stronger the concrete, the more is the force
required to pull out. The ideal way to use pullout test in the field would be to incorporate assemblies in
the structure. These standard specimens could then be pulled out at any point of time. The force required
denotes the strength of concrete. Another way to use pullout test in the field would be to cast one or two
large blocks of concrete incorporating pullout assemblies. Pullout test could then be performed to
assess the strength of concrete. The damage to the concrete surface must be required. The pullout tests
do not measure strength in the interior of mass concrete.
Other Method (Pull-out Test)
Pull-out Test
A pull out test measures the force required to pull out from the concrete a specially shaped rod whose
enlarged end has been cast into that concrete. The stronger the concrete, the more is the force
required to pull out. The ideal way to use pullout test in the field would be to incorporate assemblies in
the structure. These standard specimens could then be pulled out at any point of time. The force required
denotes the strength of concrete. Another way to use pullout test in the field would be to cast one or two
large blocks of concrete incorporating pullout assemblies. Pullout test could then be performed to
assess the strength of concrete. The damage to the concrete surface must be required. The pullout tests
do not measure strength in the interior of mass concrete
Depending upon the placement of disc/ring in he fresh concrete, pull out test can be divided into 2 types,
1. LOK test
2. CAPO test (Cut and Pull out Test)
Other Method (Pull-out Test)
Pull-out Test : LOK test
Other Method (Pull-out Test)
Pull-out Test : CAPO TEST
The CAPO-TEST permits performing pullout tests on
existing structures without the need of preinstalled
When selecting the location for a CAPO-TEST,
ensure that reinforcing bars are not within the
failure region. The surface at the test location is
ground using a planing tool and a 18.4 mm hole is
made perpendicular to the surface using a
diamond-studded core bit. A recess (slot) is routed
in the hole to a diameter of 25 mm and at a depth
of 25 mm.
A split ring is expanded in the recess and pulled out
using a pull machine reacting against a 55 mm
diameter counter pressure ring. As in the LOKTEST,
the concrete in the strut between the expanded
ring and the counter pressure ring is in
compression. Hence, the ultimate pullout force F is
related directly to compressive strength.
Other Method (Pull-out Test)
Pull-out Test : Relationship between the
pullout force and compressive strength:
Acoustic emission are small amplitude elastic stress waves created by localized deformations in
concrete at points being strained beyond their elastic limit. During the deformation process, kinetic
energy is related to propagate rapid elastic waves throughout the specimen. At the surface they
are detected as small displacements by transducers positioned on the surface of the test specimens.
The variations In the time of arrival stress waves at each sensor position are used to locate the source of
The detected acoustic emissions are then amplified, selectively filtered, processed and then
channeled to either a magnetic tape recorder or to a specially developed digital computer for recording
and analysis.
These techniques have been used to study the rate of cracking and the presence and growth of
fatigue cracks In metals.
The equipment available commercially is ver1 expensive and proper test methods have yet to be
Other Method (Acoustic Emission)
Acoustic Emission
Combined Method
Combined Method
Because of the limitations of the individual methods as discussed so far it is felt that a better picture can
emerge and more reliable interpretation can be obtained by using two or more methods of NDT in
One of the many objectives of non-destructive methods of testing concrete is to estimate the
compressive strength of concrete in structures. To predict the compressive strength of in-situ
concrete more accurately, investigators have tried to apply more than one non destructive test method at
the same time.
Some of the combined methods used in the laboratory or field are described below.
this last test approach, ultrasonic pulse velocity measurements are taken on concrete specimens or in-situ
concrete. At the same time the surface hardness is determined by means of the Schmidt rebound hammer.
The pulse velocity and rebound number are then combined to obtain a multiple linear regression equation with
compressive strength as the dependent variable. the regression equations thus developed appear to give a
somewhat higher degree of accuracy in the prediction of compressive strength. The regression equations
developed by Weibenga are of the following form .
Log S = A V + BR-C.
S = compressive strength
V = pulse velocity m/sec
R = Rebound number
A, B, C = constant
Non – Contacting Resistivity Measurement Method
Assessment of a structure is very important in order to determine its reliability and safety. In a way, monitoring a
structure is same as monitoring human health. Concrete structures are generally exposed to numerous environmental and
dynamic loads, which tend to decrease the effective performance and durability of the structure. These may result in
overall strength reduction and eventual failure of the structure. Periodic inspections are therefore necessary to assess the
implications, current scenario and the deterioration progress of the structure. Inspections not only help in preventing the
structure failure but also lead to better management and understanding of the structure
Currently the structures are generally assessed by visual inspections along with several destructive and non-destructive
tests. Non-destructive assessments/tests have gained interests among researchers in assessing the structural capability of
the structures. Despite their various advantages, non-destructive testing is not always reliable especially under the
supervision of inexperienced inspectors.
It is often advisable to carry out feasibility study of the structure in order to understand the nature of Non-destructive tests that
should be carried out to assess the problem. Also, the most important aspect of these tests involves accurate and correct
interpretation of the results, requiring experienced personals and good modern instruments, which make the task a bit
easier. The resistivity of concrete varies over a complete structure due to a variety of changing site conditions from day to
day so that other methods, like half-cell potential or impact testing, should be combined to ensure the data. Generally, the
probability of the steel corrosion increases, the concrete resistivity deceases.
Electrical resistivity is one of the practical problems of concrete resistivity testing is to ensure the good electrical contact between
the electrodes and concrete surface. In this method 4 electrodes are located in a straight line on, or just below, the concrete
surface at same spacing as shown in the figure below. A low frequency alternating current is flow between the two outer
electrodes and the voltage drop between the inner electrodes has recorded.
Non – Contacting Resistivity Measurement Method
Test Procedure
Non – Contacting Resistivity Measurement Method
Test Procedure