Agro Climatic Zones of India

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Agro Climatic Zones Of India

• Crop yield is the function of many factors like weather,

soil type and its nutrient status, management practices
and other inputs available.
• Of these, weather plays an important role, probably
more so in India where aberrant weather such as
drought, flood, etc., is a rule rather than an exception.
Efficient crop planning, therefore, requires proper
understanding of agro-climatic conditions.
• This calls for collection, collation, analysis and
interpretation of long-term weather parameters available
for each region to identify the length of the possible
cropping period taking into consideration the availability
of water.
• The important rational planning for effective land use to
promote efficient is well recognized.
• The ever increasing need for food to support growing
population @2.1% in the country demand a systematic
appraisal of our soil and climatic resources to recast
effective land  use plan.
• Since the soils and climatic conditions of a region largely
determine the cropping pattern and crop yields. Reliable
information on agro ecological regions homogeneity in
soil site conditions is the basic to maximize agricultural
production on sustainable basis.
• This kind of systematic approach may help the country in
planning and optimizing land use and preserving soils,
• An ecological region is characterized by
distinct ecological responses to macro -
climatic as expressed in vegetation and
reflected fauna and aquatic systems.
1. Western Himalayan Region: J&K, HP, UP, Utranchal

2. Eastern Himalayan Region: Assam Sikkim, W.Bangal &

all North-Eastern states

3. Lower Gangetic Plains Region: W.Bangal

4. Middle Gangetic Plains Region: UP, Bihar

5. Upper Gangetic Plains Region: UP

6. Trans-Gangetic Plains Region: Panjab, Haryana, Delhi & Rajasthan

7. Eastern Plateau and Hills Region: Maharastra, UP, Orissa & W.Bangal
8. Central Plateau and Hills Region: MP, Rajasthan, UP

9. Western Plateau and Hills Region: Maharastra, MP & Rajasthan

10. Southern Plateau and Hills Region: AP, Karnatak, Tamil Nadu

11. East Coast Plains and Hills Region: Urissa, AP, TN,& Pondicheri

12. West Coast Plains and Ghat Region : TN, Keral, Gowa, Karnataka,

13. Gujarat Plains and Hills Region: Gujrat

14. Western Dry Region: Rajasthan

15. The Islands Region: Andman & Nicobar, Lakshya Deep

Arid Ecosystem
1. Western Himalayas, cold arid ecoregion, with shallow skeletal soils & length
of Growing Period (GP)   <90 days
2. Western Plain, Kachchh and part of Kathiawar Peninsula, hot arid ecoregion,
with desert & saline soils & GP <90 days
3. Deccan Plateau, hot arid ecoregion, with Red & Black soils & GP <90 days

Semiarid Ecosystem
4. Northern Plain and Central Highlands including Aravallis, hot semi-arid
ecoregion, with Alluvium derived soils & GP 90-150 days
5. Central (Malwa) Highlands, Gujarat Plains & Kathiawar Peninsula, hot semi-
arid ecoregion, with medium & deep Black soils & GP 90-150 days
6. Deccan Plateau, hot semi-arid ecoregion with shallow and medium (with
inclusion of deep) Black soils & GP 90-150 days
7. Deccan (Telangana) Plateau and Eastern Ghats, hot semi-arid ecoregion,
with Red & Black soils & GP 90-150 days
8. Eastern Ghats, TN uplands and Deccan (Karnataka) Plateau, hot semi-arid
ecoregion with Red loamy soils & GP 90-150 days
Subhumid Ecosystem
9. Northern Plain, hot subhumid (dry) ecoregion, with Alluvium-derived soils & GP 150-
180 days
10. Central Highlands (Malwa, Bundelkhand & Satputra), hot subhumid ecoregion, with
Black and Red Soils & GP 150-180 (to 210) days
11. Eastern Plateau (Chhatisgarh), hot subhmid ecoregion, with Red & Yellow soils, &
GP 150-180 days
12. Eastern (Chhotanagpur) Plateau and Estern Ghats, hot subhumid ecoregion, with
Red & Lateritic soils & GP 150-180 (to 210) days
13. Eastern Plain, hot subhumid (moist) ecoregion, with Alluvium-derived soils & GP
180-210 days
14. Western Himalayas, warm subhumid (to humid with inclusion of perhumid ecoregion
with Brown forest and Podzolic soils, & GP 180-210 + days

Humid-Perhumid Ecosystem
15. Bengal and Assam Plain, hot subhumid (moist) to humid (inclusion of perhumid)
ecoregion, with Alluvium-derived soils & GP 210 + days
16. Eastern Himalayas, warm perhumid ecoregion, with Brown and Red hill soils, & GP
210 + days
17. North-eastern Hills (Purvachal), warm perhumid ecoregion, with Red and Lateritic
soils & GP 210 + days 
Coastal Ecosystem
18. Eastern Coastal Plain, hot subhumid to semi-
arid ecoregion, with Coastal Alluvium-derived
soils & GP 90-210 + days
19. Western Ghats & Coastal Plain, hot humid
perhumid ecoregion, with Red, Lateritic and
Alluvium- derived soils and GP 219 + days
Island Ecosystem
20. Islands of Andaman-Nicobar and
Lakshadweep hot humid to perhumid island
ecoregion, with Red loamy and Sandy soils, and
GP 210 + days
Crops Season Sowing Harvesting
Autumn March - Aug. June - Dec.
Rice Winter June - Oct. Nov. - April
Summer Nov. - Feb. March - June
Kharif April - August Sept. - Jan.
Rabi Sept. - Dec. Jan. - April
Bajra   June - Aug. Sept. - Dec.
Kharif June - Aug. Aug. - Nov.
Rabi Oct. - Dec. Jan. - April  
Wheat   Sept. - Dec. Feb. - May
Gram   Sept - Dec. Feb. - May
(Winter) Aug. - Dec. Jan. - May
(Summer) Feb. - July Jan. - May
Sugarcane   Dec. - May Oct. - Apr.
Tobacco   July - Dec. Jan. - May
Groundnut   May - Aug. Sept. - Jan.
Cotton   Mar. - Sept. Sept. - Apr.
Jute   Feb. - July July-Nov

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