Antenatal Care: Presented by

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Presented By
Kainat Khan


At the end of this presentation the students will be able to:

Define Antenatal care
Explain the goals of antenatal care
Describe the importance of antenatal care
Elaborate the schedule of antenatal visits
Explain the steps included in antenatal assessment
Describe common discomforts during pregnancy
Describe the nutritional supplements needed during pregnancy
Definition of Antenatal care:

 Comprehensive health supervision of a pregnant woman before


 It is planned examination, observation and guidance given to
the pregnant woman from conception till the time of labor.
Goals of Antenatal care:

Antenatal care aims to:

 Reduce maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity rates.

 Detect and treat existing conditions or complications.

 Prevent complications.

 Improve the physical and mental health of women and children.

 Include health promotion education.

Importance of Antenatal care:

To ensure that the pregnant woman and her fetus are in the best
possible health.

To detect the complications earlier and treat them properly.

Offering education for parenthood.

To prepare the woman for labor.

Schedule for Antenatal Visits:

Once every month till 28th week.

Once every 2 weeks till 36th week.

Once every week , till labor.


History Examination Investigation


• Personal history
• Family history
• Medical and surgical history
• Menstual history
• Obstetrical history
• History of present pregnancy
Fetal kick count:

• The pregnant woman reports atleast 10 movements in 12 hours.

• Absence of fetal movements precedes intrauterine fetal death

by 48 hours.
Physical Examination:

Height of over 150 cm indicative of an average sized pelvis.

The approximate weight gain during pregnancy is 12 kg; 2kg in

the first 20 weeks and 10 kg in the remaining 20 weeks( 1.5 kg
per week until term)

• Sympysis-fundal height should be measured and recorded at

each antenatal appointment from 24 weeks.

• Fetal presentation should be assessed by abdominal palpation at

36 weeks.

First trimester prenatal screening tests:

Ultrasound test for fetal nuchal translucency (NT):
Urine analysis for glucose and protien.
Screening tests for TB, Tetanus, Syphilis, Maternal HIV

 Two maternal serum (blood) tests.

• Pregnancy-associated plasma protein screening (PAPP-A)

• Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)


Second Trimester Prenatal Screening Tests:

• Alpha-fetoprotein screening (AFP)

• Amniocentesis
• chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
• Glucose tolerance test
• Urinalysis

Third trimester penatal screening tests:

• Rh status
• Ultrasound for SGA and LGA
• Fetal position monitoring
• GBS screening
Health teaching during the first trimester:

• Physiological changes
• weight gain
• Fresh air and sunshine
• Rest and sleep
• Diet
• Daily activities
• Exercises and relaxation
• Hygiene
• Sexual counseling
Common discomforts of pregnancy:

Urinary frequency

Relief measures:

•Decrease fluid intake at night.

•Maintain fluid intake during day.
•Void when feel urge.
• Relief frequency
• Go to bed earlier

Sleep Difficulties:
Relief measures:

• Rest frequency
• Decrease fluid intake at night
Nasal stuffiness and epistaxis:

• Etiology: Elevated estrogen levels

Relief measures:
• Avoid decongestants
• Use humidifiers, and normal saline drops.
Ptylism(Excessive salivation):


Relief Measures:

Perform frequent mouth care.

Chew gum
Decrease fluid intake at night.
Maintain fluid intake during day.
Nausea and vomiting:

• Relief Measures:
• Avoid food or smells that exacerbate condition.
• Eat dry crackers etc early in the morning.
• Eat small, frequent meals.
• Avoid sudden movements.
• Breath fresh air to help relief nausea.
Heart burn:

• Eat small frequent meals.

• Use antacids
• Avoid overeating and spicy foods.
Dependent edema:
• Avoid standing for long time.
• Avoid tight stockings.
• Elevate legs when laying or sitting.

Relief measures:
•Wear shoes with low heels.
•Walk with pelvis tilted forward.
•Use medium-firm density mattress.
•Rise slowly from sitting to standing position.
•Evaluate hemoglobin and hematocrit.
•Avoid hot environments.
Nutritional Supplements:
Nutritional Supplements:

• Folic acid:
• Start before conception and throughout the first 12 weeks.
• reduces the risk of having a baby with a neural tube defect (for
example, anencephaly or spina bifida).
• The recommended dose is 400 micrograms per day.
Vitamin D:

• Women at greatest risk are following advice to take this daily

supplement. These include:

 Women who have limited exposure to sunlight, such as women

who are predominantly housebound, or usually remain covered
when outdoors
 Women who eat a diet particularly low in vitamin D.
Vitamin A:

• Vitamin A supplementation (intake above 700 micrograms)

might be teratogenic and should therefore be avoided.

• Iron supplementation should not be offered routinely to all

pregnant women. It does not benefit the mother's or the baby's
health and may have unpleasant maternal side effects.
Role of a Nurse in Antenatal care:

• The nurses work closely with parents throughout the gestation

• They might care for children, help parents connect with local
resources, and teach parenting skills.
• The Nurse work to promote and maintain the health of women
and their unborn children.
• Any unpleasant sensation related to pregnancy is relieved
through possible Nursing care.

1. Expert Maternity Group. Woman centred care. Changing Childbirth. Report of the
Expert Maternity Group. Department of Health; London: HMSO; 1993. pp. 5–8.
2. Garcia J, Loftus-Hills A.National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit: Oxford University.
An overview of research on women’s views of antenatal care. Personal
communication. 2001.

3. Cochrane AL. Effectiveness and efficiency, Random reflections on health services.

London: Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust; 1972. [PubMed]

4. Department of Health. Screening for infectious diseases in pregnancy: standards to

support the UK antenatal screening programme. 2003.

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