System-On-Chip (Soc) Testing
System-On-Chip (Soc) Testing
System-On-Chip (Soc) Testing
What is a SoC?
Technological advances allow electronic systems that
earlier occupied one or more boards onto a single IC.
The attending advantages are:
Higher performance
Lower Power consumption
Smaller volume and weight
Typically, heterogeneous, containing a mix of:
Digital logic
Memories of different formats and types
Analog circuits
Embedded cores
What is a core?
Large, reusable building blocks
Reuse speeds up design, brings in external expertise.
Typical core functions:
CPUs and DSPs
Serial interfaces
Modules for interconnect standards, e.g. PC, USB, IEEE 1394
(Firewire), and for graphics computation, e.g. MPEG and
Core Types:
Soft (RTL code)
Firm (netlist)
hard (layout)
Core Providers vs. Core Users
Cores have changed the nature of
components used in system design:
In traditional system-on-board design
provided components were ICs, designed,
manufactured, and tested by the provider.
Users could assume components to be
fault-free and needed to test only
interconnect between the components.
In SoC, components are cores (soft, firm,
or hard) that are not yet manufactured or
tested for defects.
New Testing Issues in SoCs
Core user responsible for manufacturing and
testing the SoC
However, this is not possible without the
assistance of core provider because core
design is hidden for IP reasons.
Typically, core provider assists by delivering
pre-defined tests with the core.
The problem that faced the SoC designer was
how to apply these tests at the core
IEEE 1500 Standard for
Embedded Core Test*
Stated Purpose: Reduce test cost through improved
automation, promote good design-for-test (DFT)
technique, and improve test quality through
improved access.
Scalable standard architecture for test reuse and
integration for embedded cores and associated
Only defined for digital circuitry.
Has serial and parallel test-access mechanisms
(TAMs) and an instruction set for testing cores, SoC
interconnect, and circuitry.
Provides features to isolate and protect cores
Overview of Wrapper Architecture
Wrapper Instructions
Timing: WIR shift, then WIR Update
Wrapper Boundary Cells
Wrapper Serial Bypass Example
Wrapper External Test Mode
Core Test Language (CTL)
Purpose: Support all information the core provider needs
to give for embedding the core in a SoC.
Requirement: Patterns, which contain bulk of the test data,
are reusable without any modification.
CTL Components
SoC Test Challenges
Core Test
Providing DfT inside cores and test patterns to linked
by SoC designer to chip-level test patterns sources
and sinks that may be on-chip (BIST) or off-chip
Core Test Access: Problems relate to deep
embedding of cores and their large I/O pins
compared to chip I/O pins. Sophisticated TAMs
provide the solution.
SoC Level Test: How to integrate individual core
tests and tests for interconnect? The solution
take the form of test scheduling strategies.
Two Compliance Levels
1. Unwrapped Cores: Bare core - no
wrapper - but must have a CTL
program for core test at the bare-core
level, which can be used to design a
“1500-wrapped” core.
2. Wrapped Cores: IEEE 1500 wrapper +
CTL program.
Example Core and Wrapper
Instruction Decoding for Serial
and Parallel Tests