Journal Reading Oral Surgery: Preceptor

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Preceptor :

Presentan : Dhony Miftahul Huda (J2A013015P)

• Judul : Indications for surgical extraction of third molars: a hospital-base
study in Accra, Ghana

• Author : Abdulai A.E1*, Nuamah I.K1, Sackeyfio J2, Hewlett S3

• Instantion : 1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2Department
of Community Dentistry, 3Department of Restorative Dentistry, University
of Ghana Dental School, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana.
• Publication : International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research
Volume 3 Issue 3 September – December 2014
• Ekstraksi molar ketiga adalah salah satu prosedur paling umum dalam
praktik bedah mulut.

• Tujuan: Untuk menyelidiki indikasi untuk prosedur ini pada pasien

yang dirujuk ke klinik bedah swasta dan mulut Rumah Sakit Korle Bu,
(KBTH), keduanya di Accra, Ghana.

• This is a retrospective study of 402 patients treated of the clinical

charts and radiographs of referred patients who had their third
molars surgically removed at two geographic locations in Ghana,
namely Korle Bu Teaching Hospital and a private dental clinic in Accra-
between January 2007 and June 2009.

• The study was approved by Ethical Committee of the institutions.

• Excluded from the study were patients who were younger than
15years old, those with complicated medical history like haemophilia
(American Society of Anaesthesiology ASA III or more) and sickle cell
disease, and those with incomplete records.

• Age and sex, indication for extraction; tooth extracted, type of

impaction were analyzed

indication for extraction, type of impaction were analyzed


The youngest patient was 15 years and the oldest 70 years. The
mean age for males was 26.9 years, for female 22.9 years and for
the entire patient population 24.8 years
The main reason for surgical extraction of impacted third molars was
recurrent pericoronitis, occurring mostly in a relatively younger age group;
followed by dental caries then prophylactic surgical extraction

Indications for surgical extraction of third molars: a hospital-base study in Accra, Ghana

• Abdulai A.E1*, Nuamah I.K1, Sackeyfio J2, Hewlett S3

• 1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2Department of Community Dentistry,
3Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Ghana Dental School, Korle Bu
Teaching Hospital, Ghana.
• *Corresponding author: [email protected]

• International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research Volume 3 Issue 3 September –

December 2014

1. Variabel : Indications for surgical extraction

2. Tidak terdapat singkatan
3. Judul mewakili isi dari penelitian
4. Penulisan judul > 12 kata
• Tanpa gelar akademis atau indikasi jabatan dan kepangkatan.
• Peneliti sudah sesuai dengan bidangnya.
• Peneliti mencantumkan kontak untuk menghubungi peneliti seperti
email peneliti.
Kriteria Keterangan
Ya (+) / Tdk (-) / TR

Abstrak satu paragraf atau terstruktur +

Mencakup komponen IMRAD +

Secara keseluruhan informatif +

Tanpa singkatan, selain yang baku +

<250 kata +
Kriteria  Ya (+) atau Tidak (-)
Terdiri atas 2-3 paragraf 3 paragraph

Paragraf mengemukakan alasan dilakukan penelitian  +

Paragraf menyatakan hipotesis atau tujuan penelitian  +

Didukung oleh pustaka yang relevan  +

Kurang dari satu halaman +
Kriteria  Ya (+) atau Tidak (-)

Disebutkan desain, tempat dan waktu penelitian desain +
tempat +
Waktu +
Disebutkan populasi sumber (populasi terjangkau) +
Dijelaskan criteria inklusi eksklusi disampaikan kriteria
ekslusi, Kriteria
inklusi tidak
disampiakan jelas

Disebutkan cara pemilihan subyek (teknik sampling) -

Disebutkan perkiraan besar sampel dan alasannya _

Besar sampel dihitung dengan rumus yang sesuai Tidak dijelaskan

Jenis penelitian Deskriptif analitik

Desain Penelitian A retrospective study of the clinical charts and


Tempat penelitian in Ghana, namely Korle Bu Teaching Hospital

and a private dental clinic in Accra- between
January 2007 and June 2009
Kriteria  Ya (+) atau Tidak (-)
Subyek yg drop out disebutkan dalam analisis Tidak disampaikan
Analisis dilakukan dengan uji yg sesuai +
Ditulis hasil uji statistika, degree of freedom & nilai p +
Disertakan intervensi kepercayaan +
Subyek yg drop out disebutkan dalam analisis -

Ucapan terimakasih dapat ditujukan pada orang yang -

Kriteria  Ya (+) atau Tidak


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