Cough, Dyspnea and Hemoptysis
Cough, Dyspnea and Hemoptysis
Cough, Dyspnea and Hemoptysis
• Cough is an protective mechanism that
ensures the removal of mucus, noxious substances,
and infectious organisms from the larynx, trachea,
and large bronchi .
• Efferent pathway
The efferent messages of the cough reflex
travel down the vagus to the larynx and by the spinal
nerves to diaphragmatic,thoracic, abdominal and
pelvic muscles, all of which contract during a cough.
• Sequence of events in cough
– There is an initial deep inspiration
– Then the glottis and vocal cord closes
– The diaphragm relaxes
– The abdominal muscles and intercostal muscles
– The pressure within the lungs builds up – upto
100mm of Hg
– The glottis and vocal cords open resulting in a rapid
release of air under pressure – speeds of upto 100
– The sound produced is due to the turbulent flow of air
– It helps to remove any irritant substances from the
respiratory system
• Acute cough (<3 weeks)
Is most often due to upper respiratory infection
(common cold, acute bacterial sinusitis, and
pertussis), pneumonia, pulmonary embolus, and
congestive heart failure, can also present with acute
• Haemoptysis is bright red Haematemesis is
brown to black
• Alkaline pH Acidic pH