Microbial Nutrition: 1.nutrient Requirement 2.nutritional Types of Microorganisms 3.uptake of Nutrients 4.culture Media
Microbial Nutrition: 1.nutrient Requirement 2.nutritional Types of Microorganisms 3.uptake of Nutrients 4.culture Media
Microbial Nutrition: 1.nutrient Requirement 2.nutritional Types of Microorganisms 3.uptake of Nutrients 4.culture Media
Microbial nutrition
1.Nutrient requirement
2.Nutritional types of microorganisms
3.Uptake of nutrients
4.Culture media
Microbial Growth Conditions
1. Macronutrients
2. Micronutrients
3. Growth factors
4. Environmental factors: temperature; pH; Oxygen et al.
Nutrient requirements
Microorganisms require about ten elements in large
quantities, because they are used to construct
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Several other elements are needed in very small
amounts and are parts of enzymes and cofactors.
Microbial Nutrition
Nutrients: Substances in the environment used by
organisms for catabolism and anabolism.
1. Macronutrients: required in large amounts, including: c
arbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus (Compone
nts of carbonhydrates, lipids, proteins, and mucleic acids ); potass
ium, calcium, magnesium and iron (cations and part of enzy
mes and cofactors).
2. Micronutrients: Microbes require very small amounts o
f other mineral elements, such as iron, copper, molybden
um, and zinc; these are referred to as trace elements. M
ost are essential for activity of certain enzymes, usually a
s cofactors.
contaminants in water, glassware, and regular media
components often are adequate for growth.
Growth Factors
Extraordinary flexibility:
No naturally occurring organic molecule cannot be us
ed by some microorganism. eg. Paraffin, rubber.
Omnivores: use over 100 different carbon compounds.
Fastidious: catabolize only a few carbon compound
Purple nonsulfur bacteria (Rhodospirillum)
CO2 + 2CH3CHOHCH3 Light + bacteriochlorophyll ( CH2O )
+ H2O + 2CH3COCH3
Properties of microbial photosynthetic systems
O2 production Yes No No
Electron donors H2O H2, H2S, S H2, H2S, S
Carbon source CO2 CO2 Organic / CO2
Primary products ATP + NADPH ATP ATP
of energy
Nitrifying bacteria
Fe 2+/S
Fe 2+/S
Cuture media
A culture media is a solid or liquid prep
aration used to grow, transport, and store mic
Other functions:
Isolation and identification
The testing of antibiotic sensitivities
Water and food analysis
Industrial microbiology, et. al
Synthetic or defined media
• A medium in which all components are kno
eg. Medium for E.coli (g/liter)
glucose 1.0; Na2HPO4 16.4; KH2PO4 1.5;
(NH4)2SO4 2.0; MgSO4 · 7H2O 200mg; C
aCl2 10mg; FeSO4 · 7H2O 0.5mg; Final p
H 6.8-7.0
Complex media
• Media that contain some ingredients of
unknown chemical composition like pe
ptones, meat extract, and yeast extract.
• What is peptones? Protein hydrolysates
eg. LB medium: peptone; yeast extract; s
odium chloride; glucose.
Solid medium
• Liquid media+1.0-2.2% agar, common 1.5%.