Hip Disloc
Hip Disloc
Hip Disloc
John T. Gorczyca, MD
University of Rochester Medical Center
Throughout ROM:
• 40% of femoral head is in contact
with acetabular articular cartilage.
• 10% of femoral head is in contact
with labrum.
Acetabular Labrum
Position of hip.
Abduction: fracture-dislocation
Adduction: pure dislocation
Smith-Peterson approach
• Watson-Jones is an alternate approach
1. Allows visualization and retraction of interposed
2. Placement of Schanz pin in intertrochanteric
region of femur will assist in manipulation of the
proximal femur.
3. Repair capsule, if this can be accomplished
without further dissection.
1. Irreducible Hip Dislocation: Posterior
1. Kocher-Langenbeck approach.
• Acetabulum Fracture (weight-bearing
• Femoral Head Fracture (any portion).
• Interposed tissue.
• Improves gait
• Prevents contracture
Incidence 1-5%
Lowest with prophylactic antibiotics and
limited surgical approaches
Infection: Treatment Principles