Short Skeleton Stories
Short Skeleton Stories
Short Skeleton Stories
A story is a short or long narration where there are characters who carry out actions in a certain place or
time. Stories are told by a narrator who talks about things that happen to the characters or to
A short story is a work of fiction that is usually written in prose, often in narrative format. A short story, as
the term short' explains, is a story written Short story does not involve complete description of the
characters and the environment (the background) and is more precise. The main focus is to maintain a
constant flow of the writing, from the beginning to the end, without hanging at a particular part unless
necessary. Finally, a short story involves greater use of proverbs, idioms and sayings to make it interesting.
In other words, a story writing is work of “fiction or imagination” that is usually written in “easily
understandable grammatical structure” with “natural flow of speech”. Story writing is meant to be read at
single sitting and therefore it should be as direct and brief as possible. Every story must have a beginning,
middle and an end.
Typically story writing has five key elements –
• Character (fewer is better),
• Setting (brief but poetic and vivid),
• Plot (as simple and interesting as possible),
• Conflict (intense but one),
• and Theme (relating to majority of readers).
Elements of a Short Story:
A short story has five elements. They are:
• Character: A character is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in the action a short
story. Short stories use few characters. One character is clearly central to the story with all major events
having some importance to this character. A character is someone or something that takes part in actions
depicted in the short story. It could be a living person, a dead person, a ghost, an imaginary character, a
robot, a dog, a toy etc.
• Setting: The setting of a short story is the time and place in which it happens. Descriptions of landscape
scenery, buildings, seasons or weather are often used to provide a strong sense of setting. Time frame and
place constitute setting of story writing. The setting is often decorated with descriptions of scenes such as
super market, bedroom, crowded metro train, or drizzling evening… again unlimited list.
• Plot: A plot is a series of events and character actions that relate to the central conflict. The plot
beginning, middle, and end. The short story usually has one plot so it can be read in one sitting. Plot is
flesh and muscles of story writing. It comprises events and characters’ actions. More creatively you
describe and logically connect the events and actions, stronger the plot would be; and stronger the plot
you create, better interest would it generate among readers. A plot has start, body and end that are
linked sequentially by events and character actions.
• Conflict:The conflict is a struggle between two people or things in a short story. The main character is
usually on one side of the central conflict. On the other side, the main character may struggle against
another important character, against the forces of nature, against society, or even against something
inside himself or herself (feelings, emotions, and illness).
• Theme: The theme is the central idea or belief in a short story. It is the author's underlying meaning or idea that he is
trying to convey. The theme may be the author's thoughts about a topic or view of human nature. Every word in a
short story must be written for the theme, therefore it is very important that the theme must be clear to you when you
write a story.
• Consider the following things while writing a short story:
• Think of a theme.
Think of a strong character
• Write a catchy first paragraph.
• Develop meaningful dialogues to make your story lively.
• Tell the story from the specific point of view,
• Create conflict and tension.
• Use correct grammar.
• Use appropriate language.
• Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.
• Start as dose to the end as possible.
• Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as you can.
• Maintain coherence in the story.
• Deliver a resolution to the story.
• Use past tense.
•Point to remember:
•Read the given outline carefully and understand the idea it conveys.
•Connect the points in the story logically and sensibly leaving no points or ideas.
•Guidelines are usually given in the present tense. Use the past tense to describe the events in a
story. Describe them in sequence.
•Write an interesting title that explains the main theme of the story.
•Remember a good story has a beginning, a problem, a solution to the problem, an ending
•Think of a good starting in the first paragraph. Introduce the main characters; use some adjectives to
describe them. To bring your characters to life, you must describe them: their appearance; their
personalities; their strengths and weaknesses.
•Think of a good setting that expresses the time, place, and even the weather in which a story occurs.
•Keep the sentences in inverted commas if it is needed to quote directly.
•Write a moral of the story.
•Completing a story is not simply a gap filling. So do not add only a few words in the gaps to complete
the story. Try to develop a readable story using the outline.
•Start with the phrases such as ,long, long ago, once upon a time, far in the country, there lived…; this
is a story of a…. There lived…. ; once it happened….etc.
• Here are some expressions for beginning and ending story:
• Beginnings:
• Once upon a time……
• Once upon time, when the world was young….
• In the beginning... …
• It all started when……..
• Long ago in the mists of time………
• One day, not too long ago…….
• This is a story I heard a long time ago…..
• It had all happened so quickly……
• It was a dark and dismal night…..
• We were alone the house one morning when……
• I'm going tell you a tale about……
• There was nothing I could do to stop it happening…….
• It was fresh and bright early morning summer when…..
• Endings :
• ………………….and they lived happily ever after.
• ……………………It had finished, at last.
• ……………………….and that was the end of that.
• …………….So it had turned out alright in the end.
• …………………...I never want to stay alone in the house again!
• ………………………and so we'll never know what really happened.
• …………………………we had supper and went to bed, tired but happy.
• ……………………..the horror was over and we were all safe.
• ………………………………….and was wonderful way to end.
• ………………………..and I can't wait do again!
• …………………………… the night drew in, was glad was all
Description of a character :
•Once there lived an old lady in a small town. Her name was Mrs. Brown. In spite of her old age, she was
living there alone. The villagers often talked about her cleverness and prosperity …..
Description of setting:
In a small town, there lived an old lady in a small house which was quiet as she lived there alone. Her
house was full of precious furniture...
Description of setting and character:
•An old lady lived in a small town. Her name was Mrs. Brown. She had a beautiful house with full of
precious furniture. In spite of her old age, she was clever and
Mrs. Brown sat on her beautiful sofa and remembered her grandchild pulling her white hair and making
fun of her poor eye-sight. Since yesterday she couldn't see anything and was thinking to get.
•"I'm going to get my eves checked," Mrs. Brown said to herself, sitting on a beautiful sofa in her room,
but how do I get an honest doctor?"
Mrs. Brown, who recently lost her eye-sight feared of hiring a doctor as the town was full of fake doctors.
Finally she decided to call in a doctor on condition that ....
A question:
Mrs. Brown, who lived all alone in a small town, became blind all off a sudden. Would she get her eye-
sight restored? Would she find an honest doctor who could cure her?
•Middle of the story This is where the plot begins. The plot answers the questions what happened?
When did it happen? In what order did the events happen? What is the story about? The plot
states the problem the characters have to resolve. These problems are followed by solutions. In
most stories the problem or conflict is solved at the end of the story, this is called the climax. You
can have a happy or sad solution or you can leave the problem unresolved.
The time factor and the sequence of events are important in the development of the plot. While
describing the sequence of events, you need to change paragraphs when there is the change of
setting: The action in the story happens in another place.
time: The story moves on to another time that day or the next day, etc.
person: a new character is introduced, they may say something or just be described.
event: Something new happens in the plot.
speaker: Include some direct speech in your story. Use speech marks to show where someone is
speaking. A new speaker needs a new line.
Ending a story :
The conclusion of a story is really important. Here are three ways to end a story:
Conclusive: Draw to an end all the events that have happened in the story.
Cliff-hanger: Leave the reader in suspense, wondering what will happen next.
Reflective: The narrator or character thinks about something that has happened in the story, this
can be done with direct speech.
• Ask the following questions while you go through the guidelines:
• Who or what the main character?
• Who is going to be in the story?
• What sorts of characters are they?
• Where and when is the story going take to place? (setting)
• What is going to happen in your story?
• What type of story is it?
• What are the important events? (plot)
• How is the problem solved? How does it end?
• What type of ending does it have? Happy? Sad?
• As story writing involves creative writing • Conflict
skills, please follow the below mentioned • Resolving a conflict
points to write a good story - • Create conflict and tension
• The narrative should be in Ist or IInd or IIIrd • Opposition between characters and their internal or
person. external conditions
• Setting of the story should be made. • Balance b/w opposing forces of the conflict
• Time, location, context and atmosphere • Mystery
should be described to create imagery. • Empowerment
• Meaningful dialogues to be used. Dialogues • Surprise
should have expressions. • Empathy
• Characterization - identify 2 - 3 main • Crisis or climax
characters and a few side characters in the • Turning point of the story
story. • Resolution or solution to the conflict
• Plot of the story should be interesting but
• Open type- reader’s view
short because the word limit should not be
• Resolved – clear cut outcome
exceeded. It can include the following -
• What happens • Parallel to beginning- same as the starting of the story
• Story line • Monologue / dialogue of the characters
• Action • Closing image
• Flashback
• Write a short story in 200 – 250 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a suitable title to
the story.
• Going to Mumbai by train to attend the marriage of a friend ..... got stuck in a traffic jam ..... reached
the railway station late ..... boarded a wrong train ..... realised after two hours ..... now you ... ... ...
(Compartment 2019 English Communicative Set-1)
• A series of Unfortunate Events
I sat down with relief as I ticked off the last task in the checklist. I wanted everything to be perfect as
it was my best friend’s marriage in Mumbai. The alarm rang next morning, I woke up in excitement
and booked a cab to the railway station. Everything was going perfectly until I got stuck in a traffic
jam. I reached the railway station late but on the sight of the train still waiting on the platform, I
hurried and somehow managed to get into the train. I breathed a sigh of relief and got comfortable.
It was only when the Ticket Collector came, I realised that I had been in the wrong train for two
hours. I panicked and deboarded the train at the next station. I tried booking a ticket for the next
train to Mumbai but there was no availability. On coming back from the ticket counter, I realised that
my luggage was missing. Even after hours of finding and reporting it, there was no trace of it. I got
tired and lost hope, tried booking a cab with the minimal amount I was left with in my pocket. The
cab couldn’t reach on time as it was raining heavily. Disheartened, I finally walked my way to the
nearest hotel, contacted my parents and recited them the series of unfortunate events that
happened during the day. Alas, I couldn’t even make it to my best friend’s wedding.
• Moral:
• Write a story in 150-200 words with the help of the following outline. Give it a suitable title also.
• Bunya was a foolish boy, who was an attention seeker. He was a woodcutter and would go deep into
the jungle to cut trees. One day he wanted to do an act of mischief. He shouted at the top of his
voice, “There’s a tiger, tiger, there’s a tiger … ….”
The False alarm
Bunya was a foolish boy, who was an attention seeker. He was a woodcutter and would go deep into
the jungle to cut trees. One day he wanted to do an act of mischief. He shouted at the top of his
voice, “There’s a tiger, tiger, there’s a tiger … ….” even when there was no trace of it. The villagers
came running hurriedly thinking that Bunya was in danger. Bunya’s mother had tears in her eyes.
The villagers came ready with their safety weapons and upon reaching, they saw no tiger but just
Bunya laughing on playing them. The villagers were hurt and they started swearing out of
disappointment. Bunya had no realisation as to what he had done and he continued laughing
stealthily. A week passed by and everyone was ignoring Bunya. One fine day, he and his friend went
into the woods. Just like any other day, they started doing their job while chatting with each other.
Suddenly, they heard a roar nearby. The tiger was towards his friend’s side of the jungle. Bhunya
went running to the villagers asking them for help. No one listened to him as they thought it was
one of his pranks. He cried for help, but no one trusted him. He ran towards the tea vendor and told
him the entire story. The tea vendor gave him the benefit of the doubt and went with him. Till the
time they reached there, his friend could be seen nowhere. They called out his name and looked in
the woods, but it was too late. Bhunya realised and accepted that it was all his mistake.
• Moral of the story is, “Truth doesn’t cost you anything but a lie could cost you everything”.
• Write a story in 150-200 words with the help of the following outline : 10
Tortoise and hare – good friends – tortoise – known for his slow speed – hare has fast speed – makes fun of
tortoise – challenges him – referee selected – race starts – hare overconfident – takes a nap – tortoise wins.
• Slow and steady wins the race
Once upon a time there were 2 friends, a tortoise and a hare. The whole jungle was aware about their
brotherhood and how they stuck together with each other no matter what. One fine day, when they were
discussing about their respective speed, the hare made fun of the tortoise for being slower. Now, it is a well
known fact that tortoises generally have a hard shell which makes it difficult for them to walk. But the hare
continued to make fun of him. The tortoise got very angry and asked him to prove it. The hare, in turn,
challenged the tortoise to run a race with him. Both of them agreed upon the date and time. The news was
taken over to the king of the jungle, the lion. He chose a referee and announced the commencement of
preparations. The entire jungle was excited as it was the first time that the two brothers were competing with
each other. Days before the race, the hare went around talking high about himself whereas on the other hand,
the tortoise practiced diligently. The night before the race, the tortoise slept on time, to be energetic the other
day, whereas the hare continued to dream about him winning and how obvious it was that he needed no
preparations. The wait was over, the tickets were completely sold out and the crowd was cheerful. Both the
contestants stood ready on the starting line and the race was supposed to end at a stretch of one kilometre.
The whistle blew and both started running at their own pace. The hare covered half the distance while the
tortoise could only cover half of what the hare had covered. The overconfident hare thought of taking a nap
and thought that by the time the tortoise would come near him, he would wake up and cover the rest of the
distance. After some time, the hare was woken up by the sound of hooting and whistling, the tortoise had won.
Therefore, the moral of the story is, “Confidence is good, but overconfidence always sinks the ship”.
• Complete the story in 150-200 words which begins as the following : There was a joint
family of six members including grandparents. It was the 75th birthday of the grandmother
and the family planned to celebrate … …
• There was a joint family of six members, including the grandparents. It was the 75th
birthday of the grandmother and the family planned to celebrate it by throwing a surprise
party. The family began going out for preparations and since it was supposed to be a
surprise, they would leave their grandmother alone at home. As the big day came nearer,
the grandmother started feeling isolated and lonely. She believed that since everyone was
caught up in their own business, they had forgotten about her birthday. She felt sad but
never expressed it to anyone. On the day of her birthday, no one wished her. Everyone
started getting ready and told her that they had their own respective plans. The
grandfather asked her to accompany him for a walk. It was all a part of their plan. The
grandfather took the route to the venue and didn’t make it look in a way that could make
her suspicious. Upon reaching the venue, the lights suddenly went on and everybody
shouted, “Happy Birthday”. The grandmother was overwhelmed and tears of love came
rolling down her eyes. This was the happiest birthday till then.
• Moral:
• Write a short story in 200 – 250 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a suitable
title to the story.
• It was Mohini’s first day at the new school. She was feeling very nervous. She stood in a corner
and watched the students who were laughing and talking excitedly. When she saw four senior
students advancing towards her, she ... … …
• Things are Not Always What They Seem
It was Mohini’s first day at the new school. She was feeling very nervous. She stood in a corner
and watched the students who were laughing and talking excitedly. When she saw four senior
students advancing towards her, she got terrified and started going towards her classroom
hurriedly. The four students caught up with her speed and cornered her. Drops of sweat rolled
down her face as she muttered in a trembling voice, “Leave me alone”. They started coming
nearer as they sensed her fear. Two tall boys and two girls of medium height looked at her and
gave her spine-chilling terror. Before Mohini could shout, one of the girls covered her mouth
and they all started laughing. Mohini was left astonished. To make things clear, one of the boys
told her that they had been assigned to guide her through the school and assist her to make
her feel comfortable. They were coming nearer to introduce themselves and thought of playing
a small prank when Mohini started running away from them. Mohini breathed a sigh of relief
and conveyed that she thought she was about to get bullied.
• Moral:
• Write a short story in 200 – 250 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a suitable title to the
story. (Satish was standing on the
balcony watching the last rays of the Sun. Loud and angry voices in the street below distracted his attention.
He ran down the stairs to see what had happened ... … …)
• The Last Day
Satish was standing on the balcony watching the last rays of the Sun. Loud and angry voices in the street
below distracted his attention. He ran down the stairs to see what had happened. His neighbours were again
fighting over some parking issues. It was a common scene among the residents of that area. No sooner did
he reach there when suddenly the land between the neighbours’ buildings started tearing apart. Everyone
got frightened. Satish ran back to his house to find his daughter and wife. They were both ready with their
emergency baggage. The family got out of the house and started running as fast as they could, passing the
falling trees and buildings. Water was penetrating out of the departing land and everyone was panicking and
running in any direction to save their lives when suddenly, Satish’s daughter fell down. A tree fell over her
feet. Satish was trying to help his crying daughter when they both saw a building falling over them. Satish
hugged his daughter and shouted at the peak of his voice which finally woke him up. With sighs of heavy
breathing and excessive sweating, Satish went to his daughter’s room only to find that everything was fine.
He kissed her forehead, went back to his room and wondered; “Phew! This one really took the life out of
• Moral:
• =Definition of phew
• 1 —used to express relief or fatigue
• 2 —used to express disgust at or as if at an unpleasant odor
• Write a story in 150-200 words beginning with the following line and give it a suitable title.
Night before the zonal debate competition …. Everyone was fast asleep, while I was practicing…
Answer: A Terrible Collision
• Night before the zonal debate competition, I was practicing my part till late night. Everyone was
fast asleep. Even I was planning to sleep. Suddenly, there was a loud crash. I jumped out of my
bed and rushed out to see the cause of that sound. The sight outside was ghastly. Two cars had
collided with each other because of dense fog. The occupants of both the cars were screaming
and shouting for help. Other people had also come out of their houses after hearing the sound.
In a flash of second, everyone started helping the injured. There were four young men in one car
who were returning after attending a party while a family was there in the other car. The drivers
of both the cars were badly injured. I called up the ambulance service and the police as well.
Within no time, the ambulance reached there. It was a tough job taking the passengers out of
the front seat as they had got stuck in their seats due to the collision. Many helping hands come
forward and finally all the passengers of both cars were taken out. They were shifted to a nearby
hospital. Two people had not received serious injuries so they were asked to inform their family
members about the accident. One man from the crowd informed the authorities to send a crane
as the cars had blocked the road as well. It took almost one hour for all this. Then I went inside
but I could not practice more due to the terrific scenes flashing in my mind. The only good thing
was that nobody had lost his life and were safe.
• Meena is a 12 year old girl. She is staying with her mother. No one was there for their
help. One day a stranger came to Meena’s house. Her mother was not in the house at
that time. The man caught hold of Meena. She began to cry loudly. But no one was
there to hear her.
• A Brave Girl
• Meena was a twelve year old girl who used to stay with her mother. Her father had gone
to another city to earn money. One day, a stranger came to Meena’s house. Her mother
was not in the house at that moment. The man caught hold of Meena. She began to cry
loudly but no one was there to hear her. Suddenly, Meena was reminded of her
mother’s teaching of not losing the wits and alertness of mind when in hour of need.
She built up her confidence and looked around. She could not see anything with which
to hit the stranger. Suddenly, she bit the stranger on his arm. The stranger cried with
pain and let go of her. This moment was important for her. She took her mother’s saree
and tied it around the stranger’s neck. Now, it was the time for the stranger to cry for
help. She tied him and then used her mobile phone to call the police as well as her
neighbours. The police reached within no time and arrested the man. The neighbours
had also arrived. They all patted Meena on her back for fighting bravely with the man.
• Moral:
• It was raining heavily, the street lights had gone off and I was returning………….Complete
the story in about 150-200 words, providing an appropriate title to it.
• It was raining heavily, the street lights had gone off and I was returning home after
watching the late night show of a movie. Suddenly, I heard a sound behind me. I looked
back but no one was there. I started walking again. Again I heard a sound. This time I
was sine I’d heard a cry of pain. I took my cell-phone and switched on the torch-light and
started flashing it around. I noticed the sound was coming from the left side. I was
frightened but I took courage and went towards the sound what I saw made me have
goosebumps. A man was lying in a pool of blood and his leg was crushed under a huge
tree. On asking, he told me that he had stopped under the tree and was waiting for the
rain to stop when suddenly out of the dark two men came on a bike. They robbed him of
his valuables. When he cried for help they shoot him. As if it was not enough, a storm
started blowing. As it was an old tree it could not stand against the raging storm. It got
uprooted and his leg was crushed under it. I immediately called the ambulance because
I could not lift that tree up. The ambulance arrived within no time. The people came and
helped the man through that painful experience. They lifted the tree with lots of labour,
put the man in the ambulance and took him to the hospital.
I felt happy and contented that I had saved a life.
• Write a short story in about 150-200 words by continuing the following story : “I jumped out of the
bed at midnight…………
• An Unwelcome Visitor at Midnight
‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ means that guests and visitors must always be welcomed because they are like
God. This statement becomes a bit inappropriate in certain situations when we are unaware of our
• Here is a story which describes it clearly.
• I jumped out of the bed at midnight when I heard noise of the opening of a door. I was scared and
wanted to tell this to my father. But instead, I walked quietly to the terrace from where the noise had
been coming. I saw the shadow of a man.
• I realised that it could be no other than a robber. So, I ran to my father’s room to inform him. My
father came out with me. Since, it was midnight and very dark, we decided to take a torch and a dog
with us. Then we all climbed up to the terrace to catch hold of the robber but by the time we
reached there he was already gone. My father said that he must have gone away after listening to
the barking of the dog. But we all were amazed because the door was still locked the same way as it
had been before. The best part was that everything near the terrace was on its right place. All’s well
that end’s well. The robber wasn’t able to take away anything because of our presence of mind and
• But one thing that surprises me most is that whether it was really a robber or someone else, because
I have only seen a shadow, the door was locked and nothing had been stolen.
• Taking help of the following points together with your own ideas, write a story in about 150-200 words.
Give a suitable title to the story.
• An old rich lady becomes blind — calls in a doctor — agrees to pay large fee if cured, but nothing if not
— her eyes bandaged–doctor removes something everyday – eyes cured — doctor asks for payment —
lady refuses to pay — says cure not complete — doctor takes the matter to court-judge asks why she
does not pay — she says sight not restored – she cannot see her furniture — judge decides the case in
her favour – Moral.
• The Dishonest Doctor
Once upon a time there was an old rich lady who became blind. She called in a doctor who after
examining her told her that her eye-sight could be restored, but would charge a high sum for it. The
lady agreed on the condition that she would pay the fee only if she got cured but she would not pay
anything if she did not get her vision back. The doctor started her treatment. He bandaged her eyes
and applied some medicine to her eyes. The doctor was a dishonest man. He saw many valuable things
and costly furniture in the house. He planned to steal them. Since, the lady was blind, he started
removing something or the other everyday from the house without the knowledge of the lady. At last
the day came when the lady got cured. The doctor asked for his payment but the lady refused to pay
saying that her cure was not complete. The doctor took the lady to the court. The court asked the lady
the reason for not paying the fees. The lady said that her sight was not restored as she could not see
the furniture in her house. The judge understood the whole matter. He found the doctor guilty. The
case was decided in favour of the old lady and the doctor was punished.
• Moral: Dishonesty never pays.
• Last night you heard a noise in your room. You opened your eyes and………….Write
a story in about 150 words about what happened then.
• Unfoiled Robbery Attempt
It was very hot last night. I had slept with the windows open. At around 2 p.m. I
heard a noise in my room. I tried to look around and got a faint glimpse of a man
entering through the open wondow. I felt afraid. The man entered with a torch in
his hand. With the help of torch light, he located the cupboard in my room.
Walking stealthly he moved towards it. I gathered my courage and told myself to
do something. Suddenly, an idea struck my mind as I could not make any noise to
make the thief aware of my presence. I gave a missed call through my cell phone
to my parents who were sleeping in the next room. My father, a bit perplexed,
came to my room. The moment he opened the door, the thief tried to run away.
By that time I’d made up my mind to hit him with the water-bottle lying near my
bed. The target was quite close. He jumped but the bottle hit him badly and he
fell down. We caught him and handed him over to the police in die morning.
• Write an original story in about 150-200 words beginning:
• As I opened the window I saw………………………
• Strange Friend
I was reading a book when I looked up. As I opened the window I saw an unusual looking face. I
was astonished. I got up from the chair and opened the window. To my surprise, it was an alien.
Probably he was left behind by some UFO. I thought of enquiring it from him so, I gave him a
friendly smile. Gathering his courage, the alien entered my room. He was looking strangely at
all the things in the room. I tried to converse with him but he could not understand me. I made
some pictures on a paper but all in vain. There was no communication between us.
• He was looking a bit nervous and was looking all around as if trying to find something.
Suddenly, it clicked me that he was hungry. I asked him in sign language whether he wanted to
have something and he shook his head. Now, I realised that we could communicate through
sign language. He made some vague signs as if he was trying to tell me something. Then he got
up and stood near the window. He was looking at the sky. Suddenly, I noticed a smile on his
face. I looked out and saw some flashes of light in the sky. He made some strange sounds and
started jumping. The light came nearer and stopped at a distance. I realised it was a space-ship.
The alien rushed out through the window towards the space-ship. There was a loud noise when
the space-ship started taking off. I didn’t want my friend to go so early. I tried to stop him and
then there was a loud thud. My eyes opened and I realised it was all a dream.
• Students mostly think that their teachers exaggerate their bad qualities. But it is not at all
true. They love their students and have their best interests at heart. With the help of the
following story line, write a story in about 150-200 words on the topic ‘A Teacher’s Love
For His Student’
• A Teacher’s Love For His Student
There was once a man who suddenly felt an urge to meet his old Guru. How much hard
he tried, he was not successful. He prayed to God. One night he dreamt of finding him
near a sea-shore. When he got up in the morning, he became restless. He went to the
same spot he had seen in his dream. He realized that he had finally succeeded in his
efforts. He saw his Guru as a fisherman there. He was ashamed of his Guru and
pretended not to recognize him and moved away. In a distressed state, he moved on. It
was a hot day. The sun shone brightly in the sky. He couldn’t bear the heat of the sun and
fainted. A fisherman ran up to him and took him to a safe place, nursed him and waited
patiently till he recovered consciousness.
• When the man woke up, he saw the same fisherman by his side for whom he had been
so ashamed of and had refused to recognize. Today, his Guru stood there as his protector.
The man now realized his folly. He touched his Guru’s feet and asked for an apology.
•Write a story of your own giving moral “don't count your chickens
before they are hatched!”
•Write a story giving moral where there is a will, there is a way.
•Write a story beginning with, a poor woodcutter went to the river
side and climbed a tree to cut down dry wood. But unfortunately
his axe fell into the river..
•Write a story giving moral failures are the pillars of the success.
• Write a story giving, as you sow, so will you reap.
•Write a story giving moral work is worship.
• Write a story giving moral greed is a curse.
•Write a story about honesty is the best policy.
•Write a story on selfish friends.
• Write a story of your own giving moral haste makes waste,