Operating System Concepts – 10th Edition Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne ©2018
Chapter 4: Threads
Multicore Programming
Multithreading Models
Thread Libraries
Implicit Threading
Threading Issues
Operating System Examples
Operating System Concepts – 10th Edition 4.2 Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne ©2018
Identify the basic components of a thread, and contrast threads
and processes
Describe the benefits and challenges of designng
multithreaded applications
Illustrate different approaches to implicit threading including
thread pools, fork-join, and Grand Central Dispatch
Describe how the Windows and Linux operating systems
represent threads
Design multithreaded applications using the Pthreads, Java,
and Windows threading APIs
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Single and Multithreaded Processes
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Multithreaded Server Architecture
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Multicore Programming
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Concurrency vs. Parallelism
Concurrent execution on single-core system:
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Multicore Programming
Types of parallelism
Data parallelism – distributes subsets of the same data
across multiple cores, same operation on each
Task parallelism – distributing threads across cores, each
thread performing unique operation
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Data and Task Parallelism
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Amdahl’s Law
Identifies performance gains from adding additional cores to an application that
has both serial and parallel components
S is serial portion
N processing cores
That is, if application is 75% parallel / 25% serial, moving from 1 to 2 cores
results in speedup of 1.6 times
As N approaches infinity, speedup approaches 1 / S
But does the law take into account contemporary multicore systems?
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Amdahl’s Law
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User Threads and Kernel Threads
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User and Kernel Threads
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Multithreading Models
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Each user-level thread maps to kernel thread
Creating a user-level thread creates a kernel thread
More concurrency than many-to-one
Number of threads per process sometimes
restricted due to overhead
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Many-to-Many Model
Allows many user level threads to be
mapped to many kernel threads
Allows the operating system to create
a sufficient number of kernel threads
Windows with the ThreadFiber
Otherwise not very common
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Two-level Model
Similar to M:M, except that it allows a user thread to be
bound to kernel thread
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Thread Libraries
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Pthreads Example
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Pthreads Example (cont)
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Pthreads Code for Joining 10 Threads
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Windows Multithreaded C Program
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Windows Multithreaded C Program (Cont.)
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Java Threads
Java threads are managed by the JVM
Typically implemented using the threads model provided by underlying OS
Java threads may be created by:
Extending Thread class
Implementing the Runnable interface
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Java Threads
Implementing Runnable interface:
Creating a thread:
Waiting on a thread:
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Java Executor Framework
Rather than explicitly creating threads, Java also allows thread creation
around the Executor interface:
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Java Executor Framework
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Java Executor Framework (cont)
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Implicit Threading
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Thread Pools
Create a number of threads in a pool where they await work
Usually slightly faster to service a request with an existing
thread than create a new thread
Allows the number of threads in the application(s) to be
bound to the size of the pool
Separating task to be performed from mechanics of
creating task allows different strategies for running task
i.e.Tasks could be scheduled to run periodically
Windows API supports thread pools:
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Java Thread Pools
Three factory methods for creating thread pools in Executors class:
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Java Thread Pools (cont)
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Fork-Join Parallelism
Multiple threads (tasks) are forked, and then joined.
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Fork-Join Parallelism
General algorithm for fork-join strategy:
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Fork-Join Parallelism
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Fork-Join Parallelism in Java
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Fork-Join Parallelism in Java
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Fork-Join Parallelism in Java
The ForkJoinTask is an abstract base class
RecursiveTask and RecursiveAction classes extend ForkJoinTask
RecursiveTask returns a result (via the return value from the compute()
RecursiveAction does not return a result
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Set of compiler directives and an
Provides support for parallel
programming in shared-memory
Identifies parallel regions –
blocks of code that can run in
#pragma omp parallel
Create as many threads as there are
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Run the for loop in parallel
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Grand Central Dispatch
ˆ{ printf("I am a block"); }
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Grand Central Dispatch
Two types of dispatch queues:
serial – blocks removed in FIFO order, queue is per process,
called main queue
Programmers can create additional serial queues within
concurrent – removed in FIFO order but several may be
removed at a time
Four system wide queues divided by quality of service:
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Grand Central Dispatch
For the Swift language a task is defined as a closure – similar to a block,
minus the caret
Closures are submitted to the queue using the dispatch_async()
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Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
Template library for designing parallel C++ programs
A serial version of a simple for loop
The same for loop written using TBB with parallel_for statement:
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Threading Issues
Semantics of fork() and exec() system calls
Signal handling
Synchronous and asynchronous
Thread cancellation of target thread
Asynchronous or deferred
Thread-local storage
Scheduler Activations
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Semantics of fork() and exec()
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Signal Handling
Signals are used in UNIX systems to notify a process that a
particular event has occurred.
A signal handler is used to process signals
1. Signal is generated by particular event
2. Signal is delivered to a process
3. Signal is handled by one of two signal handlers:
1. default
2. user-defined
Every signal has default handler that kernel runs when
handling signal
User-defined signal handler can override default
For single-threaded, signal delivered to process
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Signal Handling (Cont.)
Where should a signal be delivered for multi-threaded?
Deliver the signal to the thread to which the signal
Deliver the signal to every thread in the process
Deliver the signal to certain threads in the process
Assign a specific thread to receive all signals for the
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Thread Cancellation
Terminating a thread before it has finished
Thread to be canceled is target thread
Two general approaches:
Asynchronous cancellation terminates the target thread
Deferred cancellation allows the target thread to periodically
check if it should be cancelled
Pthread code to create and cancel a thread:
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Thread Cancellation (Cont.)
Invoking thread cancellation requests cancellation, but actual
cancellation depends on thread state
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Thread Cancellation in Java
Deferred cancellation uses the interrupt() method, which sets the
interrupted status of a thread.
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Thread-Local Storage
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Scheduler Activations
Both M:M and Two-level models require
communication to maintain the appropriate
number of kernel threads allocated to the
Typically use an intermediate data structure
between user and kernel threads – lightweight
process (LWP)
Appears to be a virtual processor on which
process can schedule user thread to run
Each LWP attached to kernel thread
How many LWPs to create?
Scheduler activations provide upcalls - a
communication mechanism from the kernel to
the upcall handler in the thread library
This communication allows an application to
maintain the correct number kernel threads
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Operating System Examples
Windows Threads
Linux Threads
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Windows Threads
Windows API – primary API for Windows applications
Implements the one-to-one mapping, kernel-level
Each thread contains
A thread id
Register set representing state of processor
Separate user and kernel stacks for when thread runs in
user mode or kernel mode
Private data storage area used by run-time libraries and
dynamic link libraries (DLLs)
The register set, stacks, and private storage area are known as
the context of the thread
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Windows Threads (Cont.)
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Windows Threads Data Structures
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Linux Threads
Linux refers to them as tasks rather than threads
Thread creation is done through clone() system call
clone() allows a child task to share the address space of the
parent task (process)
Flags control behavior
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End of Chapter 4
Operating System Concepts – 10th Edition Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne ©2018