I-PPT - I-Fundamentals-1-31-2020
I-PPT - I-Fundamentals-1-31-2020
I-PPT - I-Fundamentals-1-31-2020
A- Information
Systems in Nursing
History and Evolution of Nursing Informatics
• 1. Trace the evolution of nursing informatics from concept to specialty practice.
• 2. Relate nursing informatics metastructures, concepts, and tools to the
knowledge work of nursing.
• 3. Explore the quest for consistent terminology in nursing and describe
terminology approaches that accurately capture and codify the contributions of
nursing to healthcare.
• 4. Explore the concept of nurses as knowledge workers.
• 5. Explore how nurses can create and derive clinical knowledge from
information systems.
What Is Nursing Informatics?
•Nursing science
•Information science
•Computer science
•Cognitive science
Nursing Science and Informatics
• What is nursing informatics?
• One widely accepted is that it is a combination of nursing
science, information science, and computer science (and we
add cognitive science).
• Nursing science as a building block of nursing informatics
• One of the most frequently quoted and widely accepted
definitions of nursing informatics is that it is a
combination of nursing science, information science, and
computer science.
Use of Knowledge
• Individuals have an amazing ability to manage
knowledge. This ability is learned and honed
from birth.
• We experience our environment and learn by
acquiring, processing, generating, and
disseminating knowledge
Nursing and Knowledge (1 of 2)
• Nurses are:
• Knowledge workers
• Working with information and generating information and
knowledge as a product
• Knowledge acquirers
• Providing convenient and efficient means of capturing and
storing knowledge
• Knowledge users
• Benefiting from valuable, viable knowledge
Nursing and Knowledge (2 of 2)
• Nurses are (cont’d):
• Knowledge engineers
• Designing, developing, implementing, and maintaining knowledge
• Knowledge managers
• Capturing and processing collective expertise and distributing it
where it can create the largest benefit
• Knowledge developers or generators
• Changing and evolving knowledge based on the tasks at hand and
information available
Information Science
• The science of information
• Study of the application and use of information
and knowledge in organizations and the
interfacings or interaction between people,
organizations, and information systems
• Information science enables the processing of
Information Processing
•Information science and computational
tools are extremely important in
enabling the processing of data,
information, and knowledge in health
Information System
• Combinations of hardware, software, and telecommunications
networks that people build and use to collect, create, and distribute
useful data, typically in organizational settings
• Acquires data or inputs
• Processes data that consist of the retrieval, analysis, and/or synthesis of
• Disseminates or outputs in the form of reports, documents, summaries,
alerts, prompts, and/or outcomes
• Can disseminate, provide feedback, and adjust the data and
information based on these dynamic processes
Computer Science
• Learning Objectives:
• 1. Describe the essential components of computer systems including
hardware and software.
• 2. Appreciate the rapid evolution of computer systems and the benefit of
keeping up to date with current trends and developments.
• 3. Analyze how computer systems function as tools for managing
information and generating knowledge.
• 4. Define the concept of human–technology interfaces.
• 5. Assess how computers can support collaboration and information
Introduction to Cognitive Science
• Learning Objectives:
• 1. Describe cognitive science.
• 2. Assess how our minds process and generate information
and knowledge.
• 3. Explore cognitive informatics.
• 4. Examine artificial intelligence (AI) and its relationship to
cognitive science and computer science.
Cognitive Science
• Interdisciplinary field that studies the mind,
intelligence, and behavior from an information
processing perspective
• Provides the scaffolding for the analysis and modeling
of complicated, multifaceted human performance
• Has tremendous effect on issues impacting informatics
• End user is the focus; in nursing, the end user could be
clinician providing patient care.
Cognitive Informatics (CI)
• According to Wang (2003), CI is an emerging
transdisciplinary field that attempts to bridge the gap of
understanding how information is processed in the
mind and in the computer.
• Computing and informatics theories can be applied to
help understand the information processing of the brain
• Cognitive and neurologic sciences can be applied to
build more efficient computer processing systems.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• AI deals with the conception, development, and
implementation of informatics tools based on
intelligent technologies.
• It attempts to capture the complex processes of
human thought and intelligence.
• Nurses must use their wisdom and make informed,
judicious, prudent, and intelligent decisions while
enacting care.
• Cognitive science, cognitive informatics, and artificial
intelligence will continue to evolve to help us build
knowledge and wisdom.
Nursing Informatics as a Specialty
• Learning Objectives:
• Describe the nursing informatics specialty.
• Explore the scope and standards of nursing informatics practice.
• Assess the evolving roles and competencies of nursing informatics
• Appreciate the future of nursing informatics in our rich, technology
laden healthcare environments.
Legislative Aspects of Nursing Informatics:
• Learning Objectives:
• Explore HIPAA legislation.
• Describe the purposes of the Health Information Technology for
Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009.
• Explore how the HITECH Act is enhancing the security and privacy
protections of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) of 1996.
Optional: Precare and Care Support
• Systems Development Life Cycle: Nursing Informatics and Organizational
Decision Making
• Learning Objectives:
• Describe the system development life cycle (SDLC).
• Explore select approaches to SDLC.
• Assess interoperability and its importance in addressing and meeting the
challenges of implementing the HITECH Act in health care.
• Reflect on the past to move forward into the future to determine how
new systems will be developed, integrated and interoperable in health
Administrative Information Systems
• Learning Objectives:
• 1. Explore agency-based health information systems.
• 2. Evaluate how administrators use core business systems in their
• 3. Assess the function and clinical information output from selected
information systems used in healthcare organizations.
Information systems commonly used in
healthcare facilities:
• Clinical Information System (CIS)
• Financial Information System (FIS)
• Laboratory Information System (LIS)
• Nursing Information Systems (NIS)
• Pharmacy Information System (PIS)
• Picture Archiving Communication System (PACS)
• Radiology Information System (RIS)
• Databases
• An organized collection of related data
• The possibility of finding data depends on four factors
• Indexing and organizational schemes
• Size and complexity of the database
• Type of data within the database
• Database search methodology
Database Management System (DBMS)
• Analytics
• Process for making decisions using available
• One can use spreadsheets or tools designed for
large datasets
• Dashboards
• Process and present data in a visual layout
Data Quality
• Learning Objectives:
• 1. Define health literacy and e-health.
• 2. Explore various technology-based approaches to consumer health
• 3. Identify barriers to use of technology and issues associated with
health-related consumer information.
• 4. Imagine future approaches to technology supported consumer
health information