Formulation of Sales Program

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Road Map : Previewing the
‡ Planning and sales
‡ Need for planning
‡ Levels of planning
‡ Role of sales managers as planners
‡ Sales management planning
Planning the Sales function
‡ Setting up the objectives to get the desired
‡ Making Decisions today to create a better
tomorrow .
Need for planning
‡ Recruitment / Selection problems- Under hiring,
over hiring or firing
‡ Improve Morale
‡ Provides direction and focus for organizational
‡ Develop Individuals and Collective standards
‡ Dealing with flexibility with unestimated
Levels of planning
v   c 
a) Strategic CEO, Board of Company Mission
management Directors, president ,Goals,Objectives,Prim
ary Strategies,Overall
b) Tactical Planning General sales Departmental , yearly
manager,Director of and quarterly plans,
Marketing Research policies, procedures.
c) Monthly and weekly Regional sales Branch plans and
planning managers budgets
d) Daily Planning Sales supervisors and Unit Plans and
sales representatives Budgets
Role of sales managers as
planners- Steps in sales
‡ Goals and Objectives
‡ Management By Objectives
‡ Policies and procedures
‡ Strategies and Tactics
‡ Controls
The Sales Management Planning
Analyze the Develop Allocate
situation Detailed Necessary
Activity Resources
Set Goals
and Select
Objectives Strategies

market Forecast Control of
potential Sales The plan
Ansoff¶s Growth model

    Market Products
penetration Development

    Market Diversification

In basket exercise
‡ You are a sales manager for a consumer goods
Company that has just launched a new
product.Although all the staff members are
extremely excited about its potential, after only a
few months in the market , the product is
generating disappointing responses from the
buyers.One of your sales person recently heard a
major wholesaler,serving over 500 supermarkets
say ³we¶ve had this product three months and its
not moving , so we¶re going to yank it from the

Road Map : Reviewing the
‡ Planning and sales
‡ Need for planning
‡ Levels of planning
‡ Role of sales managers as planners
‡ Sales management planning

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