Presentation Final
Presentation Final
Presentation Final
Submitted to
University of Mindanao
In Partial Fulfillment
Submitted by:
November 2009
Approval Sheet
This technical paper entitled “Ingrees and Egress of the Fifty Thousand
Worshippers at the Kingdome at Any Specific Time”, prepared and submitted by Engr.
Nestor V. Obciana, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master in Civil
Engineering, has been examined and is hereby recommended for acceptance and approval.
Appproved by the Panel of Examiners with a grade of PASSED.
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master in Civil
Travel distances
10. Horizontal Loading on Handrails, NBTC Tech. Rec 514, Nat. Tech. Centre, New
South Wales.
11. Goldaber, Irving.Stop Violence Before It Begins. Auditorium News, Oct. 1983,
pp. 8,9.
12. Lathrop, James – Life safety Code Handbook. Nat/ Fire Protection Assoc. 1991,
1038 pp.