Kokology: A Game of Self-Discovery
Kokology: A Game of Self-Discovery
Kokology: A Game of Self-Discovery
A. Stripes
You favor a direct and clear-cut approach, making
you a keen decision maker able to resolve
problems and put plans into action instantly. It’s
only natural that people perceive you as a leader
and a pillar of strength in difficult times.
Key to a Plain White Mug
B. Polka dots
Your strength lies in the adaptive, artistic nature of
your mind. This may make you appear to be a little
offbeat, perhaps even eccentric to some, but you
make a real contribution to the world as a creator
with a unique vision.
Key to a Plain White Mug
C. Checkers
You excel at mastering the demands of the
everyday, but in no way does that make you
average or ordinary. Few people are able to
organize their lives with such quiet efficiency. And
the result of your efforts is that you always seem
to have the time, wealth, and compassion to share
with those in need.
Key to a Plain White Mug
D. Wavy lines
The way you envision the scene out your hotel room
window is your vision of the ideal relationship between
two loving partners and shows the things you seek
most from love.
Key to the “Where the Sky Meets the Sea”
You don’t mind that the world is out to get you but
only because it’s so fun to watch. You view your
fate with the kind of resigned bemusement and
never pass up the chance for a laugh, even at your
own expense.
Key to the “Happy Landings”
D. Flowing river
You are neither pessimist nor optimist but take things as they
come and deal with problems as they arise.
B.” I don’t know how long it’s going to keep raining, so I’d run
to where I’m going as fast as I could.”
A. “I’d find an awning or tree to stand under and wait for the
rain to stop.”
You're the type who waits for the other side in a fight to cool
off before trying to settle your differences. You prefer to let
them rant and rave until they run out of steam.
Some would say this is the intelligent approach, others would
say it's just sneaky.
Paintings in the Museum
Every once a while it's nice to have a break from your busy
schedule and to see new things, to get out of daily routine.
Imagine yourself in a museum, you standing in front of a
painting. Hands clasped behind your back as you try to take
it in, when a total stranger comes up and says something to
Paintings in the Museum
You're the type who likes to feel out the other person's
temperament before committing yourself to anything.
People can sense that hesitancy, and it may color their
reactions to you. You won't step on any toes with your
cautious approach, but you may end up living on other
people's terms.
Key to the “Paintings in the Museum”
To half the world you seem like an all right sort, but to
the other half you look just a little strange. You create a
first impression of living life at your own pace and
maintaining an individuality that some would call
eccentric. You don't place much importance on what
others may be thinking or feeling. For better or worse,
therein lies the secret to you.
Key to the “Paintings in the Museum”
A. Violin
B. String Bass
C. Trumpet
There's no getting around it - your mouth is the
strongest weapon in your arsenal. Whether it's
whispering love talk in your partner's ear or exploring
them with your lips, you have all the characteristics of
the oral personality.
Key to “A Night at the Symphony”
D. Flute