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Kokology: A Game of Self-Discovery

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kokology \ kô kôl´ ôjê \ n [Japanese, - kokoro, mind,

spirit, feelings + Greek, -logia, the study of]
1. A popular term for the interpretation of the hidden
meanings of human behavior and situational responses
2. A series of fun games that tries to uncover emotional
and behavioral traits of the players
Plain White Mug

A plain white mug that you will design sits

ready for the kiln (oven) and is staring at you in
blank anticipation.
You have chosen to use blue glaze.
Now, if only you could decide on the pattern.
Plain White Mug

Which of the follow patterns do you paint on the white

A. blue stripes
B. blue polka dots
C. blue checkers
D. blue wavy lines
Key to A Plain White Mug

Blue is the color most deeply associated with the

inner working of the mind, from imagination to
intuition to intellect.
The white surface of your coffee mug provides a
blank slate and gives your mind free rein to express
itself in the most comfortable, natural way.
In this sense, the pattern you selected reflects the
structure and strengths of your mind in its approach
to creativity and problem solving.
Key to a Plain White Mug

A. Stripes
You favor a direct and clear-cut approach, making
you a keen decision maker able to resolve
problems and put plans into action instantly. It’s
only natural that people perceive you as a leader
and a pillar of strength in difficult times.
Key to a Plain White Mug

B. Polka dots
Your strength lies in the adaptive, artistic nature of
your mind. This may make you appear to be a little
offbeat, perhaps even eccentric to some, but you
make a real contribution to the world as a creator
with a unique vision.
Key to a Plain White Mug

C. Checkers
You excel at mastering the demands of the
everyday, but in no way does that make you
average or ordinary. Few people are able to
organize their lives with such quiet efficiency. And
the result of your efforts is that you always seem
to have the time, wealth, and compassion to share
with those in need.
Key to a Plain White Mug

D. Wavy lines

Your gift is in generating an atmosphere in which

it’s easy and comfortable to feel and express love.
It’s not that you crave attention or affection, but
people just naturally feel good about taking care
of and supporting you. And all that goodwill has a
ripple effect, touching the lives of those around
you in subtle ways. Ask the people who know and
love you – the world is a better place for your
being there.
Where the Sky Meets the Sea

You are staying at a resort with an ocean view.

Lying on your bed, you gaze out of a huge bay
window across the cool blue water and lulled by
the scene, you drift off to sleep.
Where the Sky Meets the Sea

Which of the following views greets you when you

A. The bright midday sun burning over the sea
B. The dark ocean sleeping beneath a starry
night sky
C. A cool mist rolling in over the ocean
D. The sun just beginning to sink beneath the
horizon at dusk (sunset)
Key to the “Where the Sky Meets the

In myths and ancient religions from around the world,

the sea and the sky are pictured as an eternal couple,
forever holding each other in a loving embrace.

The way you envision the scene out your hotel room
window is your vision of the ideal relationship between
two loving partners and shows the things you seek
most from love.
Key to the “Where the Sky Meets the Sea”

B. The dark ocean sleeping beneath a starry night sky

Others may think you are a little old-fashioned, but

you place the greatest emphasis on things like
commitment and faithful devotion in a relationship.
Your love affairs may not set the sky ablaze, but they
will never cause you any sleepless nights, either. And
when other loves have clouded over or burst into
flames, you will still be enjoying those nights of
untroubled sleep- together.
Key to the “Where the Sky Meets the Sea”

C. A cool mist rolling in over the ocean

The line between friendship and love is blurred for

you. The two inevitably flow into each other.
Your perfect relationship is with someone you can
tell your secrets to, share laughter and tears with,
and just relax and be yourself around.
You refuse to believe that your lover can’t also be
your best friend.
Key to the “Where the Sky Meets the Sea”

D. The sun just beginning to sink beneath the horizon at

dusk (sunset)

You seek a storybook romance that inspires the world

with its picture-postcard perfection. Everything has to
be just right, from the meeting to the first kiss, to the
place settings at the wedding, to the house with the
white picket fence. True love is a once-in-a-lifetime
experience, and you see no reason to settle for less
than the very best.
Key to the “Where the Sky Meets the Sea”

A. Bright midday sun burning over the sea

Passionate excitement and intensity are

essential to your ideal romance. For you, love
isn’t love if it doesn’t burn like a fire, and if that
means added danger, it always proves worth
the risks in the end.
Happy Landings

You are in mid-descent, floating slowly earthward

under the canopy of your open parachute.

Describe the view as you look down. Which of the

following views greets you?
Happy Landings

A. Field of grass and flowers

B. Craggy, rough and rocky landscape
C. Wild animals waiting with open jaws
D. Flowing river
Key to the “Happy Landings”

They say that the fall doesn’t kill you, just

the landing. And the image of the landing
that awaits you shows your general
attitude and expectations about what the
world holds and has in store for you.
The scene you selected reveals your level
of optimism (or pessimism) toward life.
Key to the “Happy Landings”

C. Wild animals waiting with open jaws

You don’t mind that the world is out to get you but
only because it’s so fun to watch. You view your
fate with the kind of resigned bemusement and
never pass up the chance for a laugh, even at your
own expense.
Key to the “Happy Landings”
D. Flowing river

You are neither pessimist nor optimist but take things as they
come and deal with problems as they arise.

You recognize that no one knows enough about the future to

decide whether it will be “good” or “bad,” and besides, you’ve
got enough things to concern yourself with right here in the

Specifically, like whether or not to aim for the riverbank to

reduce the risk of drowning or angle toward the deepest part to
soften the crunch of the impact.
Key to the “Happy Landings”

A. Field of grass and flowers

You are the eternal optimist. You can probably smell

the flowers from eight thousand feet and were
pleased to note that the grass was growing
especially thick to cushion your fall.
At this altitude, life is beautiful. Just don’t get so
engrossed in the view that you forget to touch down
and roll.
Key to the “Happy Landings”

B. Craggy, rough and rocky landscape

You think Murphy was an optimist. When nothing

can go wrong, it will anyway. Well, at least your
parachute hasn’t gotten tangled… yet.

You should try looking more on the bright side of

things. After all, right now you’re on top of the
world. The only place to go is … down.
Caught in the Rain

Not everything in life is predictable. We're always

getting hit by surprises, emergencies, and unforeseen
disasters without any chance to prepare ourselves
Caught in the Rain

You are walking outside when a hard rain suddenly

begins to fall. Even if you run full speed, you're still
about five minutes from your destination.

Which of the following would be your choice?

Caught in the Rain

A.“I’d find an awning or tree to stand under and

wait for the rain to stop.”
B. “I don’t know how long it’s going to keep raining,
so I’d run to where I’m going as fast as I could.”
C. “I’d see if there was anybody around with an
umbrella I could share or a store where I could
buy one.”
D.“I always have a folding umbrella in my bag when
I go out, so I’d just use that.”
Key to the “Caught in the Rain”

The rainstorm represents unforeseeable and

uncontrollable forces in life.

Specifically, your answer shows how you tend to react

when a fight breaks out between you and a loved one
or friend.
Key to the “Caught in the Rain”

D. “I always have a folding umbrella in my bag when I go

out, so I’d just use that.”

You think you have an answer for every accusation, a

justification for every fault. To you, an argument may be
just a chance to hone your skills at debate, but to others
you seem slippery, frustrating and insincere. But of
course you probably have a good explanation for that,
Key to the “Caught in the Rain”

C. “I’d see if there was anybody around with an umbrella I

could share or a store where I could buy one.”

You don't like conflicts and confrontations, so you try to

smooth things over and calm the other person down
whenever a fight breaks out. Unfortunately, sometimes it
makes things only worse. It is important for you to make a
stand once in a while.
Key to the “Caught in the Rain”

B.” I don’t know how long it’s going to keep raining, so I’d run
to where I’m going as fast as I could.”

You don't care about the end result of a fight so much as

getting to speak your mind. You're sure you're right. The
concept of give-and-take doesn't figure into your tactics. If
they get angry, you get angrier.
Key to the “Caught in the Rain”

A. “I’d find an awning or tree to stand under and wait for the
rain to stop.”

You're the type who waits for the other side in a fight to cool
off before trying to settle your differences. You prefer to let
them rant and rave until they run out of steam.
Some would say this is the intelligent approach, others would
say it's just sneaky.
Paintings in the Museum

Every once a while it's nice to have a break from your busy
schedule and to see new things, to get out of daily routine.
Imagine yourself in a museum, you standing in front of a
painting. Hands clasped behind your back as you try to take
it in, when a total stranger comes up and says something to
Paintings in the Museum

Which of the following does the stranger say?

A. "Isn't that a beautiful painting?”

B. "What do you think of this painting?”

C. "Excuse me, do you have the time?”

D. "You know, I happen to be a painter myself.”

Key to the “Paintings in the Museum”

When a stranger suddenly speaks to you, there's

always a momentary mix of apprehension and

In this scenario the words the stranger spoke actually

reflect how you react in chance encounters and when
meeting others for the first time.
Key to the “Paintings in the Museum”

B. “What do you think of this painting?"

You're the type who likes to feel out the other person's
temperament before committing yourself to anything.
People can sense that hesitancy, and it may color their
reactions to you. You won't step on any toes with your
cautious approach, but you may end up living on other
people's terms.
Key to the “Paintings in the Museum”

C. "Excuse me, do you have the time?"

To half the world you seem like an all right sort, but to
the other half you look just a little strange. You create a
first impression of living life at your own pace and
maintaining an individuality that some would call
eccentric. You don't place much importance on what
others may be thinking or feeling. For better or worse,
therein lies the secret to you.
Key to the “Paintings in the Museum”

D. "You know, I happen to be a painter myself.”

On first meeting someone, you come across as a little bit

nervous and overeager. Maybe you're just trying too
hard to be liked, but the harder you try, the worse an
impression you make. Don't worry so much about
making people think you're great. They'll like you better
if you just loosen up and relax.
Key to the “Paintings in the Museum”

A. "Isn't that a beautiful painting?"

Your friendly and positive nature creates a great first

impression on almost everyone you meet. You’re concern
though is that people may not take you seriously at first.
A Night At The Symphony

There's something magical about a night at the symphony - a

sense of expectation and pure pleasure. Imagine being able
to take a place on that stage among the other musicians, a
once-in-a-lifetime chance to perform at your very best.
If you could join the orchestra, what instrument do you see
yourself playing?
A Night At The Symphony

A. Violin  B. String Bass  C. Trumpet D. Flute

Key to “A Night at the Symphony”

Musical instruments are symbolic of members of the

opposite sex. The pairing of you and your instrument
shows how you perceive yourself in making the music
of love.
The instrument you chose gives insight into what you
think of as your strongest lovemaking technique.
Key to “A Night at the Symphony”

A. Violin

The violin demands sensitive finger work and a delicate

touch with the bow to draw forth music from the taut

You see yourself as having the same awareness and skill

in locating and playing upon your partners' most
sensitive points. There's a sense of adventure in the way
your hands can create such beautiful music by running
over the same familiar notes. 
Key to “A Night at the Symphony”

B. String Bass

There's a feeling of power gotten from taking position behind an

enormous bass and making it call out in a tremendous moan. In love,
your skill rests in the ability to bend your partner to your will, taking
complete control, and driving him/her onward to pleasure s/he has never
imagined s/he could experience. You never ask permission, but that
dominating character is what makes you so irresistible. 
Key to “A Night at the Symphony”

C. Trumpet
There's no getting around it - your mouth is the
strongest weapon in your arsenal. Whether it's
whispering love talk in your partner's ear or exploring
them with your lips, you have all the characteristics of
the oral personality. 
Key to “A Night at the Symphony”

D. Flute

The flute demand incredible patience from those who

want to master it. You show that same patience in the
way you wear down your partner with persistence,
determination, and stamina. Your lover is often taken off
guard when what s/he thought would be a brief recital
quickly develops into a full concerto in six movements.

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